News: Granton Locals (21 Oct 1910)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Rausch, Schafer, Amidon, Hart, Beardsley, Gangler, Beeckler, Witte, Fraser, Molamphy, Mockel, Pabst, Marsh, Pickel, Gilman, Soles, Grasser, Davis, Chapel, Claussen, Stallman, Hipke, Lustig, Bass, Cole, Snyder, Smith, Clark, Finnegan, Neverman, Neinas, Daughhetee, Riedel, Bredlau, Swan, Heyder, Pierrelee, Kihn, Wage, Frank, Breese, Erickson, Osgood, Gruber, Sternitzky, Scholtz, Graves, Winn, Waterman, Burdick, Fradenberg, Williams, Brown, MacBride, Wright, Prange, Schlinsog, Bruley, Seltrecht, Knorr, Kintzele, Canfield, Mac Millan, Rathke, Kemmeter, Ure, Page, Lee, Handt, Lindsey, Kurzrok, Jacques


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) October 21, 1910


Granton Locals (21 October 1910)


Mrs. D. S. Rausch entertained the Circle Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Will Schafer Jr. returned to Whitehall on Monday.


Something good to read these long evenings, get a book at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mrs. Fred Hart is recovering from several weeks’ serious illness.


Mrs. Otis Beardsley spent Friday with friends at Marshfield.


Bill Gangler resigned his position at the Forest House last Sat. and left for Chicago.


E. A. Beeckler, after a six months sojourn on his Canadian lands returned home Friday night.


The best lard, compound and vegetole at 12½c a pound at Witte’s


Mr. and Mrs. Geo Fraser and son Beaufort spent Sunday with relatives at Chili.


Mrs. Jack Molamphy of Neillsville has been assisting at the Forest House since Saturday.


Miss Mockel went to Oconomowoc Monday to work for Mrs. Fred Pabst.


Large cotton batts 72x84 inches $1.15; large wool batts 72x84 in. $2.00 at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Company


Dan Rausch autoed out to Nasonville Monday with his mother who went for a weeks visit.


Tom Pickel of Marinette was here on Monday in company with Wm. Gilman calling on old friends.


Carpenters are doing the finishing work on Ed Soles’ new house now.


Mollie Grasser went to Wauwatosa Monday and accepted a position in a hospital at that place.


Following special for one week only: 22c coffee at 20c; regular 35c tea at 25c; A large whole Carolina fancy rice, regular 10c rice at 6c a pound; see H. C. Witte


Leland Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapel of Marshfield Sundayed here at Geo. Hart’s


Herman Claussen of New Holstein is visiting relatives in the Peter Stallman home since last week Wed. and taking treatment of Dr. Hipke of Marshfield.


Chas. Bass’s sister who had been visiting him left for Neillsville on a farther visit among relatives, Monday.


Bring your chickens, geese and turkeys, all your poultry, to Witte.  Best and highest market price paid for them every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


Mrs. Cole who had been here from Humbird for several weeks past caring for her sister, Mrs. Fred Hart left for home on Monday.


Notice L. A. Marsh’s Lunch Counter


Elsie Snyder of Neillsville was here between trains Sunday. 


Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clark autoed over from Neillsville Sunday.


Mrs. Jas. Finnegan and daughter Ethel spent Saturday with friends at Neillsville.


Mr. and Mrs. Max Neverman of Neillsville and little son called on town friends Monday.


Dye your old clothes, makes them look like new!  Try Dyola, the new dye, 10c per package at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neinas and Mr. and Mrs. Will Neinas spent Wednesday at Marshfield in the Geo. Bauman home.


Mrs. J. B. Daughhetee and daughter Cleo returned last week from their visit at Richland, Vernon County.


The Mesdames D. S. Rausch and G. E. Amidon did shopping in Marshfield last Friday.


Mrs. Bertha Riedel drove to Loyal Saturday to visit her sister Mrs. Fred Bredlau and returned Monday.


Now is the time to use Nyal’s face cream, 25c per box at Amidon’s Drug Store.


Mrs. Swan a nurse of Marshfield has been here caring for Mrs. Fred Hart since last Friday.


Miss Clara Heyder has accepted a position in the Geo. Hart store and began work there, Monday.


Aug. Pierrelee left for Glidden Tuesday morning to visit his son Eugene and family.


Have you tried Stone Root Compound for your kidneys, liver and bladder?  A sure cure, 50c and $1 per bottle


Birdine Kihn came down from Park Falls Monday to spend some time with her aunt Mrs. T. D. Wage and attend school.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frank moved over from Chili and into the John Breese house last week.


L. A. Marsh has added a lunch counter to his ice cream and fruit business and you may have a cup of hot coffee and lunch now at any time.


Mrs. Gus Erickson accompanied by her sister-in-law Mrs. Wm. Erickson came up from Pittsville on Monday and made a several days visit to the former’s daughter Mrs. Mot Osgood.


Some nice music rolls at Amidon’s Drug Store, prices from 45c to $2.50


Otto Gruber of St. Louis, Mo.,  who for the past two weeks has been here visiting his uncle Ernest Sternitzky and other relatives returned to his home again today.


John S. Hart an aged blind veteran of the Civil War came over from Nasonville and spent several days of this week here with relatives and old friends.


Miss Maymie Scholtz left for Bismarck, N. D. Wednesday.


Geo. Hart transacted business at Humbird, Tuesday.


Mrs. Ed Graves who was very ill last week is improving.


Wanted - Teams to haul sugar beets from my farm to Granton, see Webb Winn


Ed Waterman is ill with erysipelas in his face.


Mrs. C. E. Beeckler went to Seymour Sunday night to visit her mother Mrs. Burdick.


Mrs. Bert Fradenberg of Humbird is here visiting her sister Mrs. Fred Hart since Wednesday.


W. S. Davis and family drove down and spent Sunday at their Dells Dam Cottage.


Mrs. H. E. Williams and her mother Mrs. Laura Brown were guests of Mrs. R. J. MacBride at Neillsville last week Thursday.


Wool batts 72x84 inches for $2.00 at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Company


Vernon Wright and Leonard Cole who are attending business college at Eau Claire came home for an over Sunday visit.


Chas Neinas and Otis Beardsley were at Neillsville between trains on Wednesday.


Jesse Williams and family left for Beach, N. D., their new homes, Tuesday.


Mrs. Emil Prange has been ill and confined to her bed since Wednesday, Miss Schlinsog is caring for her.


Fred Davis shipped on Tuesday a car load of choice stock which he had been pasturing for several months.


Mrs. Emery Bruley of Neillsville especially asks your inspection of her table of $2 hats.


Will and Fred Seltrecht came home from Almond Wednesday.  They brought two little fox hound pups home with them.


Mrs. A. J. Knorr came home last Friday from a week’s visit at Milwaukee.  Miss Myrtle is not attending the Downer College as reported in last week’s issue, but has entered the observatory of music at that place.


Apples at $1.15 a bushel; see H. C. Witte


Mrs. John Kintzele has so far recovered from her recent severe illness as to be able to visit her neighbors and to have dined with Mrs. Eva Canfield last week Thursday.


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marsh and son Joe autoed over from Marshfield Sunday and took his sister Mrs. John Wright home with him.  Mrs. Wright came home the next day with her brother and others in B. F. Mac Millan’s car.


Ladies it will be to your advantage to see the large stocks of coats, suits, furs, skirts, silk waists and sweaters at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co. before you buy.


Can you ask anything fairer than this?  We guarantee positions to all full-course graduates or refund tuition. For interesting free book send to Brandrup & Nettleton Business College, Winona, Minn.


Samuel Rathke who is clerking in H. C. Witte’s store had the misfortune to have his right hand badly cut by getting it between the chain and sprocket wheel of his bicycle while in motion.


For knobby ready to wear and for stylish up-to-date dress hats in all the latest shapes and colors see Mrs. Emery Bruley, Neillsville, She can please you.


P. J. Kemmeter and son Philmore left for Menasha, Chicago and other points in their auto Saturday, expecting to be gone about three weeks. Sid Davis who accompanied them as far as Stevens Point returned home Sunday morning.


The Mesdames Geo. Ure, Chas Beeckler, James Finnegan, W. W. Page, Ara Lee, Ernest Lee and Fisk Lee drove to York Center Saturday where they were entertained by Maple Leaf Camp, Royal Neighbors.


Ladies who are looking for coats should not fail to see what W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co. is offering.


Mr. and Mrs. Romanzo Davis who for the past several years have managed a chicken farm near Minneapolis have resigned their position and are visiting with relatives here since Sunday.


The Editor and family enjoyed a few days vacation late last week with the formers brother at Merrill. The trip was made by auto both ways and it was a most delightful outing to say the least.


The G. E. Amidon and Dan Rausch families went to Melrose in the formers auto Sunday morning to visit Mr. Amidon’s parents. They returned that same evening, enjoying (?) the trip and especially the Jackson County sand roads immensely.


Paul Handt left last Monday for Minneapolis where he expects to make his home with his sister, Mrs. Lindsey, for the present at least.  He rented his farm south of here for the next two years.


A fine new line of the newest and latest creations of millinery now on display at the Granton Milliner’s; come and see them.  Mrs. Flora Kurzrok


Ladies who are looking for fur or fur lined coats should see W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co.’s big assortment.


Have you seen the new sweater coats at $1.50, $2.00, $2.75, $3.00 up to $7.00 at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co.


It’s going to be a hard winter the old timers say. The prognostication is based on general weather observation, and upon the woodman’s lore, which is concerned with the habits of the birds and animals and the appearance of the forests. Animals are getting their new growth of fur earlier this year than usual. This is the sign of an early and hard winter. Even the prosaic horse shows its bit of horse sense and is beginning to sprout unusually thick tufts of hair in preparation for cold weather of unusual severity.  Another sign is the sudden and early flight of night hawks toward the south. For over a week these birds have been flitting towards a warmer climate, some times in noticeably large numbers.  The flight of all birds southward will probably be early this fall, the wood lore avers.  And furthermore the hot summer with its lack of rain is taken as another sure indication that there will be much snow, much cold weather, and a long winter during the frigid months that are approaching. Ex


In Millinery Mrs. Emery Bruley of Neillsville can please the most critical.



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