News: West Side (04 Jun 1925)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Merlak, Dimler, Arch, Francis, Buittner, Schirmer, Rahn, Martenson, Musich, Hally, Fields, Buker

----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) (04 Jun 1925)

Mr. Merlak hauled cheese for the Clover Leaf Factory Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Dimler called on his parents Wednesday afternoon on the way home from Greenwood.

Lou Dimler sheared sheep in the North Settlement Wednesday.

Mrs. L. Dimler called on Mrs. Arch Thursday morning.

Quite a few from around here attended the services in Greenwood on Decoration Day.

We were all sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Francis. Mr. Francis has the sympathy of all in his sorro.

Mrs. Joe Buittner and children called on Mrs. Lou Dimler Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Schirmer and son John drove to Greenwood Monday.

Mr. Rahn from near Spokeville was a caller at Lou Dimler's Sunday evening.

Joe Buittner attended church in Willard Sunday.

We all welcomed the little shower of rain we got Monday, as it was badly needed.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Dimler called at the Martenson home Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Musich and daughter of Willard visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schirmer, one day last week.

Fred Hally and Bert Fields were seen on our road Saturday.

Lou Dimler went to Fred Buker's Monday to shear sheep.
