News: Granton Locals (1 Apr 1910)
Contact: Dolores Mohr Kenyon
Surnames: Feldmaier, Stillman, Osgood, Wonser, Mallory, Kidd, Kurth, Schmoll, Schwarz, Fraser, Cole, Wagner, Baer, Kurzrok, Stallman, Jahr, Downer, Tompkins, Nonhof, Crosby, Ross, Garbisch, Beeckler, Howe, Schoengarth, Dietrich, Sweeting, Lawson,, Reitz, Oliver, Zwick, Leinbzeder, Bieler, Neinas, Beer, Beaver, Dost, Wage, Brown, Rose, Kempin, Chapel, Marsh, Johnson, Hart, Budge, Dennis, Pierrelee, Kuechenmeister, Goebel, Seltrecht, Happe, Erhardt, Churchill, Danger, Kemmeter, Litska, Guk, Hubing, Schnare, Paulson, Bouvran, Riedel, Teatz, Breseman, Ure, Darling, Krause, Guth, Breed, Woodward, Witte, Davis, Free, Fuller, Mason
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) April 1, 1910
Granton Locals (1 April 1910)
T. F. Feldmaier of Marshfield transacted business here last Sat.
Dr. W. D. Stillman returned from Madison late last week.
Gene Osgood went to Fall Creek Saturday to visit relatives.
E. R. Wonser returned from his trip to N. Dakota last Friday.
Wilson Mallory will preach in the Union Church Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kidd returned from California Thursday morning.
Mrs. Robert Kurth of Neillsville visited Mrs. August Schmoll last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osgood visited Dr. and Mrs. Schwarz at Chili early this week.
Fred Wonser after an extended visit here at his brother E. R. Wonser went home to Unity late last week.
Mrs. Fraser and son Earl of Chili spent Friday and Saturday here with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fraser.
Mrs. Tillie Cole came up from Chicago Saturday night and remained until Tuesday evening under the parental roof.
Miss Mabel Wagner went to Eau Claire on Tuesday for an extended stay, having secured pleasant employment in a hotel at that city.
A card to Mrs. Baer from Miss Flora Kurzrok at Burlington informs us that she is recovering from her recent serious illness and promises to come home here in a couple weeks.
Arthur Stallman spent Monday at St. Paul.
Bernhard Jahr made a business trip to the County Seat on Tuesday.
Dick Downer sold his farm to parties from Richland County early this week.
Fred Tompkins and daughter of Rice Lake spent Easter here with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tompkins.
Al Nonhof is enjoying a visit from his father who arrived here from Sheboygan County last week.
Mrs. Emery Crosby and son of Neillsville spent several days late last week at the Doc Ross home.
Mrs. Dave Garbisch went to Plymouth last Friday to spend Easter with her parents who reside there.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beeckler entertained at progressive cinch Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howe.
Herman Schoengarth left Monday for Glendive, Montana, where he has a homestead.
John Dietrich has material on the ground for the erection of a large concrete silo this coming summer.
Wm. Sweeting and family of Marshfield formerly of Waldo were over Sunday visitors at Dr. Ross’ and Henry Lawson’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reitz of Waupaca have been here for the past 10 days guests of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Oliver.
Fred Zwick went to Milwaukee Tuesday in response to the intelligence that his sister Mrs. Leinbzeder had died there on Sunday. The funeral took place on Wednesday.
Read the advertisements
Miss Bertha Bieler and brother Chas., of Chili spent Monday here at Chas. Neinas’.
Traugut Beer went to Marshfield early this week to remain indefinitely at his son Henry’s who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Howe state organizers of the Mystic Workers are here.
Mrs. Geo. Beaver who accompanied her mother to Eau Claire last Wednesday returned home from there on Friday.
Mrs. Dost came up from Milwaukee last Friday and remained until Monday the guest of her son J. P. Dost.
Miss Gladys Wage came up from Milwaukee Friday to spend Easter vacation under the parental roof.
Mrs. Laura Brown most delightfully entertained a dozen of her friends at a combination thimble party and luncheon Thursday afternoon of last week.
For Sale: Oderbrucker seed barley, also a quantity of hay. Inquire of W. D. Rose
The Misses Emma and Martha Kempin spent Easter with Chili relatives, returning here on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapel have taken up their residence at Neillsville since Wednesday. He has secured pleasant employment with Vet Marsh.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johnson of S. Dakota spent last week at Fred Hart’s leaving for Humbird on Sat. and from there for their Dakota home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Budge came down from Minneapolis last week Thursday and remained until (words missing) guests at W. S. Davis’.
The Misses Susan and Emma Schune came home from Milwaukee Saturday on a several weeks’ vacation.
Mrs. Elmer Dennis took her youngest child to Sycamore, Ill. last Friday and from there to Chicago early this week to consult a specialist in regard to the child’s health.
For Sale: Some registered Holstein bulls and graded heifers; Henry Lawson, Granton R. 1
Miss Dollie Pierrelee came home from Ashland on Saturday to remain several weeks.
Miss August Schmoll and daughter Norma spent Monday with Mrs. Clemens Kuechenmeister on the Ridge.
Miss Bertha Goebel came home from Milwaukee last Friday for an extended stay with her parents.
Hulda Seltrecht came home from Sparta last Saturday on a couple weeks’ vacation and visit.
After April 1st the stores here will be closed on Sundays. Those who are in the habit of buying the necessities for the Sunday dinner Sunday morning, please take notice.
Walker Page after a three weeks visit at home left for Dover, Maine, on Tuesday.
W. W. Page purchased his father’s farm last week. His son Leland will run the farm again this year.
C. A. Happe & Son have installed a new and up-to-date planer in their mill known as the old Erhardt mill 2¼ miles west of Chili and will accommodate their customers every first and third Monday after April 15th.
Dr. B. P. Churchill’s children who with there mother were visiting at B. Danger’s in Neillsville came over alone from there on Wednesday and spent the day with relatives in the P. J. Kemmeter home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wagner of Grand Rapids and Miss Emma Litska of Vesper came Saturday and remained until Monday morning guests at Reinhold Guk’s.
For Sale: Full blooded and high grade Holstein bull calves; Al Nonhof
Mike Hubing’s team while left standing tied to a post in front of Geo. Beaver’s place of business, in some way gained their liberty and ran away, leaving the wagon in front of the Schnare store. The horses were finally caught near the Ross Paulson farm and returned to the owner.
The Granton Livestock Co. has dissolved partnership and each buyer will hereafter do business on his own responsibility.
Mrs. Bouvran and daughter, Almeda of Mosinee, mother and sister of Mrs. Geo. Hart, who came last Friday left for home on Tuesday.
Miss Elizabeth Guk came home from Wausau late last week and will leave for Milwaukee in a few weeks where she has employment.
Mrs. Augusta Riedel after a several weeks visit with her mother at Nasonville; returned home Tuesday.
Dr. Stillman sold his property here consisting of a residence, office building and three lots to section foreman Geo. Fraser early this week. Consideration $1600! Dr. Stillman expects to leave for Madison in the near future where he will make his home.
A large number of Earnest Neinas’ friends gathered at his home in Town of Lynn last week Wednesday and helped him celebrate his birthday. All enjoyed the evening very much.
Girl Wanted: to do housework. Inquire of Mrs. F. J. Baer
Robert Teatz who returned from Milwaukee early this week goes down again tonight to see his son Arthur who is at the Trinity hospital and whom a specialist from Chicago is to attend tomorrow.
John Breseman, who accidentally shot himself through the right arm while hunting last fall, was forced to sacrifice his hand at a hospital at Milwaukee last week on account of blood poisoning setting in. The boy has the sympathy of all who know him.
Farmers and town people should be very careful at present in setting fire to brush, rubbish and dry grass. We have had no rain since the snow disappeared several weeks ago and the sun and high wind are drying things up in great shape. Secretary Ure of he Lynn Mutual Fire Insurance Co. informs us that not less than eight losses of barns and houses in different parts of the county were reported to him as the result of brush fires and the high wind of last week Thursday. A house about 5 miles south of here on the old Darling place which was occupied by a bachelor, and a barn belonging to Herman Krause west of here were destroyed by fire on that day. There was no insurance on either. If it had not been for the prompt assistance of a number of residents this village might have been reduced to ashes. Chas. Guth absent mindedly dropped a burning match after lighting his pipe back of his creamery and before he had time to realize what he had done the fire, fanned by the high wind spread with such rapidity as to be beyond his control and when assistance arrived the flames had already found their way into the dry sawdust pile near the ice house. A number of windmills and silos were either blown down or otherwise badly damaged by the wind that day.
Mrs. Gusta Breed is spending the week with friends in Neillsville.
Mrs. Frances Woodward came over from Neillsville Friday and spent the time until Monday evening with Mrs. F. J. Baer.
L. E. Schnare sold his general mercantile business to H. C. Witte of Mondovi last week. Mr. Schnare and family will leave for Glendive, Montana their future home, next week. Mr. Witte, who will take possession of the store today, comes here highly recommended as an up-to-date and honest business man.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Davis have vacated the rooms in the Doc Schwarz house early this week. Mr. Davis left Tuesday for Montana where he will probably take up a homestead and his wife has moved to the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Free and will remain there until her husband has found a suitable location.
A. J. Breed of College Place, Wash., in a letter to his sisters Mrs. John Fuller and Laura Mason informs them that he had recently returned from a conference in Alberta, Canada, and while there took special note of the general condition of land and climate, and has come to the conclusion that it is far the best country he has seen yet for anyone wishing to take up a homestead. He also states that Addie Davis who for several years has been making her home with him has become quite a successful chicken raiser.
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