Obit: Foote, James #2 (1823 - 1905)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Foote

----Source: NEILLSVILLE TIMES (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 11/30/1905

Foote, James #2 (16 APR 1823 - 24 NOV 1905)

James Foote, one of Clark County’s oldest residents, passed away Friday last at the advance age of eighty-two years.

Mr. Foote was born in England. He removed to this country and settled in Ohio, later coming to make his home in Clark County on what is now known as the old Counsell farm, about three miles east of the city.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Rohrabaugh officiating. The services were largely attended. Burial took place in the city cemetery.

"Uncle Jim" Foote will be much missed from our streets. He was a familiar figure and a man of high standing in the community.
