News: Granton Locals (31 Jan 1913)


Surnames: Holmes, Schmitz, Rausch, Paulson Krause, Sitts, Davis, Osgood, Redmond, Jaseph, Sternitzky, Marsh, Schlinsog Viergutz, Porath, Beilke, Wallace, Campbell, Canfield, Fraser, Wentworth, Hubing, Beaver, Kurth, Rath, Foemmel, Howard, Crandall, Beauman, Kuechenmeister, Wilding, Brown, McBride, Williams, Lloyd, Kintzele Rondorf, McLaflin, Cheney, Bill, Beaulieau, Ayers, Buddinger, Algra, Housley, Ross, Agin, Steele Barth, Ebert, Dennis, Grassman, Rowe, Riedel, Kemmeter, Knorr, Ober, Witte, Nichols, West Bladl, Amidon, Messing, Hantke, Wierzinski, Deutsch, Hewitt, Bergeman, Morris, Daughhetee, Wage, Baer


----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., Wis.)  01/31/1913


Miss Inez Holmes spent yesterday with friends at Chili.


Will Schmitz went to Athens Wednesday to work in the woods.


Dan Rausch and Ross Paulson autoed to Prey, Sunday.


Miss Lizzie Krause spent Wednesday at Neillsville.


Chas. Sitts came home from Loyal Monday.


Mrs. Leland Davis will entertain the "T" Club this Friday afternoon.


Miss Ethel Osgood came home from Fall Creek Monday afternoon.


Geo. Redmond and Sol Jaseph called on town friends here Monday.


Mrs. Rice Davis mad a business trip to Neillsville Monday.


Mrs. Albert Sternitzky was a Neillsville caller Monday.


Miss Ora Marsh entertained the Priscillas last evening.


Mrs. H.F. Schlinsog and son Walter had dental work done at Neillsville Monday.


Reinhold Viergutz went to Chili Monday.  He has employment there this week.


Ernest Porath and Harry Beilke are working in a sawmill at Rib Lake since Monday.


Miss Pearl Wallace has been staying with her cousin Mrs. Ray Campbell for the past two weeks.


Howard Canfield is visiting friends at Phillips since early last week.


Mr. and Mrs. Fraser of Chili spent Sunday here with their son Geo. and his family.


Mrs. D.S. Rausch and son Wallace were guests at the Pete Paulson home at Neillsville Saturday.


Rush Wentworth traded his team of grey drivers to Ross Paulson for a pair of sorrels.


Mrs. Mike Hubing and her daughter Mrs. Geo. Beaver spent Tuesday with friends at Marshfield.


Gus Beilke, Richard Kurth, Geo. Hart and Mrs. R.R. Rath were county seat callers Tuesday.


Mrs. Wm. Schlinsog visited old friends at Neillsville, Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Will Foemmel came home on Tuesday for a 10 day visit at Sheboygan.


Mrs. Geo. Howard of the Ridge was calling on town friends Tuesday.


Mrs. Eugene Crandall spent Tuesday night with relatives at Neillsville.


Miss Margaret Beauman of Plymouth is visiting at the Reinhold Kuechenmeister home since Tuesday.


Mrs. Geo. Wilding spent much of Monday having dental work done at Neillsville.


Leland Davis has opened up an automobile repair shop in part of John Bladl’s building.


Miss West of Lansford, N.D. and her aunt, Mrs. Laura Brown and LaMont McBride, visited at H.W. Williams’ late last week.


Eunice Lloyd visited her parents at Neillsville between Saturday and Tuesday.


John Kintzele and Jos. Rondorf transacted business at the county seat Monday.


Senator S.M. Marsh and family, and Peter Paulson and family autoed over from Neillsville Sunday and visited relatives.


Mike Hubing went to Athens Tuesdays to spend several days with his sons Frank, George and Emil.


Mrs. Gardner McLaflin and son Merrill came from Bethel Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rice Davis.


Robert Cheney, after a visit among friends at Heintown, returned to his home in North Dakota early this week.


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Bill and their baby son Franklin departed on Monday for their home in Lampman, Canada.


Mrs. M.F. Beaulieau of Osseo, after a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. L.L. Ayers, went home to Osseo, Tuesday.


Mrs. Buddinger and her brother John Algra, who were here to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Rondorf, returned to Sparta on Saturday.


Dr. and Mrs. Housley of Chili spent Sunday at the Dr. Ross and henry Agin homes.


Dave Steele is home from the Marshfield hospital since Saturday.  He is greatly improved in heath, but still very weak.


Miss Bertha Barth went home to Nasonville Tuesday to attend the wedding of her sister Minnie and Mr. Edward Ebert, the next day.


Fred Grassman went to Rib Lake Monday to take the position of head sawyer in a mill at that place.


Mrs. Mary Redmond, with her two children John and Mattie, came down from Rice Lake Monday with the body of her father, one J.J. Rowe, who at the advanced age of 91 years died at her home there last week.  The funeral was held at York Center, Tuesday.


Miss Emma Riedel suffered a fall upon the street here between the Kemmeter and Knorr stores Saturday evening and cut her upper lip so badly as to necessitate medical assistance, and two stitches were taken to hold the cut together.


Harry Ober’s many friends will be sorry to learn that through the illness he has suffered since New Year’s, he is daily growing weaker and it is thought by those in attendance that he cannot survive by a day or two now, at most.


Mrs. Langdon Nichols and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George Nichols, planned and saw materialize a very enjoyable birthday surprise party on the former’s son George, Monday evening.  They entertained some 30 guests and served an excellent lunch about 10 p.m.  Music, singing, and playing upon the organ, mandolin and mouth organ furnished much of the evening’s entertainment.


Rid your stock of lice.  Use Instant Louse Powder, Clover brand or Prussian, 25 cents a can at Amidon’s Drug Store.


Don not suffer with corns when a 25 cent bottle of Nyal’s corn remover will take them away - Amidon’s Drug Store.


Witte’s great sale from now on offers you bargains in every corner of the store.  Come in and convince yourself.


The sad news of the death of Robert Dennis, which occurred at Sycamore, Ill., last Sunday, reached us early this week.  The funeral was held there on Wednesday.


Dan Messing of Lindsey took the train here Monday for Grand Rapids where he goes on business connected with the county court.  He will visit at Stevens Point and Almond before returning home.


Mrs. Fred Hantke and little daughter Frances were weekend guests at the Rob Kurth home in Neillsville and returned here Monday.


Word has just reached us that G.A. Wierzinski of Spokane, Wash., well known to many of our readers, is, after a nine weeks siege of typhoid fever, just sitting up in bed now.


Gus Deutsch of Friendship, who has been at Neillsville much of the past two weeks assisting in the care of his father who is alarmingly ill, spent Monday afternoon here with town friends.


The blacksmiths are harvesting the coins these days, business being decidedly brisk in their line.  Seeing the horses and their attendants in crowds about the shops looks much as though an auction or horse sale is going on.


Sheriff Harry Hewitt was in town last Thursday to arrest a man for licking his mother-in-law.  He made us a pleasant call while in town and while speaking of someone getting licked he said it reminded him of a father who gave his boy a good spanking.  After the first round he asked the boy "now what do you think of it?"  The latter refused to say a word.  "I suppose you think damn you old man, and I might as well give you another one while I am about it."


Three of our merchants, H.C. Witte, P.J. Kemmeter and Geo. Hart have volunteered to assist us in securing new subscribers.  Each one offers a suitable present with each new subscription received and paid for at their stores.  We appreciate their kindness very much and we hope that before March 1st every patron on the 4 routes out of Granton and on the one out of Chili will be on our list.  The News is only one dollar per year in advance and well worth the money.


An epidemic of scarlet fever is raging at Black Creek and since early this week the whole place has been under quarantine.  A sister of our townsman Gus Bergeman, residing there, mourns the loss of two little one, through the dread malady, last week.


Mrs. Hattie Beeckler came home on Tuesday from her visit with her mother at Seymour.  She reports her adopted sister Blanche Burdick home from the Green Bay Hospital and rapidly recovering after an operation for appendicitis.


The Mesdames Otto Garbush, Hale Davis, Floyd Winn, W.D. Rose, L.G. Morris, F.J. Baer, G.E. Amidon, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Daughhetee, Misses Gladys Wage and Cleo Daughhetee were Neillsville visitors Saturday.



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