News: Granton Locals (22 Jul 1910)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Page, Kimball, Ebson , Kemmeter, Deutsch, Flint, Fisk, Knorr, Franz, Lee, Hankey, Kurth, Viergutz, Goebel, Ayers, MacBride, Brown, Coil, Schwarz, Amidon, Wonser, Smith, Mahn, Beaver, Hubing, Gerber, Reichert, Mallory, Grasser, Herian, Dickey, Marsh, Pietenpol, Thomas, Baer, Hobson, Owen, Lapp, Rausch, Davis, O’Neill, Opelt, Van Zile, Meyer, Converse, Hannah, Stratton, Eilert, Beardsley, Perry, Lapham, Mayo, Moh, Crevecour, Wright, Ure, Rose, Riedel, Schlinsog, Ross, Ward, Hams, Curtis, Daughhetee, Nonhof, Dorst, Handt, Braatz, Wagner, Zwahlen, Wage, Barnes, Pierce, Wiertz, Campman, Draper, Dankemyer, Hornbeck
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) July 22, 1910
Granton Locals (22 July 1910)
Organ for sale; Inquire of W. W. Page
Clara and Lloyd Kimball left last Sunday for St. Paul.
Anton Ebson Sundayed at Neillsville
Philmore Kemmeter Sundayed at Neillsville
Gust Deutsch Sundayed with relatives at Neillsville
Mrs. Flint has been visiting Colby relatives the past two weeks.
Gertrude Kimball went to Merrill Tuesday on a visit to friends.
Dode Fisk’s Circus will be in Marshfield Saturday, July 30.
Mrs. A. J. Knorr after a weeks visit at Milwaukee came home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Rudolph Franz visited friends here Tuesday and took the evening train for Neillsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Lee are spending this week at their Heathville farm home.
Mrs. Fred Hankey and little sons went to Neillsville Sunday for a visit at her brothers Robert Kurth’s.
Hattie Viergutz and Miss Goebel went to Neillsville Sunday, they having secured employment there.
Mrs. Bert Ayers spent last Friday and Monday afternoon with town friends.
Mrs. R. J. MacBride of Neillsville spent Sunday here with Mrs. Laura Brown.
Walter Coil and family moved into rooms in the Doc Schwarz house last Saturday.
Buy your flavoring extracts at Amidon’s Drug Store
Doc Wonser came home on Monday from a ten days business trip at Belfield, N. D.
W. L. Smith of Neillsville transacted business here between trains on Tuesday.
Mrs. John Mahn and daughter of Neillsville visited relatives here early this week.
Mrs. Geo. Beaver and daughter Leona attended church at Chili on Wednesday.
Frank Hubing came down from Athens Tuesday to purchase horses for his sale stable there.
We keep a good line of tooth wash, soap, powders and pastes, also a large line of tooth brushes at Amidon’s Drug Store.
Mrs. Fred Gerber is ill with pneumonia since Sunday. Her mother Mrs. Reichert is caring for her.
Wilson Mallory will hold preaching services here in the Union Church Sunday evening. Everybody is invited
Miss Mary Grasser arrived home early Sunday morning from Eureka, S. D., where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Herian.
Miss Blanche Dickey came up from Neillsville with Senator and Mrs. Marsh Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. John Pietenpol.
Judge and Mrs. Forest S. Thomas and son Cyrus of Lisbon, N. D., spent several days of this week with relatives in the F. J. Baer home.
If your horses cough feed them a package of Dr. Hobson Heave and Cough Cure before they get the heaves; 50c per package at Amidon’s Drug Store.
Mrs. John Owen after a several weeks visit to her daughter Mrs. Walter Coil went to Marshfield Sunday for a visit at her son-in-law Hank Lapp’s.
Read the advertisements
Ed Coil went to Rice Lake on Monday.
Dan Rausch and Scott Davis autoed to Lindsey last Friday evening.
Judge O’Neill spent Friday afternoon here with friends.
Max Opelt will give a dance at his park Saturday evening.
A game of baseball will be played between the Chili and Lynn teams at Lynn Sunday afternoon.
The Woodmen of Chili will give a dance at their hall Saturday, July 23.
Crystal Velvet to perfume the bath and soften the water; 25c per can at Amidon’s Drug Store
Miss Bessie Van Zile who was here on a several weeks visit at Geo. Howard’s returned to her home at Crandon last Monday.
Asa Mahn is barbering at Loyal this week in place of Wm. Meyer who is spending the week at Camp Douglas with the state militia.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Converse, Mrs. James Hannah and her daughter Isabella Nanstad have gone to Fay Stratton’s in Melrose to stay through haying and harvesting.
Mrs. Will Eilert of Fresno, Cal., is spending the week with Mrs. Baer and looking after her brother Otis Beardsley’s business during his absence at Camp Douglas.
Senator S. M. Marsh and family autoed over from Neillsville Sunday and took Mr. and Mrs. Free Converse to Christie to the Marsh bungalow where they enjoyed a days outing.
H. S. Perry the photographer is still here and will remain here for a short time longer. Better hurry and have your picture taken while you have this chance.
Forest Fires did considerable damage in the towns of Washburn and Sherwood last week. Hundreds of tons of hay were destroyed. Since the rain last Saturday night the fires have been extinguished.
Mrs. Frances MacBride and Mrs. Chas Lapham left Tuesday morning for Rochester, Minn., where they expect to find relief from their respective ailments at the hands of Mayo Brothers.
L. E. Moh’s new residence is now completed and ready for occupancy. This is considered one of the most modern farm houses in this part of the county. The carpenter work was done by the well known contractor and master workman Ernest Crevecour and his assistants.
Vernie Wright, Lynn Knorr, Otis Beardsley, Ray Ure, Harry Rose, Walter and Albert Riedel are this week at Camp Douglas during the encampment of the 3rd regiment. The boys are members of Company A of Neillsville.
Surrounded by her immediate family and all of her children, Mrs. Wm. Schlinsog celebrated her 60th birthday in the best of spirit and good health, last Sunday. Among those present from away were Mrs. Ole Johnson of Eau Claire, a sister to Mrs. Schlinsog, and Wm. Schlinsog and family of Greenwood.
Good supply of fruit on hand at all times. We carry the choicest lien of candies in town. New potatoes, apples and watermelons just in. We still sell ice cream and cool drinks. L. A. Marsh & Son
Mrs. P. M. Ross went to Glenbulah last Friday in response to news of her father’s illness. She returned home on Wednesday, her father being much improved in health.
Ward & Co. is the name of a firm which will open up a store at Lynn in the building formerly occupied by Jerome Hams. They have arranged a sale which will commence Monday, July 25. See their ad elsewhere in this issue.
Among those who recently received silos to be erected on their respective farms this year are Fred and Frank Davis, Dewitt Curtis, J. B. Daughhetee, Fred Wright, Al Nonhof, Mike Dorst, Paul Handt, Herman, Henry and Carl Braatz and Wm. Wagner. These are Indiana Stave silos purchased of the Knorr-Rausch Hardware Co.
Miss Anna Zwahlen who was a school mate of Miss Gladys Wage’s at Eau Claire last year came up from Waukon, Iowa, last Friday and remained until Sunday the guest of Miss Wage. Miss Zwahlen expects to sail from New York City August 2nd for her home at Bern, Switzerland. She has spent the last three years in this country.
Mrs. M. A. Hornbeck and daughter of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., were in Sharon last Friday and closed a deal for the purchase of Mrs. Rose Ward’s Millinery stock and business. They will take possession on July 15. Mrs. Hornbeck and daughter have been employed in Ft. Atkinson’s leading store and rank among the leaders in millinery art. - Sharon Reporter
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