Bio: Irmen, John
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Irmen
----Source: Family Records
1938 Worden Plat Map showing Sections 23 & 24.
The John Irmen farm was
located between the Clerf’s farm to the West and the Breezy
Hill school to the East on the same side of the road. Our family
lived there from Oct 30, 1943 to July 5, 1946. I’m not sure
of the size of the farm but I want to say it was 160 acres. I
remember the woods way toward the back of the farm where the cows
pastured. Also there was a creek through the woods. Breezy Hill
school had some tall trees mostly on the back. I have a small 2" by
4" picture of the school but it was taken from near our house
looking across the field which was almost a ½ mile away. My
mother wrote on the back of the picture that the dark group of
buildings belong to Casper Haas who is related to Mr. Baures across
the road from us. The picture was taken May 14, 1944. Also about
1958 a tornado came through and destroyed the all of the Irmen
family buildings except the house and also destroyed the Clerf's
farm buildings. I have six small pictures of the damage.
Looking at the area today using Google earth I see that this mile
of farms is totally different from what it was. I see Mike never
rebuilt which surprised me because he seemed like the type that
would. Roger
Irmen, son of John Irmen
The Clerf's lived in section 24 of Worden Township (see map above), at the corner of Broek Rd. and Tieman Ave., 1 mile west of County Road M. We have a couple of plat maps around that era, 1938 and 1947 or 48, but none of them showed an Irmen family property near the Clerfs. Stan Schwarze
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