News: Granton Locals (27 Jan 1911)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Mayhew, Davis, Preston, Kemmeter, Converse, Schwartz, Lustig, Winn, Beeckler, Beardsley, Zorn, Stamm, Witte, Brooks, Vandeberg, Garbisch, Schuelke, Reisner, Ross, Amidon, Downer, Tompkins, Eubanks, Martin, Hiles, Paulson, Smith, Wright, Jacobi, Wischuelke, Moldenhauer, Teatz, Wilke, Ide, Lawrence, Hahn, Backhausen, Steinbach, Zschernitz, Mallory, Osgood, Gerzemehle, Marsh, Graves, Dietrich, Kimball, Melbie, Shaw, Sternitzky, Mercer, Rabenstein, Knorr, Gerber, Williams, Ketel, Wonser, Rath, Kurth, Wagner, Henning, Braatz, Portz, Rausch, Ure, Daughhetee, Heibel, Gullick, Piggott, Good, Burke, Wolf, Senota


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) January 27, 1911


Granton Locals (27 January 1911)


A dollar in our hand will do us more good than two on our books.


Mrs. Mayhew has been under the weather this week.


Calves will be shipped from here next Tuesday morning.


David J. Davis came home Tuesday evening from a three weeks visit to Sheboygan County relatives.


Mrs. Frank Preston and baby are reported on the sick list, this week.


Mrs. P. J. Kemmeter and daughter Edna visited friends at Marshfield between trains Tuesday.


For Sale - Driving horse, 5 years old, weighs about 900; price is $100. Inquire of Hugh Converse, Granton R. 1.


Mrs. Wm. Schwartz of Loyal was here between trains on Monday and called on her cousin, Otto Lustig.


Webb Winn came home on Monday from a several days business trip at Janesville.


Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beeckler were over Sunday guests of their son George and bride at Sidney.


Jeweler Otis Beardsley joined his wife at Norway, Mich. Late last week.


The 6-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zorn in Heathville is very sick with pneumonia.


Miss Mathilda Stamm of Mondovi and Miss Minna G. Witte of Fairchild spent a couple days here last week, guest of H. C. Witte’s.


The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Brooks who was suffering with pneumonia is O. K. again at this writing.


John Vandeberg received a carload of oats here early this week and sold same to farmers direct from the car.


Dave Garbisch last Monday bought of Carl Schuelke 40 aces of land in the Town of Grant.  The land joins Dave’s farm to the south. Consideration $3,200 spot cash


Alfred Reisner while cutting down a tree last week was struck in the face by a flying limb and received a gash between the eye and nose.


"Don’t like him a bit" replied little Morris Ross when asked about his new brother the other day, "His nose is too flat and he has red pimples in his face - I think he is going to be a girl."


All kinds of Valentines at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mr. and Mrs. Neil Downer were called upon to mourn the loss of their first-born, a little boy only two months old, which died last Monday after a short illness.


Wood wanted at this office.


G. E. Amidon spent Sunday at Neillsville.


Frank Tompkins made a business trip to Owen Tuesday.


Miss Elinor Eubanks went to Rice Lake, Monday.


Mrs. J. A. Martin spent the fore part of the week at John Hiles.


Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paulson Sundayed with relatives at Christie


Guy Smith bought a grey driving mare of Fred Wright last week.


A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobi last week Thursday.


Harold Hiles came home from Chicago last week and will spend some time under the parental roof.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wischuelke spent Monday at Mr. Moldenhauer’s in Neillsville.


A bouncing boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teatz last Tuesday morning.


Do not forget to feed some of Dr. Hess’ stock food; 25 lbs for $1.45 at Amidon’s Drug Store


Miss Wilke of Pine Valley is here since Monday sewing for Mrs. Tompkins.


Mrs. Ide is reported to be considerably under the weather, at the home of her son Cassius.


Jack Lawrence and Al Hahn came over from Humbird Monday in the interest of the Farmers Life Insurance Co. of that place.


Miss Ida Backhausen of Forest Junction has been here the past two weeks on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ed Steinbach in Lynn.


Wanted - A place as nurse girl or do general house work; contact Mrs. Ethel Zschernitz c/o Gust Ayers, Granton R. 3.


Wilson Mallory will hold preaching services in the Union Church Sunday evening.  Everybody is invited


Myron Osgood will have to undergo an operation on his injure eye in order that the sight of the other be not affected.


Ernest Gerzemehle has sold his 80 acre farm to Carl Schuelke. Mr. Gerzemehle’s health does not permit him to continue farm work any longer.


Next time you go to town drop in and see the new spring wash goods at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co., an immense assortment.


A birthday surprise party was tendered Miss Jennie Graves by a large number of her friends at her home Sat. night. A good time is reported by all.


Byrl Winn returned from his trip to Canada last Thursday.  He says this was the last time he made the trip home alone.


For sale - About 28 or 30 tons of good clean timothy hay.  Inquire of Myron Osgood on Sid Davis farm.


Fred Dietrich came home from Boise, Idaho, last week for a two months visit among relatives hereabouts.  He is visiting at Marshfield since Monday.


Master Lawrence Davis not to let his aunt Miss Emma Kimball, or his mother out-do him in the chicken business sent to Cannon Falls, Minn., and got six hens and one cockerel of the Rhode Island Red variety.


Sir Stork accompanied Dr. Melbie of Marshfield to the home of Dr. Ross at this place and presented them a fine baby boy early last Friday morning.  Mother and babe are doing nicely.


Mrs. Clyde Shaw and her two children moved to Chippewa Falls last Tuesday to join Clyde who has a position as fireman on the "Soo" line.  Mrs. Beeckler accompanied them to their destination.


Alvin Sternitzky, Albert Sternitzky’s third son who with John Mercer was hauling wood into Neillsville late last week through an accident in hitching the two teams together for a long pull near Way’s corners suffered the loss of the left thumb.  Prompt medical attention was had in Neillsville and the young man is getting along all right.


Editor Carl Rabenstein of the Deutsch-Amerikaner of Neillsville who is at present in Mexico inspecting the property of Calisco Rubber Plantation of which quite a number of our readers are stockholders, writes from there, that the tropical climate is not agreeing with him very well and that he is under the weather considerably.  We presume a bottle of "Pilsner" just off the ice would come in handy just now.


Lynn Knorr who is attending University of Madison had the misfortune to break his left arm while practicing in the gymnasium last Saturday. The fracture however is not very bad and "Stuffy" will have the use of his arm again in 3 or 4 weeks.  Prospects for a winning gym team however were given a severe jolt through this accident as he was the star member of the team.


Those of the farmers who wish to see a pickling station erected here next summer should attend a meeting at the opera house Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  A representative of the company will be here to explain details.  A plant locate here would mean the distribution of about $10,000 among the farmers in this vicinity annually.


Otto Lustig who has been here for several months past receiving medical treatment is still very ill.  Mr. Lustig is afflicted with a peculiar disease.  His whole body is covered with hard bunches of various sizes and the treatment consists of toxin injections under the direction of Mayo Brothers of Rochester, Minn.  The bunches seem to disappear, but owing to his weak condition the treatment is rather slow.


The Fred Gerber household had a little fire scare one evening late last week. Their little daughter went upstairs to look for something in a bureau, with a lighted candle. Somehow she dropped the candle into a drawer and supposing the light was extinguished hurried downstairs. Soon afterwards another member of the family had occasion to go upstairs and finding the rooms filled with smoke gave the alarm.  Some clothing in the bureau was found to be smoldering. 


Jesse Williams and family who moved to Carlyle, Mont., last fall are having more than their share of troubles.  According to news received from there they lost nearly all of their personal effects by fire last week.  It seems that one of the boys dumped ashes near the house which, fanned by the wind ignited the banking around the building which in a short time was a mass of flames.  Only a sewing machine and a bureau was all that could be saved. To make matters worse, the house belonged to another man and now Mr. Williams is asked to make good.


Farm for sale - 60 acre farm, 35 acres under cultivation, 15 acres sugar bush and 10 acres pasture; with good buildings, 1 ½ miles from Granton; see Christine Ketel.


E. R. Wonser transacted business at unity several days early this week.


Do not leave your horses standing tied to a post in front of a saloon or store for hours at a time without covering them up and protecting them from the cold winds at this time of the year, which perhaps you are sitting near a warm stove enjoying your refreshments and a game of cards.  Officers of the Humane Society are constantly on the lookout for such violators of the law and some of these days and when you least expect it, you will find yourself paying a heavy fine. There are plenty of sheds in this town and so far as we can see there is no need of anyone leaving his horses uncovered in the streets for hours at a time.


The Lynn Telephone Company held its annual meeting at the Beaver Hall last Saturday afternoon.  The following officers were elected: Wm. Kurth, president; Wm. Wagner, Secretary; Henry Sternitzky, treasurer; directors: John Henning, H. Braatz, Herman Portz, Dan Rausch.  There are now 100 stockholders with 70 miles of line. At the meeting it was decided to extend the line into a southeasterly direction, next summer.  Clerk of Court George Ure who for a number of years was president of the company and who had always taken active part in its welfare count not accept the honor again owing to his services being needed elsewhere.


Among the creameries and cheese factories in this vicinity who suffered more or less through the failure of the Fond du Lac Cheese & Butter Co. several weeks ago, are J. B. Daughhetee, Heibel & Gullick, Levis Creamery Co., and County Farm Cheese Co.  Mr. Piggott, the manager of the bankrupt concern offers a settlement of 50 cents on the dollar, which would help some. But nevertheless it is a severe blow to a good many farmers as well as to the individual owners of factories, and at the same time it gives the proposed Condensery at Neillsville a considerable boost as many of the farmers about Neillsville who were heretofore against the latter, have since declared themselves in favor of it.


With the assistance of state deputy fire marshal Chas Good the officers of the Lynn Mutual Fire Insurance conducted a rigid investigation at the office of Justice Burke at Thorp last week Friday, in regard the Wolf and Senota losses which occurred there recently.  There is no doubt but what both properties were set afire, but not by the owners. A suspect who was held but against whom however nothing could be proven, was released with the promise that he leave the county at once.  Secretary Ure informs us that this investigation is bound to do lots of good among the Polish settlers there, many of whom were called on the witness stand, as it was shown them that neither the Company nor the state will permit a man to set fire to buildings without doing everything in their power to effect punishment.


During the past two weeks many of our subscribers who were in arrears have paid up and again we wish to thank them. We hope our subscribers will realize that there is little or no profit in a newspaper published at $1.00 a year.  It is therefore with the utmost sincerity that we ask our readers to pay in advance otherwise we must enforce our rule and charge $1.25 if paid at the expiration of a year.  Mr. Reader, place yourself in our position.  If you had 800 bushels of wheat which you are selling to as many different parties or 1 bushel to each man, and they would make you wait one or two years for your pay, what would you do?  Would you hitch up your nag and start out on a collection tour?  No, you could not afford it, you debtors live too far apart.  If you would write each one a love letter in the shape of a dun, your profits would be spent in stamps and stationery. Think this over and you can’t help but realize the position we are in.



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