News: Abbotsford, Wis. (2 Sept. 1937)

Contact: History Buffs

----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark Co., Wis.)  09/02/1937

Abbotsford, Wis. - Sept. 2, 1937

Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Lord, of Rib Lake, visited at the Maxwell Jenks home, Sunday.

Mrs. R. H. Treat returned from Medford, Sunday, where she visited at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Broeren.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bates returned from Minneapolis, Saturday, where they visited at the R. H. Gardener and Lyle Clive homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Goldamer, daughters Audrey and Elayne and son Robert and Albert Goldamer returned from Fort Francis, Canada, Saturday where they visited Mrs. Mary Goldamer.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cornelius were Marshfield callers, Tuesday.

Miss Bernadine Moberg, Eau Claire, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moberg.

Miss Bernadine Moberg, Eau Claire, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moberg.

Miss Ruth Schilski returned to Milwaukee, Tuesday, after spending several days at the Elmer Leichtnam home.

Local Items

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hills and son Dale visited his mother, Mrs. Bertha Hills at Loyal, Sunday.

Miss Marion Kuehnast left Monday for Minneapolis, where she will visit her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nunke.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell La Belle and son, John, Marshfield, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dolan, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cendt and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cendt and children visited at the Fred Cendt home at Wausau, Sunday.

Miss Elta Mantor returned from a visit at Clintonville, Hortonville and Iola, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Peterson left Saturday for a trip through the Eastern states.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kuehnast and children, returned from Wausau, Monday, where they visisted her father.

Miss Emma Helmbach, Owen, spent Saturday, here with her mother.

Miss Alice Kramer left Thursday for Medford, where she will visit at the Iver Johnson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bitter and daughter Rosemary, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Van Gorder and daughter Joyce, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Selzer at Chippewa Falls, Friday.

Mrs. H. Waymouth and daughter of Pewaukee and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rekaman, Curtiss, visited Mrs. Bertha Fink, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waldhart and family, Stetsonville, visited at the Harvey Bitter home, Monday.

Mrs. Bertha Fink and daughter Goldine, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raatz and family, Stetsonville, visited at the Arthur Downs home at Dorchester, Sunday.
