News: Granton, Wis. (6 Apr 1906)
Contact: Stan
Loren Snyder spent Sunday with his parents at Neillsville.
Mrs. Aug. Schmoll entertained a few friends Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Wiesner visited her sister here on Saturday.
Jeweler Lyman T. Smith Sundayed with his parents at Neillsville.
Hale Davis and Miss Ora Cole saw the Aristocratic Tramp at Neillsville Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Herman Keller of Fremont spent Saturday here with Mrs. Chas. Neinas.
Wm. Schwartz and Wm. Maluge transacted business at Neillsville between trains on Monday.
Theresa Kalsow of Globe was the guest of friends here early this week.
L. A. Reichert of Chili spent Monday morning here with relatives and friends.
"Rip Van Winkle" at the opera house Saturday evening, April 21st. Band and orchestra.
Miss Kate Donahue who is sewing at Neillsville visited her mother between trains Sunday morning.
Station agent C. M. Olson spent Sunday with relatives and best girl at Woodville.
August Snyder, the Neillsville clothier spent Sunday morning with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rausch and son Wallie spent the latter part of last week with relatives at Marshfield and Nasonville.
If you have furniture that is all scratched up, go to Tragsdorf, Zimmerman. an & Co. and get a little High Standard Varnish Stain in all wood colors and your furniture will be like new.
Miss Viola Konshak left for Chicago Sunday night. She goes on an extended visit to an aunt and in search of employment.
A chimney on the Dr. Schwarz home burning out Saturday night illuminated the whole neighborhood and furnished considerable excitement for a little while.
Mrs. Henry Smith of the Ridge while visiting her daughter Mrs. Isaac Morrison last Sunday was suddenly stricken with paralysis and though not seriously ill now she is still confined at the Morrison home.
See Chas. W. Ogden's grand scenic production of "Rip Van Winkle" with Geo. Miltimore as Rip here Sat. evening, April 21. See the 6 year old boy wonder. Many special attractions and a good show are assured you.
When you buy a suit at Tragsdorf, Zimmerman & Co., Neillsville, you can rest assured you will get correct style, good material, perfect fit and the best make at the lowest price consistent with the goods. That is the reason why they sell so many.
Miss Bessie Wright who teaches near Withee was given good Friday as a holiday by the school board of that district, so she made an unexpected visit home, arriving here Friday noon and leaving on the return trip Sunday morning.
Fred Hart of Osseo spent Saturday with his brother Geo. here; leaving for home Sunday morning he was accompanied by his father Chas. Hart who will make an extended visit to relatives at Osseo and Humbird before returning here.
Mrs. Gusta Breed and Mrs. Edith Wood are about to buy Mrs. Hattie Sutherland's home on the corner opposite the Adventist church. They have sold their real estate, some 20 acres, where their home burned a few weeks since, to Frank Lavey.
Mrs. Chas. Pickrubn suffered the misfortune to fall down the whole flight of stairs in the D. C. Barker home (a part of which she occupies as a residence) early Monday morning, sustaining such injuries as to necessitate medical attendance. The injuries, though of a very uncomfortable nature, will not prove serious. Her many friends are lending her the necessary assistance and she is rapidly mending.
For Sale. A delightful farm home consisting of a handsome large house, a comfortable new and small barn, windmill, every convenience for chicken raising, 1 1/2 acres thrifty and profitable orchard, 0 acres pasture and the balance of the go acres in meadow. All of which is just outside the city limits of the city of Neillsville. Here is where you may have all the comforts of a city home and yet escape city taxes. For further particulars inquire of or write Mrs. Mary Bruley, Neillsville, Wis.
Geo. Beeckler took in the sights at Neillsville Tuesday.
Dan Rausch attended Circuit court at Neillsville early this week.
Mrs. Edith Wood visited friends at Neillsville early this week.
Ted Selves of Neillsville visited friends here Saturday.
Miss Hattie Yankee left Tuesday morning for Langford, S. D.
Willie Breseman went to Marshfield Sunday on a visit to an uncle.
Rev. A. A. Sifert will preach at the Union church next Sunday, April 22, at 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited.
Mrs. Henry Sternitzky aud son Walter were Neillsville visitors Tuesday.
The celebrated Nash outing hats have arrived and are on sale at Mrs. F. J. Baer's.
The young people enjoyed an impromptu dance at the opera house Saturday night.
Watch for the parade Saturday. Hear the outdoor concert at 7:30 by the "Rip Van Winkle" band.
Miss Bertha Garbush of Neillsville called on town friends Sunday morning enroute to her brother Arthur.
Herman Schune went to Fairchild Tuesday and spent a few days with relatives and friends there.
Miss Lena Breseman is staying with Mrs. Fred Davis during Fred's absence in the east.
E. A. Beeckler and daughters Theresa and Pearl drove to Neillsville Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Chas. Neinas and daughter Lydia want to Chili Tuesday and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Fischer there that day.
C. W. Chubb of Lynn made a pleasant call Tuesday as he was on his way home from a business trip down the line.
Follow the crowd. Ladies, if you want the latest style and best value in Spring Hats, but where? Why only to Tragsdorf, Zimmerman & Co., Neillsville.
Miss Emma Kimball of Neillsville and Miss Grace Withee of Sault St. Marie spent Saturday and Sunday here at W. S. Davis.
Kearney Davis told fish stories to the "easy ones" early this wee A;, claiming them to have been bona-fide happenings of Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gershmehl drove in Tuesday and purchased a handsome lot of new furniture of Aug. Hammler for their substantial home.
Mrs. Phillip Breseman and daughter Laura went to Marshfield Tuesday afternoon to spend a few days at Henry Beer's.
Mrs. Herman Schune, baby Erna and son Frederick and Miss Mary Schune went to Fairchild last Saturday evening, returning home yesterday.
The Mesdames James Finnegan, Peter Stallman and Edward Schroeder together with the latter's little son Charles spent Tuesday at Neillsville.
Mrs. Chas. Hart of Humbird spent several days of last week here at Geo. Hart's, stopping off as she was enroute home from Fond du Lac.
The Big Store in Neillsville offers exceptionally good values in Ladies' and Children's Summer Underwear for 8. 9, 10, 12 and 15 cents. It is worth to remember that.
Henry Ferd, for several months past a guest at the Albert Sternitzky home, left for his home in North Dak. Tuesday a. m.
Section foreman Peter Stallman has a full crew at work, among whom we noticed Romanzo Davis, John True, Geo. Beeckler, Geo. Fraser, Dan Donahue and Clarence Mahn.
Mrs. J. B. Birtch of Schroeder, Minn., arrived here on Monday nights limited for a several weeks visit with her mother Mrs. Huff at the W. P. Budge farm.
The postmaster general has issued a notice that all rural mail carriers have the right of way on all country roads and that all other carriages or conveyances must surrender the right of way to the rural carriers. This order was issued as a result of numerous complaints on the part of the carriers who were not able to deliver their mail in the specified time because carriages and conveyances which they met refused to give them the right of way mid often made it necessary for them to drive slower or to wait until the road was clear before they could proceed. A fine will be charged to all who in any way interfere with the speedy delivery of the rural mail, and as a carrier is also fined and sometimes deposed for late delivery, he will no doubt see to it that any person responsible for his delay will bear the punishment instead of himself.
Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nitschke a baby girl.
Joe Hoover of Neillsville was a gust at John Fuller's Monday.
Miss Letta Paulson of Nasonville spent Wednesday with relatives here.
T. F. Lee lost a valuable horse through lung trouble last week.
Dan Cattenach and Al. Snow of Nasonville were in town Wednesday.
Mrs. Dan Rausch went to Marshfield Wednesday on a visit to Mrs. John Rausch.
Kearney Davis has men and teams at work getting the ground in readiness for the erection of his brick barber shop.
Remember the Eastern Star dance and entertainment at Neillsville this (Friday) evening. It will be a delightful affair and well worth your time and attention.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Blum of Stanley arrived here Saturday evening and spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Blum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Porath in town of Lynn, returning to Stanley on Monday.
In carpets Tragsdorf. Zimmerman & Co. offer better values than any catalogue house. You can see what you buy, have them cut and matched from 22 to 75c a yard. Inlaid Japanese Matting, fine plyable, 22c a yard.
Mrs. Johnson of Greenwood came down Tuesday morning for a visit at the A. J. Knorr home during Mr. Johnson's attendance of court as juryman at Neillsville this week.
We noticed Hallie Kemery, brake man on our regular freight here Tuesday joking a couple of our prettiest girls who were at the depot in their new Easter bonnets.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Beeckler, Mrs. A. J. Knorr and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Vet Marsh and daughter Agnes, Myron Osgood and wife and Miss Celia Tyler were some of the Grantonites who saw a good show at Neillsville Tuesday night.
Rev. Almond Breed of Walla Walla, Wash., arrived here to-day. He is on his way home after an extended visit in the east. He will continue his journey on Tuesday and will be accompanied by the Misses Hazel and Callie Downer who go for a few month's stay and visit in the state of Washington.
Wrappers, Skirts, Waists and Wash Suits that Tragsdorf, Zimmerman & Co. have are right in price, 75c to $1.50, workmanship the best, style up-to-date, material A No. 1 and not scrimped. See them yourself.
Decoration Day is close at hand. If you are contemplating beautifying your cemetery lot by erecting a monument thereon, you will do well to see Wm. Huntley Jr., prop. of the Neillsville Marble and Granite Works, at once. Material, workmanship and prices guaranteed satisfactory. Estimates promptly furnished.
The Literary Society which was organized in school district No. 4 of York last winter under the name of "Evergreen Society'' has suspended its meetings for a while at least. It is hoped the work will be resumed in the near future.
Good bye old Evergreen, good bye,
As in the cold damp earth you lie,
I feel within a spasm of pain.
And wonder if we'll meet again.
Your life alas, was brief and sad,
The officers you had were bad,
But defying fate, you lived to know
That beside a cow, a horse was slow.
Your editor, a chump was he,
As big a man will ever see.
He it was who laid you low.
Gave you the last and fatal blow.
Yea, while you were in your prime
He did your pearly form begrime.
With his vile jokes and stories cheap,
Upon your head did ignominy heap.
But may your rest be calm and sweet,
While we clean out this yellow sheet.
When I grow old and come to die,
By the "Evergreen Society" let me lie. C. D.
Alma Grasser, Pearl and Tessie Beeckler visited school last week Wed.
Edna Kemmeter returned to school Monday after a week's absence.
Misses Celia Tyler und Alberta Neff spent from Friday night until Monday morning in Neillsville.
The 10th grade have dropped physiology and taken up literature.
Melvin Snyder was quite severely hurt at. school Tuesday. He was hit in the head by a stray base ball while the larger boys were playing.
Raymond Hornbeck has withdrawn from school and accepted a position in the Geo. Hart meat market.
For a short time only I will give one cabinet photograph absolutely free to any person over 70 years of age who will come to my studio for a sitting, A. H. DeLane, Neillsville.
—Stop at the— Dresden House Everything modern and up-to-date. Rates $1.00 per Day.
—DEALER IN— Furniture, Pianos and Organs, Picture Framing and Undertaking. Licensed Embalmer. NEILLSVILLE. - WISCONSIN.
Good Rigs - Prompt Service H. LAPP, Proprietor. Passengers conveyed to any part of the country. Rates reasonable. GRANTON. - WI8CON8IN TELEPHONE NO.15
DR. S. G. SCHWARZ, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. 2 to 4 p.m. 7 to 8. Sundays 9 to 11 a. m. Office at residence. Granton. - Wisconsin.
LESLIE E. PITCHER, D. D. S. DENTIST. Office in Schoengarth Block. Neillsville. - Wisconsin.
DR. W. A. LEASON, DENTIST. Office over Tom. Lowe's mot D market. All branches of Dentistry. Neillsville. Wisconsin.
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sundays at 11 A. M. at Knorr's residence. Subject Everlasting Punishment.
Time Tables CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS A OMAHA R'Y. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 161_ Leaves Milwaukee 7:20 p. m. via Fond du Lac, Appleton. Menasha, Oshkosh, Wausau. arrives at Granton 3:47 a. m. Has three chair and Pullman sleeping cars for Minneapolis. Arrives at Eau Claire 6:10 a.m. and 6.66, at St. Paul 9:40 a. in., at Duluth 11:10 a. in.. No. 167—8:17 Way freight, carries passengers. No. 163-11:00 a. m. for Eau Claire. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Rice Lake, Ashland, No. 166—4:28 for Chicago. Madison. Milwaukee, La Crosse/Eau Claire. St. Paul and Minneapolis. All our trains make close connections in St. Paul with trains for the west. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 166—Leaving Minneapolis 6 p. m.. Duluth 6:30 p.m.. Chicago. Milwaukee Madison, arrives at Granton 12:37 a.m. Has three chair and Pullman sleepers, for Milwaukee and Chicago via Wausau, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, arrives at Milwaukee 8:50 a. m. Seats in chair cars are free to passengers holding tickets. No. 162--Leave Chicago 10 p. m. Minneapolis 10:20 p. m.. arrives at Granton 7:46 for Wausau, Antigo, Rhinelander, Hurley, Marrinette, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Ripon, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Menasha, Appleton, Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago and all intermediate points. No. 164--Leave Chicago 3 a. m., Minneapolis 7:30 a. m., Rice Lake 7:20 a. m., arrives at Granton 1:45 p. m. for Wausau, Grand Rapids, Mich., and north-eastern Wisconsin points No. 168-3:06p. m., way freight for Marshfield, Wausau, etc. Passengers taking way freight must get permits at depot, C. M. OLSON, Agent.
We are giving our customers a square deal to our mutual prosperity, this is proven by the steady growth of our business. We will be glad to receive an order from you whether it be large or small. with the name on the can YOU KNOW you are receiving a Paint that is Best for the Purpose, is Strictly Pure, Full Measure, and conforms fully with the Pure Paint Law. Why not buy the best, it costs no more? Just received a large assortment of new and up-to-date Wall Paper. Spring has begun and now is the time for papering. Come early and take jour pick before the stock is broken. Our prices are low considering the quality of the goods, and all full 16 yd. double rolls. Seeds. Here is the place you will find them. Clover seeds, grass seeds, Alsyke, Dwarf Essex, Rape seed, White field peas and D. M. Ferry's well known and reliable flower and garden seeds in bulk or in packages, at lowest prices. The A. J. Knorr Co. "A Good Place to Trade."
August F. Snyder, Clothier and Furnisher, Neillsville, Wis.
-- to see our line of-- Farm Implements, Baggies, Wagons, Gasoline Engines, Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Pumps, Paints arid Oils,, Gasoline, Kerosene, Garden seeds and Grass Seeds. GRANTON, . WIS.
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