Obit: Karsten, Christian J. #3 (1875 - 1941)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Karsten, Brandt, Dallenbach, Stange, Johnson, Martin, Miller, Kraut, Herrmann, Bowen, Ebert, Horn, Stieck, Liebziet, Learman, Brown, Lulloff, Knifka, Hessel, Alverred, Otto
----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark County, Wisconsin) 06/05/1941
Karsten, Christian J. (12 Feb. 1875 - 2 June 1941)
Funeral services for Christian J. Karsten, age 66 years, who died Monday morning were held Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. J. Brandt conducted the service at 1:30 at the home and at 2:00 o’clock in Christ Lutheran church. Burial followed in the Lutheran cemetery at Green Grove.
The pallbearers were: Paul Hessel, John Dallenbach, Frank Stange, Henry Johnson, Gadholdt Martin and Charles Miller.
The floral tributes were carried by the Misses Beverly and Betty Kraut, Gerry Bowen, Delilah Karsten, Inez Ebert and Irene Herrmann.
Among those from away who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Kraut and two daughters, Medford; Mrs. Louisa Horn, daughter, Martha, Mrs. Ida Horn, son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. William Horn, Mr. and Mrs. John Stieck, Mrs. William Alverredd, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ebert, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liebziet, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Learman, and Mrs. Mary Brown, all of Greenwood.
Mrs. Lena Ebert, Mrs. Ida Lulloff, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller, Colby; Mrs. Minnie Knifka, Chicago.
Christian Joachim Karsten was born in Germany, Feb. 12, 1875. When he was eleven years old he came to America with his parents who settled on a farm near Curtiss. March 31, 1899 he was confirmed in the Lutheran church of the Town of Green Grove by Pastor F. W. Otto.
He was married to Miss Bertha Horn, May 10, 1902, in Greenwood.
He was a farmer near Curtiss for 15 years, and a year and a half ago retired and moved to Abbotsford, Wis. While living at Curtiss he was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church at Curtiss and here was a member of Christ Lutheran church.
Although he had been ailing for some time, his death came very suddenly, being sick for only two days, and then dying of stroke, June 2nd at ?:15 a.m. He was 66 years, 2 months and 20 days old.
He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Franklin Kraut at Medford, and two sons, Alfred, living here at Abbotsford, and Harry on the farm near Curtiss. There is one brother, Joe at Curtiss and four grand children.
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