BioA: Pudlas, Mr./Mrs. Fred (50th - 1959)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Pudlas, Stone, Peterson, Buchanan, Kallio

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark Co., Wis.) 01/08/1959

Pudlas, Mr./Mrs. Fred (50th Anniv. - Jan. 1959)

A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the open house at the parish hall given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pudlas to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. About 70 relatives were served dinner by the Ev. Lutheran Ladies’ Aid at noon after which a short program was presented. Rev. James Stone was the speaker. Refreshments were served from a table beautifully decorated with yellow chrysanthemums and a wedding cake. Mrs. Henry Peterson and Mrs. Floyd Buchanan poured. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pudlas were presented a large number of gifts and money. Their daughters, Mrs. Alfred Thompson and Mrs. Tovio Kallio, were hostesses. The Pudlas family lived here all their married life.
