News: Granton Locals (3 Jun 1910)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Schwerten, Potter, Porath, Fraser, Coil, Cole, Beeckler, Amidon, Campbell, Krause, Canfield, Wage, Raymond, Brooks, Mallory, Riedel, Neinas, Ebbe, Fradenburg, Hart, Fulwiler, Marsh, King, MacBride, Brown, Witte, Schlinsog, Robinson, Hartson, Opelt, Schroeder, Finnegan, Breed, Kurth, Deutsch, Morris, Knorr, Rausch, Wallace, Feldmaier, Klein, Lavey, Guth, Ide, Scharf, Zipfel, Kuechenmeister, Eisentraut, Osgood, Hubing, Beaver, Latamore, Beardsley, Huntley, Spry, Dost, McCart, Jensen, Ure, Draper, Kintzele, Jaseph, Gearke, Hewitt, Barth, Kleinschmidt, Rustad, Muir, Gerzemehle, Reiff, Lange, Happe.


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) June 3, 1910


Granton Locals (3 June 1910)


Mr. and Mrs. Schwerten spent Monday at Marshfield.


Mrs. Frank Potte4r is somewhat under the weather.


Mrs. Albert Porath took the train for Madison Saturday.


Men’s dress shirts, 50c 75c to $1.00 values at 39c at Witte’s


Little Beauford Fraser who was under the doctors care last week is better.


The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coil who was very ill with bowel trouble is O. K. again.


Mrs. Fred Cole and the Misses Pearl and Vera Beeckler were Neillsville visitors Saturday.


Just received a fresh supply of Dr. Hess’ stock food and panacea for poultry at Amidon’s Drug Store


Geo. Campbell went to Sheboygan yesterday on a visit to relatives.


Mrs. Gus Krause of Neillsville came out Tuesday to spend a few days with her friend, Mrs. J. C. Canfield.


Gladys Wage came home from Milwaukee on Wednesday, having resigned her position as teacher in a business college there.


We are trying to put out the best fly dope on the market this year and would like to have you try it.  Amidon’s Drug Store


Mrs. Delos Raymond who several weeks ago suffered a stroke of paralysis and for some time has been in a critical condition is reported to be on the gain.


Geo. Brooks and daughter Beatrice came home from Morristown, N. Dak. on Monday.  Beatrice has a fine claim 2½ miles north of Morristown in North Dakota.


Wilson Mallory will preach in the Union Church Sunday evening.


The exterior of the opera house is receiving a coat of paint.  Riedel Bros. doing the work.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas Neinas spent Saturday and Sunday at Henry Ebbe’s in Bakerville.


Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fradenburg of Humbird spent Saturday at the Fred Hart home.


Mrs. Will Fulwiler and children left for Burley, N. D. last Tuesday to join her husband who has a homestead there.


Just arrived a fresh supply of pineapple at L. A. Marsh’s.  They are cheapest now, ever.


Geo. King accompanied his sister, Mrs. Fulwiler as far as St. Paul on Tuesday.


Mrs. R. J. MacBride spent a couple days here with Mrs. Laura Brown early this week.


All ladies’ shirt waists $1.35 value at 95c at Witte’s


Little Violet Schlinsog youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Schlinsog is sick with pneumonia.


Mrs. John Robinson’s mother who was here on a weeks visit went to Janesville last Saturday to visit other relatives.


A large number from here attended Memorial exercises at Neillsville, while others took in the exercises at Chili.


A nice lot, of ribbons going at 10c at Witte’s


Winnie Hartson of Greenwood came down Tuesday on a visit at the Geo. Brooks home.


Max Opelt and daughter Lillie set out on Wednesday for St. Louis, Mo., via Chicago on a two weeks visit and sight seeing trip.


Mrs. Ed Schroeder and children of Shortville came up Saturday and remained until Thursday guests at Jas. Finnegan’s.


Mrs. Gusta Breed is away on a couple weeks visit at Chili.


Elsie Kurth and her brother Hilton went to Marshfield on Monday for a visit to relatives.


Gust Deutsch, I. W. Morris, A. J. Knorr, Dan Rausch, and G. E. Amidon attended a meeting of R. A. M. at Neillsville Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wallace and daughter of Shortville who visited relatives at Augusta returned Tuesday.


A new lot of samples of Men’s suits, direct from New York, at Witte’s.


Mrs. T. F. Feldmaier and children of Marshfield spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Klein.


Senator S. M. Marsh and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Marsh autoed over from Neillsville on Sunday.


For Sale: a surrey in good condition; would take stock in exchange.  Frank Lavey


The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Guth has been sick and under medical care since last week.


A dance will be given at the Grant Town hall Saturday evening, June 4th.  Good music in attendance.


See our display at the Kantleak line of rubber goods warranted for 2 years.  Amidon’s Drug Store


Miss Abbie Ide left on Tuesday on an extended trip and visit between Marshfield and Fond du Lac relatives.


Herman Scharf, Louis Zipfel, Reinhold Kuechenmeister and Louis Eisentraut are among the people building new houses in the Town of Grant.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas Osgood and baby came down from Rozellville Monday to spend a few days with relatives.  They returned again Wednesday.


For sore, tired, aching feet try Hobson’s antiseptic foot powders.  Shake in your shoes and give instant relief, 25c a can at the drug store.


Mr. and Mrs. George Hubing of Athens were over Sunday guests between the Mike Hubing and Geo. Beaver homes.


Mr. and Mrs. John Hubing of Loyal spent Wednesday here with relatives.


Delbert Latamore after a five days visit at La Crosse came home on Tuesday accompanied by a little girl distantly related to him who will spend some time here.


Mrs. G. L. Beardsley and daughter Mrs. Wm. Huntley Jr., drove out from Neillsville and spent Wednesday p.m. here.


5c bar Castile toilet soap 4 for 10c; a fancy 10c bar highly perfumed Woodlawn Violet, 4 bars for15c at Witte’s.


Jap Spry and his brother A. J. Spry received a telegram Wednesday morning informing them that their father who resided in Richland Co. was dead.  They left for that place on the noon train.


Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dost enjoyed a visit Monday from Geo. McCart, Mrs. Dost’s father who came up from Milwaukee and spent the day with them.  Mr. and Mrs. Dost expect to leave for the west next Tuesday.


L. N. Jensen while preparing some medicine for his self last Tuesday accidentally got hold of a bottle containing poison and drank a quantity of it.  He discovered his mistake in time and at once notified Dr. Ross who soon had him out of danger, feeling none the worse for the experience.


The factory is giving special rebate of Men’s suits to close out summer weight suits. Call in and see samples for your suit before best pick is gone at Witte’s.


Geo. A. Ure has decided to again become a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court.  The present incumbent of the office, Mr. Draper, will not be a candidate for re-election, but has expressed his intentions of coming out for member of assembly.  Two years ago it will be remembered Mr. Ure came within 20 votes of receiving the nomination.  We understand that John Kintzele too will be a candidate again for Register of Deeds. The sheriff’s office as a rule does not go begging.  So far two candidates have made public their announcements, namely Sol. F. Jaseph and S. E. Gearke both of Neillsville.  We are informed that Harry Hewitt of Greenwood will be a candidate again.


Mrs. Augusta Riedel celebrated her 54th birthday anniversary on Sunday with her aged mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Barth, her brother Ernest, the Leo Kleinschmidt and Louis Rustad families with Calvin Muir from Nasonville present and assisting.


Ernest Gerzemehle returned home on Tuesday from Rochester, Minn., whither he went for medical treatment some 10 days since.  He expects to be materially benefited by the course of treatment he is now taking.


Next Sunday Rev. Reiff’s congregation will observe children’s day with a picnic at the grove just north of the church.  Dinner and refreshments will be served at the grounds.  Services will be conducted by Rev. Lange of Loyal at 10:30 in the forenoon and a program will be given in the afternoon.  Happe’s band will furnish the music for the occasion. Everybody welcome


The State Bank of Unity was robbed Tuesday morning of $2,000, the safe of the bank being dynamited.  The robbers escaped.  It is supposed the robbery was committed by two men who had been hanging around the bank for several days. The bank was established in 1905 with a capital of $10,000.


Big discount on all Ladies’ and children’s white canvas slippers at Witte’s


Chas. Neinas and son Henry went to Lindsey Monday since which time Henry is the proud and happy possessor of a "Billy" Goat, harness and wagon to equal his chum Wallace Rausch’s.  The boys now have plenty of fun with the team.


Remember we keep an up-to-date line of toilet requisites such as face powders, tooth preparations; toilet soap, best kind perfumes, toilet creams and waters.  Amidon’s Drug Store



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