News: Spencer, Wis. (24 Jul 1903)


Surnames: Blankenburg, Cramer, Rienow, Rienow, Whitmore, Fredrick, Rienflesh, Wheeling

----Source: Marshfield Times (Marshfield, Wis.) July 24, 1903

Town of Spencer.

Miss Ella Blankenburg is at present visiting relatives at Thorp.  

Mr George Cramer was a Wausau business visitor a few days, recently.  

Mrs. Chas. Rienow and children Visited relatives at Marshfield Sunday last.  

Miss Laura Cramer entertained a few relatives and friends from McMillan Sunday last.  

Miss Hazel Whitmore of the village of Spencer, visited friends here a few days the past week.  

Mr. Chas. Cramer Sr., went on a shopping tour to Marshfield last Saturday, returning the same day.  

Miss Mary Moon was the guest of Miss Celia Butters last Wednesday, remaining until the next day.  

Mrs. Fredrick of Youngston, OH, who has been visiting relatives here for some time left this week for Michigan where she will visit relatives.  

We understand that Miss Ella Blankenburg of this neighborhood has been engaged to teach the Mannville school for the coming year. We wish her success.  

A few of our people attended the soiree given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rienflesh, of the village of Spencer, last Friday, in honor of Mr. Wheeling's eightieth birthday and all report an enjoyable time.
