News: Abbotsford, Wis. (19 Dec. 1935)

Contact: History Buffs

Surnames: Anderson, Archambo, Bernitt, Berry, Blake, Brown, Cendt, Chronquist, Copeland, Dallenbach, Dickenson, Dombrove, Eggebrecht, Fiebig, Folstad, Gelke, Greves, Gutner, Hanson, Hoffman, Horn, Illig, Ingersoll, Ireland, Jacobi, Keller, Loucks, Martin, Merwin, Meyer, Meyers, Nikolay, OelkePaynter, Randall, Remmel, Sorenson, Stange, Strebe, Terrio, Thomas, Untiedt, Wilbert, Yonker, Zahorka.

----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 19 Dec 1935

Abbotsford, Wis. - Dec. 19, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman and Miss Cornelia Greves, attended an Eastern Star meeting at Wausau, Monday evening.

Otto Untiedt spent Sunday and Monday at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Anderson visited the former’s brother, H. V. Anderson at Owen, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Paynter were at Marshfield, Saturday.

Mrs. Ralph Remmel of Wausau spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Merwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Horn of Oshkosh are spending two weeks vacation at the James Horn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer, town of Colby, and Mrs. Fred Dallenbach, town of Mayville, spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Meyer’s mother, Mrs. Peter Wilbert.

Mrs. Otis Meyers and Mrs. Lloyd Randall were Wausau callers Monday.

Miss Minnie Chronquist of Wausau spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. A. J. Folstad.

Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Loucks and children of Riverside visited her mother, Mrs. Emily Merwin Sunday.

Alex Ireland visited his daughter Mrs. Wm. Copeland, who is ill at Dorchester, Tuesday.

Beatrice Terrio was discharged from the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital Wednesday and is convalescing at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Royal Archambo and Mrs. Jake Nikolay and daughter Ann and son Alfred, visited Mrs. Nikolay’s mother, Mrs. Julius Illig at Rozellville, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stange and son John, Curtiss, visited at the Rudolph Yonker home, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blake visited at Wausau, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sorenson spent Sunday with friends at Marshfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Merwin and children and Fred Cendt of Wausau, spent Sunday at the George Cendt home.

John Thomas was a Medford caller, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gutner, Edgar, called at the W. Martin home, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mrs. Wm. Berry and Mrs. Mary Hanson were Marshfield callers, Tuesday.

Rudy Dombrove of Fenwood, visited at the Kenneth Ingersoll home, Tuesday.

Miss Rena Oelke was a Marshfield caller Monday.

Mrs. Erwin Eggebrecht, Mrs. Frank Bernitt and Miss Erma Jacobi, were Marshfield callers, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Zahorka of Horicon spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. H. W. Wepfer and family.

H. H. Fiebig and Herman Keller were Medford visitors, Monday.
