News: Abbotsford, Wis. (11 Aug. 1949)
Contact: Stan  

Surnames: Loucks, Binzel, Wagner, Bohmann, Dolan, Thompson, Helding, Woempner, Broeske, Gibson, Schmitz, Amacher, Daenicke, Heida, Schupmehl

----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark County, Wis.) 08/11/1949

Local Items

The Women’s Missionary Guild of the Presbyterian church met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. F. Loucks.

Mrs. Mary Binzel and her nurse, Miss Frances Wagner, and Miss Anna Bohmann, of Marshfield, were recent visitors at the C. T. Dolan home.

Mrs. M. C. Thompson underwent a major operation at St. Joseph’s hospital, Marshfield, Monday. Mr. Thompson has been staying with her. On Wednesday afternoon, their daughter, Mrs. Jack Helding, was with her and in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice T. Thompson, M. C. Thompson, and Mrs. Fred Woempner were with her. Mrs. Woempner also visited Mrs. Elroy Broeske.

Mrs. L. J. Gibson left Thursday for Eau Claire to attend the wedding of her grandson, Dennis Gibson, on Saturday.

Arthur Schmitz, of Potosi, is coming this week end to get Mrs. Schmitz and son, who have been visiting at the H. J. Amacher home the past two weeks.

Elroy Broeske found Mrs. Broeske slightly improved when he visited her at St. Joseph’s hospital, at Marshfield, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Daenicke and Mrs. Anna Heida and her sister, Mrs. Ida Schupmehl, drove to Eau Claire, Wednesday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe *** Note: The remainder of this article was missing.
