Obit: Bedroske, Fred (1854 - 1940)

Contact: Stan  

Surnames: Bedroske, Ortwein, Muehler, Mueller, Parsons, Peterson, Schepper, Weber, Neubeuer, Luck, Bunton

----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark County, Wisconsin) 12/19/1940

Bedroske, Fred (2 Dec. 1854 - 15 Dec. 1940)

Funeral services were held Thursday, for Fred Bedroske, 86, at one o’clock at the home of his son, Paul, Rt. 2, Dorchester, and at two o’clock at Milan at St. John’s Evangelical Church of which the deceased was a charter member. The Rev. H. H. Ortwein officiated. Internment was made in the church cemetery at Milan.

The pallbearers were: Bruno Muehler, John Mueller, Martin Parson, Henry Peterson, Frank Schepper and John Weber.

Fred Bedroske was born Dec. 2, 1854 in West Prussia, Germany. He was united in marriage in Germany to Louise Neubeuer. After coming to America they lived in Milwaukee several years. More than fifty years ago they came to the vicinity of Milan and farmed. Seventeen years ago they retired from farming and made their home in Milan until four years ago.

Due to ill health Mr. Bedroske then went to live with his son Paul, Rt. 2, Dorchester, Wis. Two years ago he was taken to the hospital at the Marathon County home where he was a bed patient due to partial paralysis. He died there at 6:30 P.M. on Dec. 15.

Mr. Bedroske is survived by his widow who is making her home with her daughter, Augusta, in Tacoma, Washington; two sons, Otto, at Tacoma, Wash., and Paul, Dorchester, Rt. 2; four daughters, Augusta and Mrs. William Luck (Ella) at Tacoma, Mrs. Jack Bunton (Hannah) and Bertha at Chicago. Four grandchildren also survive.
