Bio Index--Barr Family
Bio: Barr, Nettie (Columbia, WI History, pg. 31)
Property: Barr, A.
A. (1887)
Contact: Lori Lauen
----Sources: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 4 Nov 1887
A. A. Barr has purchased a large screw stump machine and next spring will be ready to stump farms by the acre.
Bio: Barr, A. C.; & Bowen, John
Transcriber: Laurel Bragstad Schaub
Surnames: Barr, Bowen
----Source: Greenwood, Gleaner
(Greenwood, Wis.) 3-21-1900
A.C. Barr and John Bowen drove to Hemlock Sunday. Neillsville News.
Bio: Barr, Baby Boy (Birth - 1957)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Barr
----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 08/08/1957
Barr, Baby Boy (Birth - 6 Aug. 1957)
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barr at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital, August 6.
Bio: Barr, Baby Boy (Birth - 1963)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Barr, Ylvisaker
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) October 17, 1963
Barr, Baby Boy (Birth - 10 October 1963)
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr of Los Angeles, Cal., on October 10. Mrs. Barr is the former Betty Ylvisaker, of Neillsville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Ylvisaker of Neillsville, who are visiting at the home of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barr of Neillsville are the paternal grandparents.
Bio: Barr, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Surnames: Barr
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) March 16, 1961
Barr, Baby Girl (Birth - 12 March 1961)
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr, Chicago, March 12.
Bio: Barr, Baby Girl (Birth - 1961)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Barr
----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark Co., Wis.) 04/20/1961
Barr, Baby Girl (Birth - 12 Apr. 1961)
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barr at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital April 12.
Bio: Barr, Charles (Retires from NSP – 1971)
Surnames: Barr, Cattanach
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 07 Oct 1971
Charles Barr, who started working for Northern States Power Corporation in
Greenwood (Clark Co., Wis.), in 1924 will retire December 1, 1971.
He has served since 1940 as manager of the Neillsville Northern States office
area service. A native of Longwood, he was graduated from Greenwood High School.
He has been active in Neillsville with Kiwanis, Chamber of Commerce, and in city
and county improvements.
He will be succeeded by Robert Cattanach of Eau Claire, who is formerly of Owen,
Thorp and Stanley.
Bio: Barr, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Jake (Birth – 15 Apr 1957)
Surnames: Barr
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 18 Apr 1957
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Barr at St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield, on
Saturday, April 15, 1957, a baby girl.
Bio: Barr, Fred, Sr. (79th Birthday - 1956)
Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Surnames: Barr
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) May 3, 1956
Barr, Fred (79th Birthday - 1956)
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barr and daughters of Cameron were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Barr and also helped his father celebrate his 79th birthday. Sunday, the Barr families gathered with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barr, Sr.
Bio: Barr, Fred Jr. (Takes Over Ford Garage – Dec
Surnames: Speich, Barr
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 28 Dec 1950
George Speich, who has been one of the foremost businessmen in the City of
Greenwood (Clark Co., Wis.) for many years, has sold his Ford garage equipment
and stock to Fred Barr Jr.
George started in business in 1923 as sub agent for the A.J. Braun Ford Sales of
Loyal, and later became a partner, forming the Speich and Braun and formed a
corporation which has been known since as the Speich Auto Sales Inc.
A new service addition was built in 1945, and the addition for the Ford tractor
agency was erected in 1948.
Fred Barr Jr. took over the business, Tuesday, , Dec. 26. Present plans call for
all hired help to remain with the new owner.
Fred Barr is no stranger to the people of the Greenwood vicinity. He has
successfully operated a mink farm between Greenwood and Willard for some time.
We would like to wish George well in any future venture, and we would like to
offer our best wishes to Fred.
Bio: Barr, Fred Jr. (Fire - 1958)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Barr
----Source: THORP COURIER (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 01/09/1958
Barr, Fred Jr. (Fire - 8 JAN 1958)
Fifteen head of dairy and beef cattle, and a barn which has been converted into a refrigerator plant and slaughter house, were destroyed early Wednesday morning by fire of unknown origin on the Fred Barr Jr. mink rank about 7 miles southwest of Greenwood.
The owner and his wife were in Chicago, Ill. when the fire occurred. On his return here yesterday afternoon, Barr estimated the loss at $75,000 and said it was partly covered by insurance. A new building will be erected to replace the destroyed structure and its facilities, he said.
The town of Eaton fire department fought the flames for nearly five hours in sub-zero temperatures, but was unable to save the building. Destroyed contents also included two walk-in type refrigerators, feed grinding and mixing machinery, and various other equipment.
The building and its contents were used to prepare rations for thousands of mink raised on the Barr ranch, one of the largest of its type in Central Wisconsin. The food preparation operations will be transferred to another building on the farm until the destroyed structure can be replaced, Barr said.
Bio: Barr, Fred Sr. and Mary
Surnames: Barr, Christopherson, Zielanis, Olson, Schwarze, Lenherr, Susa, Parkel,
Celesnik, Arch, Ozanich, Hatton, Marg, Paulson, Johnson, Hackleberg, Strausman,
Celar, Heck
----Source: Family Scrapbook
In 1923 after four years of drought near Ryegate, Montana, and not being able to
harvest the hundreds of acres of wheat they had planted with little return, Dad
Barr bought a model T touring car and loaded in his six children. Jake stayed in
Montana with his Grandma Barr, as she was alone, and he finished eighth grade
before joining the rest of us in Wisconsin.
The journey was not an easy one. I recall Dad and Mom telling of a flood washing
out a large bridge and part of the road. We, along with two or three other
families, stayed in a nearby schoolhouse until we could find a different route,
again on our way not knowing where we were to make our new home.
Wisconsin land at that time was very reasonable and after traveling around
several days, they landed in Greenwood. I think probably the banker told them
there was a farm about four miles south of Greenwood for sale. It would be the
Gordon Christopherson place. For some reason the farm didn't quite suit them so
they kept going west towards Willard. Land wasn't very well settled at the time
and there were a lot of woods and rocks. Nevertheless they bought the home place
consisting of 80 acres where son Fred is still living.
After years of hard work, clearing the land with the help of dynamite, horses, a
breaking plow and endless labor of picking stone and tilling the soil, more land
was bought. We raised a big garden, kept cattle, pigs and horses. In the summer
we'd have beans and pickles to pick for the factory. We gathered blueberries and
blackberries and in the fall the cellar would be full of barrels of cabbage and
apples, bins of potatoes and shelves of canned fruits and vegetables.
The furniture which probably consisted of a stove, table and chairs, beds,
dishes and some small machinery, along with a horse named 'Limerick' was shipped
by rail coming to La Crosse and later to Willard.
They had a family of seven children: Freddie, age 2; Anna Fae, age 3; Tom, age
6; Jake, age 8; Dave, age 10; Edna, age 12 and Francis, age 14. I'm sure Dad and
Mom Barr had a lot of hard years ahead of them; but with good health, a lot of
ambition and determination and a lot of help and love from good neighbors it
wasn't all that hard.
As years went by, Dave and Dad would haul gravel from a pit south of our place 3
or 4 miles for the roads for an extra income. In the winter cows would produce
little milk as few people fed more than roughage hay. They fed very little grain
because they didn't have it to feed.
Fire destroyed our home on March 31, 1931 on a cold and windy morning. Dad had
gone to the house to get some warm water to feed the calves, and as he was
entering the house there was big explosion. He was thrown several feet from the
house. He lay unconscious in the Marshfield hospital for 3 days. He received a
broken hand and severe internal bruises. Luckily all the children were in the
barn helping with chores before going to school. Neighbors were so good, all
came to help us get settled in a garage and move the debris so we could rebuild.
I remember staying with the Parkels for a few days, Ann made me the cutest
cotton dress and undies. Neighbors brought quilts, canned goods, dishes and so
many good things. The stores from Willard and Greenwood sent food and dishes.
After the rest were out of school Freddie and I rode a pony often times pulling
the other on a pair of skis. The roads at this time had very little traffic,
people hauling wood, milk or mail with horses and sled.
Our teacher, Stanley Zielanis, was a good six feet tall, wearing a size 11
shoes. At noon we talked him into going for a ride on the little sled behind the
horse, of course. We intended to dump him into a snow bank. He laid down on the
sled, stretching his long legs, and after a fast ride, face full of snow, had a
good laugh on the boys, their plan didn't work.
Another time Sally Olson, now Sally Schwarze of Greenwood, was our teacher.
David went home with the Lenherr boys at noon and Mrs. Lenherr gave Dave a piece
of limburger cheese. Not wanting to tell her he didn't like the cheese, he
returned to school with it and threw it into the furnace. The aroma was so
terrible Sally had to close the school for the day. Another time Dave and Tom
went to visit Pete Susa's who lived next door to the school, during noon hour
and rode Susa's billy goat, again coming to school with a terrific odor and the
teacher sent them home. Of course the boys knew if they'd go home before school
was out they'd be punished, so they went to the neighbors and stayed till school
was dismissed and returned home with the rest of us. Those were the Good Old
Days at West Eaton.
We always had a lot of fun at home as well as plenty to do. We'd make bon-fires
to roast corn and potatoes, with the Parkel, Celesnik and Arch families. We went
swimming in Black River on hot summer evenings. We would take our truck and load
up all the neighbor kids and go to the river. Mom weighed about 170 pounds and
could go out and float around in the river — it was fun watching her. Dad made
us stilts and a jumping post made from a car spring on a post.
One year Tom and Dave went to the woods to cut a Christmas tree. It was so big
they couldn't drag it so they had to get the horse to pull it. As they were
going down the road Mr. Davey, the mailman, asked them what they were doing.
They didn't want to tell him it was a Christmas tree, so instead they told him
that they were going to make some wood for Dad.
We had a bicycle built for two with two sets of handle bars and pedals, but only
one could steer. Freddie and I would sit on the handle bars while Dave and Tom
We had a dog harness made for our collie dog to pull us on our sleigh. We used
that when we went after the mail which was a mile away. We would always find an
excuse to go in and visit Mrs. Ozanich or Mrs. Hatton as they'd always have
cookies or something to send home with us.
Frances married Paul Marg and they lived in Mondovi and later retired in Eau
Edna married Leonard Paulson of Spokane Washington.
Jake married Ruth Johnson of Greenwood.
Dave married Selma Hackleberg of Black River Falls and they moved to California.
Tom married Esther Strausman of Eau Claire.
Freddie finished high school and married Bernice Celar of Willard. They took
over the home farm.
Anna Fae married Ervin Heck and farms south of Greenwood.
Mother and Dad had a good life. After Freddie bought the home place, they moved
to a smaller place south of their place. They took a few long trips back west
and celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 1956. Dad passed away a year
later at the age of 81. Mom moved to Greenwood later and enjoyed her little pink
house and her many friends and neighbors. She drove her car to visit children
until she was 86 years old. At the age of 86 she fractured a femur and was
confined to Memorial Home. She passed away in November of 1974 at the age of 91.
I will close now and give the other good people of Willard a chance to express
their happiness and sorrow along this pathway of life.
Submitted by: Mrs. Ervin Anna Fae Heck
Bio: Barr, George
Transcriber: Laurel Bragstad Schaub
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Wis.) 11-8-1901
Christie correspondence which comes to hand as we are going to press gives the following account of Geo. Barr’s misfortune Monday: "George Barr, our blacksmith, met with a serious loss last Monday morning. About eight o’clock his house caught fire and everything was burned excepting the sewing machine, a trunk, and Mr. Barr’s overcoat. The men are having a bee today hauling lumber to build him a house. They are going to get out the sills and help him put it up. The Ladies’ Aid and others will give a supper at Brown’s hall on Thursday, Nov. 14, the proceeds to go to Mrs. Barr. The ladies will tie there comfortables for Mrs. Barr in the afternoon. Every body is invited." Gleaner 11-8-1901
Bio: Barr, George J.
Contact: Janet
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner, Nov. 8, 1901
Correspondence which comes to hand as we are going to press gives the following
account of George Barr's misfortune Monday: George J. Barr, our blacksmith, met
with a serious loss last Monday morning. About eight o'clock his house caught
fire and everything was burned excepting the sewing machine, a trunk and Mr.
Barr's overcoat. The men are having a bee today hauling lumber to build him a
house. They are going to get out the sills and help him put it up. The Ladie's
Aid and others will give a supper at Brown's hall on Thursday, Nov. 14, 1901 the
proceeds to go to Mrs. Barr (Minnie Hannah Barr). The ladies will tie a
comforter for Mrs. Barr in the afternoon. Everybody is invited.
Bio: Barr, Ira C. (History - 1842)
Contact: Janet Schwarze
----Source: Biographical
History of Clark and Jackson Counties, published by The Lewis
Publishing Co., 1891, Pages 191 and 192:
IRA C. BARR, a blacksmith of Longwood, Clark
County, Wisconsin was born in Zorra, Oxford County, Ontario, August
16, 1842, the son of George (deceased) and Martha (Richardson)
Barr, the former a native of New York State, and the latter of
Ontario. The father was a farmer by occupation, and was taken by
his parents to Ontario when two years old. They had nine children,
six of whom survive: Ira, Esther, Annie, Caleb, Abraham and
The subject of this sketch was reared to farm life, and received
his education in the common schools of his native county, where he
also learned his trade when a young man. He removed to Lapeer
County, Michigan, in January, 1865, where, and at other points in
the same State, he lived several years, working in the saw-mills in
the summer, and n the blacksmith ships in winter. He came to
Greenwood, this county, in 1878, and remained until 1886, and that
year removed to Longwood, where he has since followed his trade. He
also owns four and a half acres of land in this place.
Mr. Barr was married November 11, 1870, to Charlotte Fusee, born
August 10, 1848, the daughter of Anthony and Louisa (McNally)
Fusee, the former a native of Paris, France, and the latter of
Lower Canada. They were the parents of thirteen children eleven of
whom still survive, viz.: Sarah, Louis, Charles, Mary, Charlotte,
Adelia, James, Frank, Jane, Jeanette and Emma. The two deceased,
Margaret and Melissa, had married, and left families. The father
left his native country when fourteen years of age and settled in
Lower Canada. He now resides in Fargo, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Barr
had seven children, four of whom are now living: Anthony, George,
Jessie and Albert. Socially Mr. Barr is a member of the I.O.O.F.
fraternity, and politically a Republican. Both himself and wife are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Barr, James F.
Contact: Stan
James F. Barr
Researched by Lani Bartelt
James F. Barr fought in the Civil War. He was in the 8th Independent Battery, Wisconsin Light Artillery from 5 Jan 1864 till 19 Aug 1865. In this short time span of about a year and a half you must have done an act of bravery or courage because you enlisted a, a Private and were mustered out as a Corporal. Your unit was organized at Racine WI and saw many battles during the Civil War including the battles of Stone River, Chickamauga, and Chattanooga, , and did garrison duty till August of 1865.
In researching information for this biography I found two Barr persons, in Racine, WI., an Albert Barr and a Rev. Thomas Barr but could find no further information On either of them to see if you were related. Notations on your grave records at the Old Norwegian Cemetery, Section 12 at Mayville, Township, Clark Co online indicate you were a bachelor and had no known relatives and The contact person is listed as Al Hunt, Dorchester, WI.
I found the following information online on a Barr family:
James F Barr is mentioned in the Colby Centennial Book 1873-1972 as The following " Barr, James F. (Echoes of Pioneer Days, page 5,column 2) Elected as clerk pro tem, Town of Hull, in May 1875.
What your profession was is unknown but you must have been Interested enough in the politics of your town of Hull to volunteer to act as Clerk for a short while.
In researching both the 1890 and 1910 Civil War Veteran census Records for Hull Township, Clark Co, WI your name does not appear
In either of these records.
Rest in Peace James F Barr, your name is recorded in our records of Pioneers of Clark County, WI
Bio: Barr, James Thomas (Baptism - 1958)
Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Surnames: Barr, Ylvisaker, Tanner
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) August 28, 1958
Barr, James Thomas (Baptism - 24 August
James Thomas Barr, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barr, was presented for baptism Sunday morning at Calvary Lutheran Church, with the Rev. I. J. Tanner officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ylvisaker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barr, grandparents, were sponsors.
Bio: Barr, Jamie Thomas (Birth - 1966)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Barr, Denk
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI) /1966
Barr, Jamie Thomas (Birth - 7 May 1966)
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr are the parents of a son, Jamie Thomas, born May 7 at Memorial Hospital in Neillsville. Jamie joins a brother, Todd. Mrs. Barr is the former Rosemary Denk. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barr and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Denk, all of Greenwood.
Bio: Barr, M/Sgt and Mrs. Elmer (Military notes - 1959)
Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Surnames: Barr, Moen, Jewett, Stratford
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) August 27, 1959
Barr, M/Sgt. and Mrs. Elmer (Military Notes - 1959)
M/Sgt. and Mrs. Elmer Barr arrived Monday for a two-week visit with her mother, Mrs. John Moen, and brothers, Herman and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Barr arrived August 8 in California from Okinawa, where they had been for three years. While in California they visited the Vern Jewett family. Enroute here they spent a few days with their daughter, Marlene in Highland Park, Ill., and Saturday attended the wedding of Marlene to Len Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Barr, at the end of their furlough, will leave for Ft. Bragg, N. C. where Elmer will be stationed at garrison headquarters.
Bio: Barr, Ruth (Retired Treasurer - 1973)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Barr, Bushman, Seliskar, Meinholdt, Ortwig, Schultz, Howard
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co, WI) 4/26/1973
Barr, Ruth (Retired Treasurer - 1973)
Mrs. Ruth Barr of Rt. 2 Greenwood, Town of Eaton treasurer for 17 years, was
honored on Election day, April 3, with a plaque presented to her by Eaton Town
board members. The presentation was made by Arthur Bushman, chairman.
Others on hand were Mrs. Evelyn Seliskar, clerk; Edward Meinholdt and Sam Ortwig,
supervisors, and Clayton Schultz, patrolman. The inscription reads: “In
appreciation to Ruth Barr for services rendered to the Town of Eaton as
treasurer - 1956 - 1972.”
Mrs. Barr was not a candidate for reelection. Mrs. Billie Jean Howard was
elected to succeed her.
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