News: Granton Locals (26 May 1911)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Birtch, Beecher, Ackerman, Fuller, Nichols, Robinson, Henning, Pischer, Fraser, Converse, Osgood, Tompkins, Brooks, Rose, Cole, Hart, Chapel, Christman, Lautenbach, Marg, Case, Witte, Riedel, Wadel, Beaver, Sparks, Calkins, Hollenbach, Breseman, Garbisch, Schmidtke, Rhines, Howard, Campman, Knorr, Graham, Davis, Kurth, Jahr, Stallman, Ross, Roberts, Bouvran, Rose, Webster, Neinas, Ebson, Rapp, Bladl, Martin, Kurzrok, Anding, Krumrey, Stockwell, Wells, Schultz, Howard, Amidon, Paulson, Baer, Lee, Lavey, Schwartz, Steele, Stearns


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) May 26, 1911


Granton Area (26 May 1911)


Mr. Birtch returned to Duluth last Friday.


Wella Beecher spent Sun day here with his parents.


Chas Ackerman of Oshkosh was in town Tuesday.


Mrs. John Fuller was at Neillsville Tuesday.


Mrs. Geo. Nichols who was taken very ill last Friday is on the gain.


A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Jr. Friday morning.


Mrs. Jake Henning and Miss Ada Pischer of Chili were guests at Geo. Fraser’s Wednesday.


Clay Converse, Frant Osgood and Mot Tompkins were Neillsville visitors, Tuesday.


Grandma Brooks of Neillsville visited her son Charles and family early this week.


Geo. Rose had a *barn raising bee on his farm east of town last Monday afternoon.


Mrs. Len Cole of Humbird came over on Monday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Fred Hart.


Mr. and Mrs. Chas Chapel of Marshfield were over Sunday guests of relatives here.


Chas Christman has been on the sick list for the past two weeks with an abscess in his head.


Miss Lautenbach, who is home from Milwaukee, is spending this week with her sister Mrs. Henry Marg.


L. B. Osgood of Lentz, Ore. and daughter Mrs. Case of Baraboo arrived here Tuesday for a visit among relatives and old friends.


Witte buys wood


Mrs. Augusta Riedel is caring for Mrs. H. C. Witte and the baby.


Too much rain has yellowed the growing corn and has filled a good many cellars.


Mrs. Joe Wadel of Loyal came down Tuesday to visit her brother Geo. Beaver and his family.


Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks and Clark Calkins of Sherwood were in shopping Tuesday.


A light buggy for sale; inquire of H. C. Witte


The Misses Violet, Agnes and Esther Hollenbach made a train trip to Chili and attended church there Wed.


Mrs. John Breseman, Frieda Garbisch, Clara Schmidtke and Emma Riedel were Neillsville visitors, Wed.


James Rhines and mother came up from Sheboygan Falls Tuesday on a two weeks visit at David Rhines.


Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Witte are happy over the possession of a new son which arrived at their house early Wednesday morning.


Mrs. L. H. Howard and Mrs. W. A. Campman of Neillsville visited their aunt Mrs. Frank Converse here on Tues.


Miss Myrtle Knorr is home and prepared to give music lessons on the piano and organ. She will take beginners as well as advanced pupils.


Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Heathville called on town friends Wednesday.


Will Kurth and Ed Riedel were in town all day Tuesday stringing new lines for the Lynn Telephone Company.


Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jahr are the proud parents, since Sunday of a nine pound boy.  Mother and baby are doing well.


Mrs. Peter Stallman went to Kiel Wednesday. She will spend two weeks among Sheboygan Co. relatives.


Found: A dog, Irish setter, who came to me Saturday, May 20th; owner can have same by paying advertising fees and expense of keeping. Dr. P. M. Ross


Miss Myrtle Roberts was called home to Wilton Wednesday on account of the death of her maternal grandfather who resided there.  She will be absent the balance of the week.


Mrs. Leland Davis and baby Minerva of this place and Mrs. Chas Chapel of Marshfield went to Mosinee Wednesday on a weeks visit to their maternal grandmother, Mrs. J. L. Bouvran.


I now have a wood tire round silo with hollow wall erected upon my farm 2 miles north of Granton.  Parties contemplating purchasing silos are invited to call and inspect same before buying. W. D. Rose


E.A. Webster of Chili accompanied by his daughter Alice, her husband and one of her children who with her other two children are here from Michigan on a several months visit, spent Saturday afternoon here among town friends.


Mrs. Chas Neinas has no time for incubators. She believes in the old hen method. She set a hen with 20 eggs four weeks since and now has 19 young chicks a week old, all owned and hatched by the one hen.


Invitations are out for the weddings of Anton Ebson of Marshfield and Miss Julia Rapp of Hewett and of John Bladl of this place to Miss Katie Martin of Chili both of which are to take place on June 6, 1911.


All ladies’ and children’s hats, trimmed and tailored, will be sold at reduced prices; see Miss Flora Kurzrok


Mrs. Phillip Breseman returned home on Monday from Altoona whither she as called last week on account of her daughter Mrs. Richard Anding having an abscess in her head.


The rear axle on Krumrey’s oil wagon broke last Saturday afternoon when about two miles south of here and a considerable amount of kerosene and gasoline went to waste.  Another tank wagon came from Neillsville and the oil was  transferred.


C. D. Stockwell, Ass’t Supt. of the Omaha R’y at Spooner has accepted a like position on the Minnesota division of that road with headquarters at St. James, Minn. This change means a promotion and a considerable increase in salary.


Marshfield Herald: This office acknowledges a pleasant call last Saturday from Principal Wells of the Granton School.  He informs us that an effort is being made to organize into a high school which is accomplished will help materially along the lines of higher education.  Mr. Wells is a resident of Stevens Point and a graduate of the Normal school there.


Bill Schultz of Neillsville drove into town last Thursday noon with his Buick touring car for which a few days before he traded a horse, a cow and a yellow dog.  Bill liked our town so well that he stayed until Saturday noon and if it hadn’t been for Len Howard he probably would be here yet.  Of course these automobiles will go wrong sometimes, but Bill says they should be large enough for a man to carry a blacksmith shop and a pair of oxen with him wherever he goes.


For Sale on the Homer King farm, three miles northwest of Granton; 25 good farm horse; Davis, Paulson & Co.


The Measles have been very prevalent here the past two weeks.  Among the victims being Roy Hart, Lydia Neinas, Elva Amidon, Anita, Leona and Rosetta Beaver, Clifton Paulson, Helene Baer, Beulah Lee, Pearl and Harold Lavey.


During the electric storm last Friday afternoon the Wm. Schwartz blacksmith shop was struck by lightning and damaged to some extent. The chimney was knocked off the roof and the rooms somewhat torn up. Davis Steele and family who are occupying the building escaped unharmed.


Miss L. E. Stearns, chief of the traveling library department of the state library commission was in town Tuesday and made arrangements to have a consignment of books shipped to Granton.  The first shipment will consist of 55 good English and 20 German books. They will be loaned to anyone free of charge for 14 days, and if held longer than that time, a fine of 1c a day will be collected, which will go toward paying freight charges. The books are expected to arrive within a short time and can be had by calling at J. A. Martin’s restaurant.


John Robinson who about 6 weeks ago sold his farm here and moved to the southern part of the states, writes to us from Clay Center, Kansas, among other things: "This is the greatest place for wind you ever saw.  Regular dirt storms and 90 in the shade.  If it wasn’t for the wind it would roast a white man.  There are lots of coons here.  The farmers are about done planting corn.  Potatoes are about 6 inches high and wheat is starting to head.  I have rented a house in town for this summer, and am going on a farm this fall. There are going to be lots of cherries, grapes and apples, but the peaches froze."



*The above photo was taken on a Clark County, Wisconsin area farm in 1910.  Several neighboring farmers joined in the “barn raising” task after the first floor of mortar and stone was completed.  The loft framework of beams was put in place to be followed by several roofing rafters, which were raised and set up in place by men pulling the ropes that were attached to the rafters.  They helped one another in such tasks, donating their time and efforts, being good neighbors by doing a favor that was returned in one way or another.




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