News: Granton Locals (18 Nov 1910)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Krause,  Beeckler, Witte, Pischer, Sturdevant, Davis, North, Bruley, Page, Kuechenmeister, Geisler, Kurth, Schultz, Albright, Ross, Wage, Tragsdorf, Riedel, Kihn, Garbisch, Hillert, Hart, Trimberger, Winn, Reiff, Butschke, Balou, Nichols, King, Viergutz, Brooks, Hodges, Braatz, Osgood, Frei, Heck, Tomz, Wolff, Baer, Canfield, Steinbach, Lindow, Ayers, Amidon, Ebling, Beecher, Richter, Konshak, Schaefer, Kimball, Fuller, Fradette, Paulson, Rausch, Ure, Marsh, Garbush, Nitschke, Kintzele, Williams, Ober, Strey, Martin, Brown, Kurzrok, Olsen


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) November 18, 1910


Granton Locals (18 November 1910)


Gottlieb Krause is reported to be very ill with paralysis.


Mrs. C. E. Beeckler will entertain the Circle next Wednesday.


Pure preserves at 12-1/2c per pound, lard compound at 12-1/2c a pound at Witte’s


Mrs. Pischer and baby came home from Athens Tuesday noon.


Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sturdevant of Neillsville autoed over last Sunday and visited at W. S. Davis’.


Herman North and Miss Maude Bruley drove over from Neillsville Sunday.


W. W. Page and family are at home on their farm since last Friday.


Clemens Kuechenmeister was somewhat under the weather late last week.


If the hat question bothers you see Mrs. Emery Bruley, the Neillsville milliner. She can suit you.


Mrs. Will Geisler and baby left for Genesee, Ill., Tuesday night to join Will and take up their residence.


It is rumored that Richard Kurth has bought the Aug. Schultz farm at $10,000.


New lot suits for men, boys and youths at Witte’s


Mrs. Harry Albright of Neillsville visited at Dr. P. M. Ross’s late last week.


Miss Gladys Wage came home from Grand Rapids and spent Saturday and Sunday under the parental roof.


Mrs. Ben Tragsdorf of Neillsville spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Bertha Riedel.


Mrs. Ernest Kihn and two youngest children came down from Park Falls last Friday on a weeks visit at T. D. Wage’s.


Mrs. Louis Garbisch and children of Stratford after a visit with her father Gottlieb Hillert left for her home again Tuesday.


All kinds of poultry bought at Witte’s the first 3 days in a week.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart spent Sunday with relatives at Marshfield.


Amelia Trimberger is recovering from a long siege of tonsillitis.


Wanted: A carload of red potatoes; see Webb Winn


Dave Garbisch had a stone bee Tuesday for a stone culvert across the highway near his farm.


Rev. Reiff will hold services in his church here Sunday forenoon and in Pine Valley in the afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Gust Butschke of Oconomowoc spent several days here at Herman Witte’s.


T. D. Wage and Hiram Balou were Marshfield visitors, Wednesday.


Mrs. Langdon Nichols expects to start next Monday for York state on a visit to her mother who lives alone there.


Mrs. Homer King went to Minneapolis Monday where before her return she will undergo in one of the hospitals a surgical operation for an internal cancer.


For Sale: A heavy logging team weighing about 3100; light gray; sound; inquire of Rudolph Viergutz, 1/2 mile west and 1/2 mile south of Lynn.


Miss Electa Brooks who has been spending the past ten days with Neillsville friends is ill at Mrs. Hodges with an abscess on her face.


Dr. Ross delivered a 10 pound boy at the home of Herman Braatz last Sunday morning.


M. C. Osgood came down from Rozellville last Thursday morning on a short visit to his mother.


Geo. Frei last week received the sad news of the death of his mother who died the latter part of last month in Switzerland at the advanced age of 86 years.


Stamped linen towel at 25c to 50c each; Stamped pillow cases (tubing) 60 to 85c pair.  Just the thing to embroider for Christmas presents.  For sale by Mrs. Emery Bruley, Neillsville


Eli Heck came home late last week from a visit to Watertown relatives and old friends.


Mrs. Wm. Tomz of Wilmington, N. C. who is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wolff at Neillsville was the guest of Mrs. Baer last Saturday and Sunday.


Hiram Balou of Potsdam, N. Y., arrived here late last week on a visit to relatives incl., Mrs. Eva Canfield and the

T. D. Wage’s family.


Get your apples by the barrel at Witte’s


Mrs. Steinbach enjoyed a visit from her sister-in-law Mrs. Fred Lindow from Forest Junction early this week.


M. V. Ayers who for the past three weeks has been seriously ill is reported to be on the gain.


Do not forget we have a large line of fountain syringes, hot water bottles and all rubber goods, at Amidon’s Drug Store


Ernest Ebling sold his 40 acre farm in Town York, known as the Beecher farm, to a Mr. Richter of Brillion, Wis.


Mr. and Mrs. Eli Heck drove in Monday to meet her brother and a young gentleman friend who came up from Watertown that day to visit them.


Harvey Konshak came down from Dorchester Monday evening and spent a day or two among old friends and relatives hereabouts.


Wm. Schaefer of the Ridge drove in Monday evening and met his daughter who had been on a visit to Sheboygan County friends and came home on that afternoon’s train.


Get your post cards at Amidon’s Drug Store; we have a lot of new ones.


Big assortment of Men’s heavy shirts and sweater coats at Witte’s


Miss Emma Kimball made an over Sunday visit to relatives at Merrillan and returned home Monday afternoon.


John Fuller’s horse took fright at an auto last Sunday and ran away, injuring no one, but breaking the harness and buggy some.


Mrs. Herbert Fradette after a weeks stay here at Ross Paulson’s was taken to her home at Christie last Sunday.  She is slowly recovering from her recent serious illness.


G. E. Amidon and family and D. S. Rausch and family autoed over to Marshfield Sunday and returning stopped and took supper with Mrs. Hans Paulson Sr. at Nasonville.


Langdon Nichols has installed a 4 horse power Olds gasoline engine on his farm to use in sawing wood, cutting feed, etc.


The Mesdames Kearney Davis, G. E. Amidon, Geo. Ure and the Misses Ora Marsh, ______ Garbush, Martha Nitschke, Mildred Kintzele and Fern Williams were Neillsville visitors, Tuesday.


For stamped linens such as towels, pillow cases, dresser sets, pillows, table runners, center pieces, etc., in the latest designs with the Belding silks at 3-1/2c a skein for embroidering same, see Mrs. Emery Bruley at Neillsville.


Mr. and Mrs. Myron Osgood are the proud parents of a 7 pound daughter which was born to them Sunday morning.  Mother and baby are doing nicely.


Mr. and Mrs. Webb Winn have taken up their residence here in town and are occupying the Harry Ober house. Their sons Floyd and Byrl will run the farm.


Do you cough? Try those Honey and Horehound drops at Amidon’s


Edward and Albert Strey, two brothers, aired their troubles in court last week.  Albert and wife were working on Ed’s farm and according to their way of thinking had a certain amount of wages due them which their employer refused to pay.  In order to "get even" somehow, Albert drove several head of stock from his brother’s pasture and held them in his possession. A law suit was the consequence in which Ed. won out on every point.


You get an education but once.  You ought to have the best.  There is no school like the Brandrup & Nettleton Business College of Winona, Minn.  You can have their interesting book free.


If you are ruptured get a Smithsonian Truss.  We sell and fit them at Amidon’s Drug Store.


A new lot of dishes at Witte’s


Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lindow celebrated their silver wedding last Friday.


John A. Martin of Merrillan has bought the L. A. Marsh confectionery, fruit and restaurant business and with his family moved up from there Wednesday.  They have rented and are occupying the Kearney Davis house and took possession of the store business today.


Honey and Horehound drops; they melt in your mouth and taste like more; at Amidon’s Drug Store.


Mrs. Laura Brown, Mrs. H. E. Williams and sons Lamont and Douglas left for Neillsville last Friday noon where they will remain with friends until Mr. Williams and the car of household goods arrive; at their destination at Billings, Mont.  Before leaving here they discovered about $1000 worth of jewelry had been stolen from a trunk.  Who the guilty party is and when they were stolen seems to be a mystery.


Everything is pointing towards prosperity. Business men inform us that their sales were never any larger before this time of the year.  The Farmers State Bank in their report published this week shows a deposit of $115,318.42, the largest since its organization.  This institution by the way is showing a steady growth and is already considered as one of the most substantial and safest banks in the county.


A fine line of trimmed hats, all up-to-date millinery, also new stamped articles for embroidering, yours to please; see Miss Flora Kurzrok.


City Clerk Louis Olsen of Abbotsford was shot and killed while hunting in the woods near Mellen last Saturday, by an unknown hunter.



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