BioA: Klune, Mr./Mrs. Joseph (Silver - 1954)
Surnames: Klune, LaBonte,
Krainz, Horvat, De Keyser, Tolaney, Thiel, Kaltinger
Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) (12 Aug 1954)
Mr./Mrs. Joseph (Silver - 10 AUG 1954)
On Saturday, Aug. 7, 1954, forty
relatives and friends held a surprise Silver Wedding celebration for Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Klune Sr. at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Thiel.
On Aug. 10, 1929, Mary Horvat and Joseph Klune were united
in marriage at St. Mary's Catholic Church at West Allis, Wis. They resided there
for fifteen years, coming to Greenwood in 1944, where they purchased the tavern
from Frank LaBonte, and which they are still operation.
They have two
sons, Joseph (Red) of Key West, Florida, and Edward, who has just returned from
Korea, a daughter Mrs. Bruce (Delores) Thiel, Greenwood, and a granddaughter,
Sandra Thiel.
Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Val Krainz and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Horvat and son, Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. John Horvat and family of
Willard; Mr. and Mrs. Ted De Keyser, Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tolaney
and family, Tioga; Mrs. Johanna Horvat, Mrs. Mamie Thiel, and Susan, Mr. and
Mrs. John Kaltinger, all of Greenwood; their three children and granddaughter.
After the party Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klune left with their son Joseph Jr.
(Red) for a trip to Key West, Fla., where they will visit a few days. They plan
to return by plane.