Obit: Wolowik, Anton (1861 - 1949)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Wolowik, Norysewicz, Butek, Casey, Papierniak
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 10/20/1949
Wolowik, Anton (24 JUN 1861 - 10 OCT 1949)
Funeral services were conducted at St. Hedwig’s Church at ten o’clock Thursday morning, Oct. 13th for Anton Wolowik, who passed away at his home in the Town of Reseburg (Clark Co., Wis.) on Oct. 10, 1949. The Solemn Mass was sung by Rev. Kaim, assisted by Rev. Piekarski and Rev. Moczarny. Office of the dead, chanted by Rev. Cyprian Gmerek, O.F.M. He had reached the age of 88 years. He was born in Poland on June 24, 1861.
His wife, Mrs. Mary Wolowik, preceded him in death Dec. 24, 1947.
He is survived by four sons, William of Mayville, Wis., Walter of Milwaukee, Wis., Steve and Edward of Greenwood; four daughters, Mary (Mrs. Anton Norysewicz), Frances (Mrs. William Butek), of Thorp; Mrs. Harriet Casey of Cicero, Ill.; Helen (Mrs. Theo. Papierniak) of Thorp, and twelve grandchildren.
He was laid to rest beside his wife in St. Hedwig’s Cemetery with the following as pallbearers: Louis Zukowski, Carl Oniszcuk, John Romanowicz, Anton Lato, Felix Lato and Victor Zielinski.
Relatives from out of town who were here to attend the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. William Wolowik and daughters Joan and Susan, of Mayville, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolowik and son James, of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Harriet Casey and son Lee, of Cicero, Ill; Mrs. Sophie Paraffinic and son Edmond and Stanley of Pewaukee, Wis.