News: Granton, Wis. (29 June 1900)

Contact: Duane Horn 


Surnames: Heath, Runkle, Kemmeter, McBride, Beeckler, Connor, Dunnican, Ramsdell, Wage, Redmond, Curtiss, Stockwell, Moh, Franke 

----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark County, Wis.) 29 June 1900




The school here had a picnic in the Marsh grove last Friday. The school of district No, 2, of the town of York joined. All had an excellent time.


H. H. Heath and F. Runkle of Neillsville were here Monday putting in new phones.


The heading mill here has finished its seasons cut, and now the proprietor, P. J. Kemmeter is now busily engaged loading cars.


R. J. McBride and wife called here Tuesday.


E. A Beeckler transacted business at Neillsville Saturday last.


The R. Connor Co's. mill crew are operating a mill at Globe.


Kate Dunnican was a Neillsville visitor last Saturday.


T. M Ramsdell of Barron, was the guest of Tom Wage the first of the week.


Lightning killed a man at Pleasant Ridge last Thursday.


Chas Redmond and wife of Loyal, were callers here Wednesday.


D. Curtiss made a trip to Marshfield Wednesday on professional business.


C. D. Stockwell and family of Rice Lake, visited here the first of the week.


Louie Moh raised a large frame barn last Tuesday.


R. Franke made a trip to Unity one day last week. He was looking up political fences. 
