News: Granton Locals (28 Oct 1910)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Nonhof, Wonser, Opelt, Rausch, Selk, Gluch, Witte, Snyder, Brown, Huntley, Beardsley, Breseman, Lee, Beecher, Robert, Eberhardt, Wright, Marsh, Breed, Woodward, Knorr, Amidon, Gerber, Morris, Reichert, Johnson, Tompkins, Lapham, Horn, Moh, Daughhetee, Hewett, Schmoll, Riedel, Herian, Grasser, Bathrick, Baer, Williams, Hiles, Davis, Montgomery, Kuechenmeister, Kurth, Brooks, Holmes, Jacobson, Kemmeter, Nault, Tradup, Reiff, Fanning, Stafford, Vick, Bartz, Schmalz, Zielsdorf, Lautenbach, Page, Wood, Marg, Daniels, Budge, Eisenhart, Bilgrien, Paulson, Galbreath, Ebbe
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) October 28, 1910
Granton Locals (28 October 1910)
The Al Nonhof family Sundayed at E. R. Wonser’s
5 and 10c hair nets at the Granton Milliner
Max Opelt will give a dance at his bowery Saturday night.
E. R. Wonser and Dan Rausch autoed to Pittsville Tuesday.
The Misses’ Selk of Chili was over Sunday guests in the Dan Gluch home.
Black Cat hosiery for ladies, children and Misses for your whole family; at Witte’s Cash Store
August Snyder accompanied by Forest Brown drove over from Neillsville Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huntley Jr. of Neillsville spent Sunday here with Otis Beardsley and wife.
Willie Breseman came home from Altoona last Saturday for a few days visit at home.
New $2.00 Mackinaw jackets at $1.50, new $4.00 Mackinaws at $3.50 at Witte’s
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee’s little daughter has been suffering the past two weeks, with boils.
Mrs. Price Lee and the Misses Lulu Beecher, Myrtle Robert and Miss Eberhardt went to Stevens Point Sat.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright spent Sunday at Senator S. M. Marsh’s in Neillsville.
Mrs. Gusta Breed accompanied Mrs. Frances Woodward home to Neillsville late last week for an over Sunday stay and visit.
Shirley Knorr entertained several of her young friends last Saturday at tying off a comforter.
This is the time to think of hot water bottles, fountain syringes, etc; See our large line; at Amidon’s Drug Store
L. A. Marsh was sick and confined to his bed with rheumatism the fore part of the week.
Through sneak thieves Fred Gerber suffered the loss of twenty-three fine turkeys Monday night.
Levi Morris carrier on rural route No. 3 has the first regulation Uncle Sam mail wagon and made his initial trip in it, yesterday.
Try our coffee and teas; they won’t disappoint you
Miss Ora Marsh returned home last week from a several days visit to her brother Earl and friends at Duluth, Minn.
L. A. Reichert of Chili came over Monday and took dinner with his mother.
Elsie Johnson, a daughter of Fernand Johnson’s is ill with bowel trouble since Sunday.
J. M. Tompkins had a letter Monday from his daughter Mrs. Chas Lapham written at Lakewood, New Mexico, whither she has gone to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Rausch autoed to Nasonville Sunday.
Mrs. E. R. Wonser entertained the Circle Wednesday.
C. L. Horn of Pickett spent Wednesday here on business with L. E. Moh.
Miss Cleo Daughhetee was at Neillsville between trains Wednesday.
Good outing flannels at 8c; very good values; see Witte’s
Mr. J. I. Hewett attended the Teachers Association meeting at Eau Claire last Friday.
Aug. Schmoll is having his house repainted. Arthur Riedel is wielding the brush.
Mrs. John Herian came home from Eureka, N. D., last week on an extended visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grasser.
Miss Minnie Herian came over from Neillsville Monday on a visit to her sister-in-law Mrs. John Herian.
Get your Thanksgiving post cards early; see Amidon’s Drug Store
R. J. Bathrick of Taylor was here early this week. He sold his restaurant there last week and now is looking for a new location.
Mrs. F. J. Baer visited Mrs. P. A. Williams at Marshfield and attended the White Welton tea party there Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiles arrived here Monday to take possession of their new home, the Homer Davis place.
An enjoyable birthday surprise party was tendered Mrs. Orrin Montgomery by her neighbors last Saturday.
Mrs. Clemens Kuechenmeister went to Eau Claire Wednesday to visit her little nephew, Irvin Kurth.
We have some new cyclone views at Amidon’s Drug Store
Miss Beatrice Brooks came home Wednesday from a several days visit with her grandma Brooks at Neillsville.
Mrs. H. B. Holmes arrived home Wednesday morning from an extended visit between Ohio and New York points.
An apron or two will help out your Christmas box wonderfully. Buy them already made at the Circle Apron sale Saturday evening.
Mrs. Ed Jacobson came down from St. Paul Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives.
P. J. Kemmeter and son Philmore arrived home Wednesday from a several weeks auto trip through southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.
Every home should have a hot water bottle; it saves sickness; see the line at Amidon’s Drug Store
Mr. and Mrs. Nault came down from Minneapolis Monday and joined their little daughter at the home of Mrs. Nault’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Tradup, for a short visit.
Next Sunday reformation services will be held at Rev. Reiff’s church.
The first snow storm of the season made its appearance Thursday morning. It was of short duration.
New blankets for large beds, regular family size; pure wool blankets, the home made ones for $4.75 at Witte’s.
J. R. Fanning and wife of Elmira, N. Y., arrived here Friday on a visit at the M. V. Ayers home.
Hiram Stafford and family, who the past summer were renting the Albert Davis farm moved to Altoona last week where Mr. Stafford has employment in the railroad yards.
Earl Brooks left for Valum, S. D. last Saturday where he has a homestead. His father, George Brooks expects to leave for that place next week.
For Sale - Poland China pigs; inquire of Al Nonhof
Do not forget the Circle’s Halloween supper and apron sale Monday evening. Let everybody turn out and spend an enjoyable evening together.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vick of Falls City, Oregon, arrived here Wednesday on an extended visit among relatives and old friends. They came here from Duluth where they were visiting their daughter Mrs. Frank Snyder.
Hickory brand, red seal rubbers and overshoes, best made; at Witte’s
Orrin Montgomery has built a small new house for his mother, upon his farm in York and expects her here this week from Fond du Lac to take up her residence here.
Mrs. Leland Davis and baby daughter, Minerva Lella joined Leland at Marshfield and have taken up their residence there since Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bartz who sold their Fremont farm two weeks since have moved into York and upon their son Alfred’s farm which has two houses and where they will reside until they can locate permanently.
Lard and butter substitute at 12-1/2c a pound at Witte’s
Rev. Schmalz of Edgar and Rev. Zielsdorf of Nasonville spent Sunday afternoon here at Rev. Reiff’s. Rev. Schmalz installed Rev. Zielsdorf into his new field of labor at Nasonville that day.
Mrs. Julius Lautenbach and daughter Theresa whose birthday anniversaries fall due on the same day, celebrated together early last week. Little eight year’ old Lisetta’s coming a few days later entertained a number of her little friends at a party last Thursday evening.
Warren Page who bought his parents farm some time ago moved his family out there this week to take up their residence with his mother who will remain with them indefinitely. Warren’s step-son Frank Wood, owing to his school studies here did not accompany them but has taken up his residence again, with his grandmother Mrs. Gusta Breed.
You can save $5.00 and get 3 months’ tuition free if you act at once. The first student to enroll from each post office will get both. Send for particulars and free book; to Brandrup & Nettleton Business College, Winona, Minn.
Albert Marg of Lynn was a caller at this office Monday. Albert says he is glad to see such nice fall weather, because owing to a broken toe which he received while building fences about two weeks ago he consequently had to neglect his fall plowing. The toe is almost O. K. again and he is busy now making up for lost time.
Dr. W. N. Daniels of Mosinee, republican nominee for State Senator was in town Thursday morning getting acquainted with the voters. This office acknowledges a pleasant call. Mr. Daniels is a man of very pleasant appearance and made a favorable impression upon every one he met.
Auction sale on Wm Budge’s farm on Saturday, October 29; Henry Eisenhart, Proprietor
Baby carried off by Wolf:
An unusual incident for these civilized days, when dangerous wild animals are supposed to be exterminated in this locality, occurred Monday morning, and a devoted mother has scarcely yet recovered from her fright.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bilgrien who reside on the Paulson farm, Rozellville road, town of McMillan were busy about their usual work, while their youngest child, Roy, aged two years, was playing in the yard. Mrs. Bilgrien, coming out of the house suddenly to look after her child, was horrified to see a large, dark animal, which she thinks was a wolf, carrying the baby off toward the woods. The mother, helpless with terror and fright, called hoarsely for help, and a little neighbor girl who had come over on an errand, bravely gave chase to the thief with his precious burden.
The wolf hurried under the wire fence, still holding the child with his sharp teeth fastened in the baby’s skirts. He was making for the thick woods, but the shouts of the little girl chasing wildly after him frightened him, and when about two and one-half blocks away he dropped the child, and relieved of its weight sprang away into the woods.
The little girl gathered up the baby, who was uninjured save for his clothes, which were badly torn, and bore him back in triumph to the frantic mother. - Marshfield Times
For sale: one 45 H. P. center crank steam engine; one 60 H. P. tubular boiler; one saw mill outfit consisting of saw works, carriage, one edger and one shingle mill outfit complete, including all tools. Located about six miles south of Granton; for further particulars inquire of Robert Galbreath, Granton R. 4
Attention: I recently graduated from the Chicago School of Auctioneering and hold diplomas for first class standings in conducting pedigreed stock, merchandise, and real estate and farm sales. Write me for terms before you make the date of your sale. Wm Ebbe, Tel. 84, Marshfield
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