Obit: Schroeder, Ernest #2 (1872 - 1909)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Schroeder, Carter
----Source: Neillsville Times (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 07/22/1909
Schroeder, Ernest #2 (1872 - 17 JUL 1909)
Last Saturday afternoon a terrible accident occurred at Shortville (Clark Co., Wis.) in which Ernest Schroeder lost his life. Mr. Schroeder and brother Otto were moving away some hay. Otto was in the barn and Ernest was on the load. In an unaccountable manner, as there were no witnesses of the tragedy, Ernest slipped off the load and fell on a pitchfork. He called for help, and when his brother arrived, he fell to the ground and died a few moments after. The pitchfork was standing, tynes up, against the load, and it is supposed Ernest pulled the tynes out of his body himself and stood the fork up. One tyne had penetrated his left side between the second and third ribs, and it is supposed penetrated the heart. The other tyne grazed the body further back. Mr. Schroeder was a man of about 36 years of age, and a year ago last month, was married to Miss Clara Carter. He was born in Germany and came to this county with his parents many years ago. Mr. Schroeder was a man of high integrity and consistent industry and he was beloved and admired by all who knew him. He owned a farm near Shortville and in addition worked his mother’s farm just across the road. The accident occurred at the home place. It was indeed a sad tragedy which terminated a useful life in its prime. Mr. Schroeder is survived by his mother, Mrs. Maria Schroeder, his wife, and brothers, Otto and Edward of Shortville, and Gottlieb of Bear Creek. Gottlieb was here for the funeral which occurred Tuesday at 10 o’clock at the Shortville Church. The remains were followed to the last resting place in the Neillsville Cemetery by a long cortege of sorrowing friends and relatives.