Obit: Kliefoth, Dale Anthony #3 (1924 - 1944)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Kliefoth, Brockman, Beschta, Schultz
----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark County, Wis.) 11/04/1948
Kliefoth, Dale Anthony (24 July 1924 - 29 July 1944)
The casketed remains of Pvt. Dale Anthony Kliefoth, 20, who was killed in action in France, July 29, 1944, will be brought here, Friday, and taken to the Zink Funeral Home, where a rosary service will be held in the evening. The remains are scheduled to arrive at 3:35 a.m. Friday.
On Saturday morning, a solemn requiem High Mass will be sung at 9:30 at St. Bernard’s Catholic church. The Rev. Francis Brockman will be celebrant and the Rev. Nicholas Beschta, Colby, and the Rev. Raymond Schultz, of Wuerzberg, will act as deacon and sub deacon. Military rites will be held under the auspices of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and internment will be made in the Abbotsford cemetery.
Pvt. Kliefoth was born July 24, 1924, in the town of Hull and attended Pickard grade school. He then attended Abbotsford high school and was graduated with the class of 1942. When he was a sophomore in high school, his parents moved from the town of Hull to Abbotsford, Wis.
After his graduation, Pvt. Kliefoth took an NYA course in airplane mechanics, graduating from that course March 12, 1943. On March 17 of that year he was inducted into the armed service at Fort Sheridan, Ill.
He then was sent to Camp Buttner, N.C., where he was a truck driver in an infantry unit. In May, 1944, he was sent to England and after a short time to France.
He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kliefoth, and three brothers, Irve, Charles, and Neal.