News: Abbotsford, Wis. (1 Oct. 1936)
Contact: History Buffs
Surnames: Anderson, Arndt, Beilke, Braun, Brown, Cendt, Christensen, Cook, Daellenbach, Daley, Dietsche, Dolan, Eggebrecht, Enman, Fenfenbreneer, Gierl, Grambo, Gray, Hanson, Hess, Hibbard, Hills, Ingersoll, Ireland, Johnston, Jolivette, Kattre, Keller, Kelsey, Klemke, Krone, Laabs, Lehman, Loucks, Ludwig, Lundahl, Marshall, Martin, McCabe, Merwin, Meyers, Miller, Mittlesteadt, Newhouse, Nikolay, Oelke, Olson, Otto, Peikert, Phaneuf, Raimer, Randall, Remmel, Rice, Riplinger, Roman, Schmidt, Stryk, Thomas, Treat, Trogen, Urghardt, Waterman, Whaples, Wing, Woempner
----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.) 10/01/1936
Abbotsford, Wis. - Oct. 1, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woempner and daughter Alice, and Raymond Newhouse, visited at the Fred Daellenbach home, Tuesday evening.
Miss Anna Lundahl who is employed at Ashland, spent a few days at the Henry Lundahl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gierl and daughter attended the shower of Miss Irene Christensen and Herbert Klemke at Athens, Monday evening.
M. Stryk, daughter Adeline and Fred Dietsche of Lublin, spent Monday evening at the Fred Dietsche Sr., home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hess of Adell, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Nikolay.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietsche and son Benj. spent Sunday at the Frank Dietsche home at Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Braun, son Douglas, and Mrs. Mary Hanson, visited Mrs. Carl Rice at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dolan and son, and Mrs. Clarence Dolan and children spent Sunday at the Leonard Urghardt home at Westboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jolivette and children spent Sunday at the Harris Jolivette home at Unity, Wis.
Leona Daellenbach and Justin Gray visited at the Harold Ludwig home at Stetsonville, Sunday.
Raymond Cendt returned to Camp Tomahawk, Sunday, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cendt.
Mrs. Emelie Merwin returned Sunday, after visiting at the Lemuel Loucks home at Riverside.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Merwin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Remmel at Wausau.
Morris Gierl spent the week-end at the Arthur Beilke home at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehman, son Edmund and daughter Esther and Miss Rose Roman of Athens, spent Sunday at the Robert Gierl home.
John Thomas and Mrs. M. Thomas left Wednesday for Mt. Vernon, Iowa, where they will visit Mrs. L. C. Cook.
Frank Fenfenbrener, Neenah, visited at the Joseph McCabe home, Wednesday.
John Thomas spent Sunday at the Al Trogen home at Chelsea.
Mrs. Wm. Marshall and children and Kathryn Laabs, Milwaukee, spent the week-end at the Joseph McCabe home.
Miss Janet Johnston of Eau Claire, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. B. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kelsey and R. H. Treat spent the week-end at Turtle Dam.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krone, Minneapolis, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Phaneuf, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Anderson and Mrs. Lester Kattre returned from Vesper Monday where they visited at the Wm. Waterman home.
Ben Wing, Marshfield spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wing.
Mrs. Lottie Enman, Wausau, spent Saturday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCabe.
Mrs. Anna Olson spent Friday with her father, Frank Peikert at Stetsonville (Taylor Co., Wis.)
Mrs. Earl Whaples, Owen, visited her mother, Mrs. Florence Arndt, Tuesday.
The Misses Helen Ingersoll and Avis Phaneuf were Marshfield callers, Saturday.
Rollie Keller and son Ralph were Marshfield callers, Monday.
Miss Nettie Miller, Redville, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller.
Mrs. Otis Meyers, Hatfield, arrived Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mittlesteadt.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ireland spent the week-end visiting at the Earl Hibbard home at Knowlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and family spent the week-end at the George Raimer home at Ixonia.
Lloyd Randall, Green Bay, spent the week-end at the Wm. Daley home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Getz, Riplinger, visited at the Kenneth Ingersoll home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brown and family of Unity spent Sunday with her father, Frank Schmidt.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Grambo, Marshfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eggebrecht and son, visited the construction of a dam near Dancy, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Otto, Osseo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Randall and daughter Paula Ann, spent Sunday at the Henry Randall home at Owen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Oelke and family of Medford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oelke, Dorchester (Wis.), visited at the Gust Oelke home, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dolan, Milwaukee, are visiting at the Peter Dolan home.