Obit: Bremer, John Henry #2 (1861 - 1952)
Contact: History Buffs
Surnames: Bremer, Sprengler, Daellenbach, Jensen,
Broeske, Nixdorf, Baehr, Wilhelmi, Emmerick, Fenske, Majiewske,
neuman, Graffunder, Skervin, Radke, Oldenberg, Schneider, Diers,
Zill, Wesner, Matheus
----Source: Abbotsford Tribune (Abbotsford, Clark
County, Wis.) 11/13/1952
Bremer, John Henry (14 June 1861 - 7 Nov. 1952)
Funeral services for John Henry Bremer, 91, who
died at his home in Abbotsford, Friday afternoon, were held Monday
afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at Christ Lutheran church and
burial was made in Memorial cemetery at Dorchester, Wis. The Rev. F. H.
Sprengler officiated at the rites. Mr. Bremer was a member of the
Lutheran church for more than 50 years.
The pallbearers were Fred Daellenbach, Lee
Jensen, Elroy Broeske, Walter Nixdorf, Arthur Baehr, and Herbert
Wilhelmi, all life long neighbors or their sons.
The flowers were carried by Mrs. A. E. Emmerick
and Mrs. Norman Fenske, and the Misses Marlis Fenske and Charlotte
John Henry Bremer was born June 14, 1861, in
Oldenburg, Germany, and came to America when he was 18 years old.
He worked for a time in New York City and Germantown, Wis. In 1891,
he bought a farm in the town of Mayville, now owned by the Matheus
family. The countryside was covered with timber and the only access
to the farm was a trail through the woods. In 1918 they moved to
the farm now occupied by the Albert Fenske family and in 1945,
retired and moved to the home in Abbotsford, Wis.
In May, 1910, he was married to Mrs. Paulina
Majiewske, who survives him. Other survivors are his
daughter, Elsie, Milwaukee; and John, Jr., Abbotsford; and three
step children, Arthur, Milwaukee; Mrs. Albert Fenske, Abbotsford;
and Mrs. Emil Neuman, Oconomowoc. He also has two sisters, Mrs.
Lizzie Graffunder, Dorchester; Mrs. Anna Skervin, Wisconsin Rapids;
four brothers, Henry, Sheboygan; Fred, Oshkosh; Chris, Rib Lake;
and Richard, Dorchester, Wis. Three sisters preceded him in death.
Also surviving are one grand son and 11 step
grand children.
Relatives from away who attended the funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bremer, Rib Lake; Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Skervin, Mrs. John Radke, and Mrs. Anna Skervin, Nekoosa;
Fred Bremer, Oshkosh; Henry Bremer and Mrs. Marvin Oldenberg,
Sheboygan; William Schneider, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bremer,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bremer, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diers, Milwaukee;
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Neuman, and Mrs. Wein, Onconomowoc;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neuman, Mrs. Ed Neuman, Mrs. Otto Zill, Mrs. Adolf Wesner, Herman Fenske, and Mrs. Amanda Fenske, Gillett; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fenske, Black River Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fenske, Bloomer, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Emmerick, Baraboo.