News: Colby, Wis. (25 Sept. 1958)

Contact: Stan Schwarze

Surnames: Wicker, Goddard, Tesmer, Rindfleisch, Sossaman, Umhoefer, Hasenorhl, Hiloski, Koznowski, Smith, Wiersig, Mullen, Martin, Dix, Wells, Borchert, Gries, Dessloch, Schrauf, Michlich, Schraufnagel, Schemmer, Allmann, Ewert, Blanchard, Carberry, Meisen, Baumgart

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark Co., Wis.) 09/25/1958

Coilby, Wis. - Sept. 25, 1958

George Wicker returned from the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goddard have moved to Marshfield.

Miss Jeanne Tesmer has enrolled in Carrol College in Waukesha.

Dale Rindfleisch has enrolled at Central State College in Stevens Point.

Dixie Sossaman was at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital several days for medical treatments.

Paul Umhoefer, Jr., has returned to La Crosse to continue his studies at Holy Cross Seminary.

Guests at the Peter Hasenohrl home this week are Bobby Hiloski, Jerry Koznowski and Al Smith of Dorr, Mich.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiersig and family and Sybil Mullen spent Sunday at the Roger Martin home at Park Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Dix spent several days in Neenah where they visited Mrs. Eva Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Dix.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Borchert and children of Mason City, Ia., spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Borchert.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gries of Sheboygan, formerly of Colby, are spending two weeks with relatives in Colby and Spencer.

Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Dessloch spent Saturday at Prairie du Chien with the former’s brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Eli Dessloch.

Mrs. Alvina Schrauf and Mrs. Anna Michlich of Richland Center visited several days with their brothers, Norbert and Leonard Schraufnagel.

Mrs. Anthony L. Schemmer is attending the 29th National Convention of the National Council of Catholic Women in St. Louis, Mo., this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allmann and daughter, Carol, of Bremerton, Wash., are visiting several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allmann.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ewert and infant son have returned to Madison after spending a month with Mrs. Ewert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Blanchard.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carberry, Mary and Helen of Lodi and Henry Meisen of Fond du Lac visited last week at the Herb Kanter, Harold Baumgart and Peter Hasenohrl homes.
