News: Abbotsford (04 Mar 1931)
Contact: Robert Lipprandt
Surnames: Adams, Amacher, Arnold, Arndt, Bird, Bitters, Blake, Blanchfield, Broeren, Brown, Brunner, Buchholz, Buckley, Bunnell, Christenson, Coope, Daley, Dawes, Delap, Dolan, Droeger, Emling, Gibson, Fults, Haeuser, Henderson, Hills, Hoffman, Ihlenfeldt, Ingersoll, Ireland, Jackson, Jenks, Johnson, Johnston, Jolivette, Kadonski, Kennedy, Kersten, Kleutch, Krone, Kurtz, Lamer, Leichtnam, McCabe, Mantor, Mauritz, Merwin, Middleseadt, Miller, Minshall, Moecker, Moore, Morgan, Munson, Nagel, Nelson, Notbohm, O’Brian, Olson, Parkhill, Parsons, Perry, Phaneuf, Regal, Scheeler, Scheuerman, Sorenson, Tabor, Tessmer, Thompson, Treat, Turner, Underhill, Waech, Waldhardt, Weideman, Young
----Source: The Curtiss Advance (Curtiss, Clark Co., WI) Wednesday, March 4, 1931
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Ihlenfeldt were Wausau callers Monday.
Joyce Blake visited relatives at Phillips Wednesday and Thursday this week.
The interior of the Abbotsford Hdw. Co. store is receiving a new coat of paint.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krone called at the Sam Henderson home at Owen Tuesday evening.
The Riverside Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Myron Mantor on Tuesday, March 11th.
Hazel Merwin or Wausau spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Merwin.
Mrs. Julius Dawes and son of Menominee called at the Jack Weideman home Saturday.
Miss Janet Johnston returned to Eau Claire Wednesday where she will resume her teaching.
Ted Scheuerman took advantage of the excursion rates and spent the week end in Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daley spent several days this week at the Joe Lamer home at Tomahawk.
Mrs. Ed Leichtnam was taken to Owen Clinic Tuesday where she has an operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. Alex Ireland spent Wednesday and Thursday at the Blanchfield home at Wisconsin Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams, Orson Adams and Irene Notbohm visited from Saturday till Monday with relatives and friends at Hancock.
Mrs. Peter Dolan and baby daughter returned Sunday from St. Joseph’s hospital at Marshfield and her many friends are glad to see her back again.
Mrs. Selma Brunner was a Marshfield caller Tuesday.
Mrs. Nels Olson is reported to be on the sick list this week.
Jess Arnold of Barron called at the Harry Morgan home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Droeger were Sunday visitors at the J. E. Minshall home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Brown of Marinette visited relatives her the past week.
Mrs. Wm. Tabor of Stevens Point attended the funeral of Dr. Johnston Sunday.
The Ladies Auxiliary will meet a the home of Mrs. Fred Olson Tuesday March 3rd.
Orrin Perry visited friends at Milwaukee and Kaukauna the latter part of the week.
Howard Merwin and family of Wausau visited his mother Mrs. Emily Merwin Sunday.
George Haeuser of Greenwood spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Edgar Sorenson.
Mrs. Paul Waech went to Marshfield hospital Tuesday were she will undergo an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B.Thompson and Mrs. Al Nelson and children were Marshfield callers Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walhardt and children of Stetsonville, visited at the Gust. Arndt home Sunday.
Robert Johnston returned to Minneapolis Monday evening after spending the past two weeks here.
Mrs. Ed Munson and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Withee spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Niles Parkhill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moecker spent the week end with Mr. Moecker’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. F.H. Moecker at Hilbert.
Miss Annabelle Adams spent Sunday with friends at Hancock.
Mrs. and Mrs. Tom Gibson visited friends at Neillsville Friday.
Norma Regal of Unity is employed at Schaefer’s restaurant.
Frank Kadonski is in Milwaukee and Chicago this week on a business trip.
The Catholic Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Jos. McCabe Thursday March 5th.
Mrs. Anna Underhill visited with friends here Monday and attended the G. I. A.
Dr. Marie Kersten of Stevens Point attended the funeral of Dr. Johnston Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nagel and Lucille and Harold Tessmer and son Robert were business callers at Wausau Tuesday.
Mrs. Otis Adams and son Donald and the Misses Lillian Mittlesteadt, Marie Weideman and Evelyn Petty were visitors in Wausau Thursday afternoon.
The Ladies Home Mission will meet at the church basement next Wednesday March 4th. Mrs. Walter Fults and Mrs. John Thompson will entertain.
George Tessmer of Colby, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tessmer and Florence Nagel visited at Milwaukee last week returning home Monday evening. Mrs. Tessmer remained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hills and sister Delane Hills of Ladysmith visited their brother, Calvin Hills and family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Peterson and son and Mrs. A. L. Adams drove to Withee Sunday evening to visit at the Chas Peterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young, Mrs. Niles Parkhill and Jesse Parkhill called on Mrs. Parkhills’ daughter Mrs. Munson at Withee Sunday.
Aldro Jenks of Eau Claire visited Sunday in Abbotsford with his brother Maxwell Jenks and assisted in the male quartette and also sang a solo a the funeral of Dr. G. B. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delap of St. Point visited Saturday and Sunday at the Orrin Perry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mauritz, Mrs. H. Emling and Mrs. G. Phaneuff and son were Marshfield visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fults were Thorp callers Tuesday.
Nick Kleutch of Westboro spent Sunday with his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore and children were business callers at Wisconsin Rapids Monday.
Mr. Buckely of Ashland, a retired engineer visited old friends here the fore part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Parsons of Stetsonville, were Sunday guests at the Eli Middlesteadt home.
Harvey Bitters returned home Tuesday from Janesville where he has been employed for the winter.
Norman and Gordon Miller drove to New London Sunday taking Clark Ingersoll home. They returned Monday.
An Oyster supper was served to a large crowd by the Riverside Ladies Aid Society at the Frank Kurtz home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Olson of Neenah spent Sunday with Mrs. Olson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Broeren and two children of Medford, visited Sunday in the home of Mrs. Broeren’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Treat.
There will be a business meeting of the W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. H. D. Kennedy, Friday march 6th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner and Mrs. Bertha Turner of Phillips attended the funeral of Dr. Johnston Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Buchholz of Nekoosa were calling on friends in Abbotsford Tuesday.
Prof. and Mrs. P. W. Bird and son George spent the week end with Mrs. Bird’s sister at Fairchild. Mr. Bird returned home Sunday and Mrs. Bird and son returned Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. O’Brian and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coope of Stevens Point, visited at the M. C. Bunnell home Sunday and attended the funeral of Dr. Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Christianson of Wausau were Saturday and Sunday visitors at the Chas. Hoffman home.
Mrs. Hans Amacher visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scheeler at Granton several days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jolivette and children of Greenwood visited his brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jolivette Sunday.
The lighting arrangement of the Beil Merc Co. store is being changed and new fixtures added this week.
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