Obit: Beller, Mary (1884 - 1958)
Surnames: Beller, Buss, Heiman, Ziehr, Wilcox, Schmidt
----Source: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark Co., Wis.) 06/05/1958
Beller, Mary (24 MAY 1884 - 2 JUN 1958)
Last rites will be held at 2:00 o’clock this afternoon (June 5th) for Mrs. Ed (Mary) Beller, 74, who passed away at the Victory Memorial Hospital at Stanley on Monday, June 2, `958, after a short illness. Rev. Robert Olson will officiate at the service at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church at Thorp.
Mary Buss was born in Encorse, Mich., on May 24, 1884. She was united in marriage to Ed Beller in Thorp on June 25, 1924 and had spent nearly all her life in this community.
She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Gladys, Mrs. Raymond Heiman of West Allis, Wis., two sons, George and Charles Schmidt of Thorp, one brother, Herman Buss of Stanley, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Ziehr of Cadott and Mrs. John Wilcox of Pearson, Wis.
She was laid to rest in the East Thorp Cemetery.
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