News: Unity, Wis. (17 Dec. 1896)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Vleu, Clark, Vogt, Haman, Cook, Perkins, Schultz, Purkiss, Nichols, Evenson, Frye, Bensimer, Salter, Johnson

----Source: Marshfield Times (Marshfield, Wood County, Wis.) 17 Dec. 1896

Unity - Dec. 17, 1896

The Unity schools were closed last week until after the Holidays, the reason being the sad ravages which diphtheria is playing in the midst of our little village. Two children have been called away from each of two families - the Vleu family, to which reference has previously been made in these columns, being one of them. Others in these families are also ill from the dread disease and a third family is affected. All these places are under the strictest quarantine, the Unity board of health doing all that is possible to keep the disease from spreading.

A Modern Woodmen lodge was organized here since the past writing. The following officers were elected: V. C., Dr. H. Clark; W. A., J. H. Vogt; Treas., O. C. Haman; Escort, Geo. S. Cook; watchman, E. G. Perkins; Sent., E. W. Schultz; board of managers, A. Cook, E. G. Purkiss. The Modern Woodmen have rented the I.O.O.F. hall in which they will hold their meetings.

E. L. Nichols has his pump shop completed and in connection with it has put in a small engine and feed grinder, and is now prepared to do feed grinding. Ed. is a hustler and without doubt will be successful in his undertakings.

The I.O.O.F. lodge elected the following officers at their first meeting this month: N. G. Nels Evenson, V.G., Jas. Frye, Treas., Jas. Bensimer, Secy., J. W. Salter.

J. P. Johnson, our wagon maker is kept busy this fall turning out sleighs for farmers and citizens. J. P. does fine work and gives general satisfaction.

Bills are out announcing a grand mask ball at Opera hall, Dec. 31st. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Come one and all.
