BioA: Micke, Anton & Mary (50th - 1948)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Micke, Vanderhyden, Benzschawel, Pritzl
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 09/30/1948
Micke, Anton & Mary (50th - 26 SEP 1948)
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Micke of Thorp (Clark Co., Wis.), celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 26th, 1948. Their marriage vows were renewed at 8:30 Saturday morning, Sept. 25th at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, Rev. A. M. Muckerheide officiated. The church was beautifully decorated with large baskets of autumn flowers. They were lead to the altar by two of their grandchildren, Ann Marie Vanderhyden and Jerry Micke, each carrying baskets of flowers.
The bride of fifty years wore a navy blue crepe dress with black accessories and a gold orchid corsage, she carried a gold rosary, a gift from one of her children. The groom wore a dark blue suit with a yellow rose boutonniere.
An open house reception was held at the American Legion Hall from two to four p.m., which was attended by 225 relatives and friends. A very appropriate program was given in the afternoon by the Friendly Neighbors Club, of which Mrs. Micke is a charter member. The program of readings, songs, a mock wedding, old time square dancing and musical numbers was enjoyed by all.
A buffet luncheon was served with Miss Lucille Benzschawel pouring the coffee, assisted by Miss Arnoldine Benzschawel, both girls are granddaughters of the jubilarians. They were attired in pale green and white formals.
A dinner was served at 6:30 to seventy-five immediate relatives. The table was beautifully decorated with gold and white tablecloths, a three tiered wedding cake and yellow tea roses, and pompoms.
Mr. and Mrs. Micke received many beautiful gifts of gold, a purse of money, beautiful flowers and many cards and telegrams from relatives, friends and neighbors.
Miss Mary Pritzl of Brillion was united in matrimony to Anton Micke, of Kaukauna at a little pioneer church of Casson. (the article continued on another page that I missed)