News: Humbird (31 Dec 1970)

Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Surnames: Stuve, Markham, Sieg, Blom, Dignin, Joos, Newton, Jahn, Gorst, Colewell, Mayer, Laufenburg, Kaiser, Rayhorn, Genteman, Kirby, Senske, Sheffer, Noyes, Bailey, Staffon, Greub, Trachsel, Johnson, Zuehlke, Kenneburg, Newman, Nelson, Fitzmaurice, Raymond, Gerber, Stanley, Zerbel, Kaufman, Duerkop, Bobb, Printz, Byrns, Smith, Potvin, Patterson, Denk, Austin, Clouse, Laffe, Aeschbacher, Hein, Field, Wold

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co, WI) 12/31/1970

Humbird (31 December 1970)

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stuve were Christmas supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Markham.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sieg and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Blom of Price and Mr and Mrs. Cullen Dignin were guests of Mrs. Laura Dignin at a Christmas Eve supper and for the evening.

Christmas Eve supper guests at the Thane Joos home in rural Alma Center were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joos and family of Monroe and Mrs. Maude Newton.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sieg of Alma Center have moved into the Elsie Jahn home which they recently bought. They plan to remodel.

Mrs. Harriette Gorst was an overnight guest Thursday and spent Christmas Day with her daughter and family Mr and Mrs. Glen Colewell, near Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mayer and Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mayer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Laufenburg and family of Alma Center, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaiser and family of Loyal and Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Rayhorn and son were dinner guests Christmas Day of Mr. and Mrs. William Genteman, Jr., of Loyal. There were 44 present. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mayer have 33 grandchildren.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kirby were guests Christmas Day of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Senske, in St. Paul.

Walter Sheffer was taken to the hospital in Black River Falls Saturday morning quite ill. At this writing he is some better.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Noyes and Beverly of Eau Claire were dinner guests Christmas Day at the Chester Bailey home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Staffon of Monroe spent a couple of days last week at the John Greub home.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Trachsel and family of Rochester, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trachsel and children spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Millie Trachsel.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Senske and family of New Ulm, Minn., were weekend guests of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kirby.

Mr and Mrs. Louis Greub of River Falls spent Sunday afternoon and evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Greub.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and family were recent dinner guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Zuehlke of Loyal, in honor of his birthday.

Mrs. Mae Kenneburg is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Newman, in Unity and her son, Kenneth Kenneburg, in Loyal.

Mr. and Mrs. Thane Joos, David, Karen and Janice of Alma Center, and Mrs. Helene Nelson of Eau Claire spent Christmas Day at the Newton home.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fitzmaurice and Mildred spent Christmas Day with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fitzmaurice, in Augusta.

Al Raymond was home for the Christmas holidays but was to re-enter the hospital Wednesday for further observation and treatment.

Mrs. Emma Gerber was an overnight guest Christmas Eve at the Willard Stanley home.

Mrs. Freida Zerbel spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. La Vern Kaufman, in rural Fairchild. Herman Zerbel of Owen also was a guest.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Duerkop and family were dinner guests Saturday at the Elmer Duerkop home.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bobb and Mr. and Mrs. Art Duerkop of Eau Claire and Connie Printz, a University student in Eau Claire, were home for Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Iola Printz, and their brother, Alan. All were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Byrns of rural Black River Falls.

Mrs. Matie Smith spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dennis Potvin and family in St. Paul.

Dr. Gaylord Stanley and family of Beresford, S. D., are spending the holidays with her parents in Black River Falls and with his brother, Postmaster Willard Stanley. Monday they were supper guests of his aunt, Mrs. Emma Gerber.

Miss Rena Patterson of Beloit is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson.

Mrs. Edith Smith left Sunday for a visit at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Denk, in Decorah, Ia.

Mrs. Laura Dignin and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Austin and family of Beloit were Christmas dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Blom at Price.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Clouse of Loyal were overnight guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laffe.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sieg and family of Hortonville were guests Christmas Eve of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Aeschbacher, and spent Christmas Day at the Rolla Sieg home in rural Fairchild.

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hein left Monday for their home in Chipita Park, Colo., after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hein. Sunday evening, Mr. Hein showed slides of Colorado scenery to a group in the Methodist Church.

Guests at the Hazel Field home in Black River Falls were Mrs. Wold and David and Ed Field of Black River Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Wold and Gordon and John of Disco, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laffe.
