News: Granton Locals (24 Jun 1910)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Viergutz, Page, Jacobson, Riedel, Krause, Beeckler, Beauleau, Matheson, Pierce, Wage, Amidon, Helm, Lee, Neinas, Peters, Price, Knoll, Sanger, Schuster, Ross, Marsh, Reiff, Marg, Burdick, Brooks, Beecher, Kinney, Davis, Hubing, Lokken, Bauman, Baker, Beaver, Williams, Canfield, Kurth, Delane, Hart, MacBride, LaBudde, Reichert, Hick, Moh, Pickett, Lowery, Downer, Mabie, Berg, Rausch, Ure, Fraser, Knorr, Pietenpol, Lautenbach, Chadwick, Radke, McCarcher, Doughty, Dennis, Hatch, Daughhetee, Happe, Whitcomb
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) June 24, 1910
Granton Locals (24 June 1910)
Hattie Viergutz came home from Appleton last Saturday.
90 in the shade and then some, how do you like it?
Warren Page went to St. Paul Saturday on a several days visit to her daughter Mrs. Ed Jacobson.
Miss Elsie Riedel after a several months sojourn in Milwaukee returned home last Saturday.
Organ for Sale, inquire of W. W. Page
Emil Krause has secured a patent on an improved cattle stanchion, an invention of his own.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Beeckler went to Osseo Saturday for a few days visit to Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Beauleau.
Mrs. A. Matheson, wife of Dr. Matheson of Neillsville died suddenly at her home here on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pierce of Duluth are visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Wage.
Get your fly dope at Amidon’s Drug Store
Mrs. Helm and two children of Withee visited her sister Mrs. Ernest Lee here several days last week.
Mrs. Chas. Neinas and daughter Lydia, who spent a week with Mrs. Mary Peters at Appleton, returned from there last Saturday.
We are agents for Mrs. Price’s Canning compound at Amidon’s Drug Store
Henry Knoll and family left Tuesday noon for Rockham, S. D., on a several weeks visit with Chas. Sanger and family. Chas Schuster is looking after the farm work during their absence.
Dr. Ross and family are expected home today.
Town and school order books for sale at this office.
Fire crackers, cannons, etc., at Amidon’s Drug Store
48 gallons of ice cream were consumed at the L. A. Marsh ice cream parlors last week.
Rev. Reiff and family returned Wednesday from their trip to Lake Elmo, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marg moved here from Neillsville last week and are occupying the Burdick home.
Pearl Brooks after a couple weeks stay at her grandma Brooks in Neillsville returned home on Sat.
Mrs. Wella Beecher is enjoying a visit from her brother and a little sister who came up from Stevens Point on Saturday.
For currant worms use White Hellebore. Get it at Amidon’s Drug Store
Mrs. A. J. Kinney and son Irving of Hudson and Frank Pierce of Spokane, Wash., were guests at W. S. Davis’ last week.
Mrs. Geo. Hubing and James Lokken and Miss Mary Bauman with Mr. Baker as chauffeur autoed down from Athens and Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaver.
Mrs. Willis Williams and daughter Fern and niece, Mabel Williams were Neillsville visitors Tuesday.
For Sale: A mower, hay rake and cultivator, see Mrs. Jud Canfield.
A large number of Will Kurth’s friends surprised him Monday night to help him celebrate his birthday. A good time was had by all.
Silas Delane of Humbird coming up from Oshkosh stopped off here Sunday morning and remained until Tuesday evening a guest at Fred Hart’s.
Read the advertisements
Nothing like the Little Wm. Penn for a good 5c smoke; see Amidon’s Drug Store
H. E. Williams, Mrs. Frances MacBride and Mrs. G. E. Amidon and daughter Elva took in the circus at Grand Rapids Wednesday.
Mrs. Theodore LaBudde and daughter Bertha who had been visiting at Mrs. Amelia Reichert’s returned home to Colby on Monday.
Bert Hicks of Merrillan with a crew of men are putting up a cement silo at Ell Lee’s this week. They will also erect one for Louis Moh next week.
Mrs. Earl Pickett (Tessie Beeckler) was somewhat bruised up in a run-away while driving from the farm near Spencer to Greenwood. Among other injuries she received a broken finger.
A little son of Phillip Lowery had the misfortune to step onto a scythe which was lying on the ground, thus cutting his foot quite badly.
All kinds of cold soft drinks like pop, birch beer, wild cherry and orange soda, orangeade, etc., on tap these hot, dry days at L. A. Marsh’s ice cream parlors
Mr. and Mrs. Kearney Davis, the Mesdames Homer Downer and Albert Mabie attended the funeral of the late Albert Davis at Spring Valley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Berg went to Blair Tuesday noon in response to news of the death of Mrs. Berg’s father who passed away last Monday afternoon.
Dan Rausch was sick and under the doctor’s care early this week, suffering with tonsillitis. His son Wellie is sick with the same trouble.
Mrs. Geo. Ure and daughter Vivian went to Rochester, Minn., on Wednesday to consult specialties in regard to Miss Vivian’s defective hearing.
R. F. Fraser former superintendent of the county farm and well known to many of our readers died last week Thursday after suffering about six months with sugar diabetes. He was buried at Loyal Saturday.
The W. W. I. B. Club of Neillsville picnicked here with the Misses Myrtle Knorr and Vera Beeckler in the Ell Lee park on Wednesday.
The Misses Vera Pietenpol and Ora Davis went to Stevens Point last Saturday where they expect to attend the summer course at the Normal. Hattie Pietenpol accompanied them as far as Marshfield.
Aug. Lautenbach went to Eau Claire late last week and returned from there with a joy wagon. It is not a manure spreader as was supposed by Chas. Neinas, but is a high-wheeled double seated International motor buggy. The back seat can easily be removed and the auto utilized for the same purposes as any spring wagon.
Thomas Chadwick from near Greenwood was in town between trains Saturday afternoon, calling on old friends. Mr. Chadwick is one of the ole time loggers and is a familiar figure among the older residents of this community. Time and bad luck seem to have gotten the best of him in late years and he has all the appearances of one who has seen better days.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Radke were called upon to mourn the loss of their 10 month old son who died last Saturday evening after a two days illness with bronchial pneumonia.
Vivian, the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albion Downer of Rhinelander died there last week Thursday morning after an illness of but a few days, suffering with a combination of diseases.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Doughty, Geo. and Vance Williams went to Grand Rapids Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dennis returned from Chicago Thursday morning with the body of their little son who died at a hospital there Wednesday morning at the age of 22 months.
Mrs. Wella Beecher with her baby son accompanied by Mrs. Hatch drove in Wednesday afternoon with Jerry Daughhetee’s driving team to meet her brother and sister who came on the evening train from Stevens Point, had the misfortune to have a run-away. The team took fright on Main Street and ran down past the depot, turning the corner that at such speed as to throw out all the occupants, injuring both ladies severely though not seriously. Mrs. Beecher sustained the loss of five teeth and had many loosened. The baby escaped unhurt. As the team passed Lautenbach’s mill one of the horses fell and they were captured.
A fourth of July celebration for Granton is being planned this year and preparations for a fitting observance of the day are well under say. Happe’s Band of 13 pieces has been engaged to furnish music during the day and Whitcomb’s Orchestra will play for the dance in the afternoon and night. Sports of all kinds such as goat races, sack race, pony race, wheelbarrow race, etc. with liberal prizes will furnish amusement for young and old. In the afternoon a picnic is scheduled in Ed Wiesner’s grove just east of town, which makes an ideal spot for the purpose. Dinner will be served in the basement of the opera house and with two good hotels in town there is no need of anyone going hungry that day. Arrangements are being made for a grand display of fireworks in the evening. As there is nothing "doing" this year in Neillsville, Loyal and Chili, a good sized delegation from these places is expected to help Granton celebrate.
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