BioA: Hansen, Jim P., Mr. & Mrs. (60th - 1952)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Hansen
----Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 11/27/1952
Hansen, Jim P.., Mr. & Mrs. (60th - 19 NOV 1952)
One of the community’s pioneer couples, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hansen, 87 and 86 years of age respectively, are still enjoying good health and were able to receive the host of friends and relatives that honored them at a party given in observance of their 60th wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon.
Actually the couple have been married for 60 years on the 19th of November, 1952. That day was quietly observed at their home in Owen (Clark Co., Wis.) where many friends stopped in to visit them and extend their best wishes. Then Sunday the big surprise came when they learned that the parishioners of the Nazareth Lutheran Church, Withee, had planned a special program on their behalf.
Rev. W. Clayton Neilsen and Rev. J. L. J. Dixen presented a lovely and enjoyable program. Mrs. V. A. Hansen entertained with several musical selections and Mr. Ammentorp represented the congregation in presenting the honored guests with a memorable gift.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hansen were born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Each came to America when 16 years of age. Both lived at Racine where they were united in marriage later, moving to Owen bringing with them but limited possessions. For many years Mr. Hansen worked with the John Owen Lumber Co. as a butcher and also farmed with his brother Hans on the farm now know as the Liepke farm. Later they established a fine farm in the Town of Hoard where they resided until eight years ago when the vocation of farming was forsaken for retirement in Owen.
Their many friends in this community extend their congratulations to the couple on this celebrated occasion and pray for many more such happy future observances.