News: Granton Locals (21 Jul 1911)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Neinas, Kimball, Brooks, Worchel, Beil, Witte, Zielsdorf, Reiff, Wright, Short, Beebe, Davis, Berg, Morris, Woodward, Baer, Riedel, Bredlau, Viergutz, Walls, Montgomery, Canfield, Holmes, Peterson, Krause, White, Kintzele, Snyder, Redmond, Shew, Knoll, Washburn, Opelt, Hart, Rausch, Bachman, Martin, Marg, Gerzemehle, Crevecour, Frantz, Henning, Fraser, Beeckler, Moench, Beecher, Marsh, Hubing, Cole, Fischer, Braatz, Kurth, Kohl, Lyons, Knorr, Reichert, Amidon, Lee, Schune, Grasser, Buddenhagen, Stallman, Drake, Stanton
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) July 21, 1911
Granton Area (21 July 1911)
Chas Neinas transacted business at Marshfield, Tuesday.
Miss Clara Kimball came home Monday from a ten days visit at Neillsville.
Miss Hazel Brooks spent the first half of the week with her grandma at Neillsville.
Miss Bertha Worchel spent Monday with her cousin Mrs. A. W. Beil at Chili.
Chickens and cold hens bought at Witte’s.
Next Sunday is Children’s Day in Rev. Zielsdorf’s congregation at Nasonville.
Lord’s Supper will be served in Rev. Reiff’s church next Sunday forenoon.
Mrs. John Wright is home again since late last week, slightly improved in health.
Miss Gertrude Kimball came home Tuesday from a weeks visit at Merrill.
Mrs. John Short of Shortville is on the sick list. C. C. Beebe of that place is also under the doctor’s care.
Mrs. Reiff and children went to Wausau last Tuesday to visit her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis after a ten days visit at C. C. Berg’s returned to Greenwood last Saturday.
Mrs. I. W. Morris went to Marshfield Monday to see a sister who was enroute from Stratford to Menominee.
Mrs. Frances Woodward spent Thursday and Friday of last week with Mrs. Baer.
F. J. Riedel visited his sister Mrs. Fred Bredlau in Loyal the first of the week.
Mrs. Rudolph Viergutz and baby Lorna left on Tuesday on their return trip to Canada.
Mrs. Geo. Walls and baby Isabella of Town Loyal took the train here Tuesday for Hartland on a weeks visit to relatives.
Mrs. A. Montgomery and Mrs. Eva Canfield spent Tuesday at Neillsville.
H. B. Holmes and Geo. Brooks returned from Eau Claire on Tuesday, they having been excused as jurors on the grand jury.
Peterson’s moving picture show was with us two nights, Saturday and Sunday. The show was very good and appreciated by all.
Miss Clara Krause who has been teaching school at Holland, Indiana, the past year, returned home Tuesday.
Helene Baer, after a several days visit with the J. H. and W. D. White families in Marshfield returned home Sunday.
J. P. Kintzele with W. S. and Hale Davis made an auto trip to Tioga, Sunday.
Two of Frank Snyder’s sons of Duluth are here on a visit with relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Geo. Redmond and granddaughter Ethelyn Shew spent several days of last week here among friends. Geo came for them on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knoll of Heathville were Granton callers Monday. Mrs. Knoll has almost entirely recovered from her recent operation.
The R. T. Washburn, Max Opelt, Geo. Hart, D. S. Rausch, P. J. Kintzele and F. J. Baer autos with their loads of humanity passed over Marshfield city streets, Sunday.
Second and third quality lenses are made and sold largely. We do not sell them. Somebody does. Our lenses, our eyeglasses and spex are one quality only; the first and best, only at Dr. Bachman’s at Neillsville.
Albert Davis was a Neillsville caller Monday.
Blueberries and pineapples at Witte’s
J. A. Martin transacted business at Wausau, Monday.
Mrs. Marg of Marshfield visited her children, Henry Marg, and Mrs. Gerzmehle, here on Monday.
Mrs. Gerzmehle has taken possession of the Crevecour place which she purchased of Ed Riedel.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Frantz of Shortville called on town friends Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beebe and two children are here from Elgin, Ill., visiting at Clarence Beebe’s since last week.
Mrs. Herman Henning and children of Chili spent Sunday here at Geo Fraser’s and E. A. Beeckler’s.
Rev. and Mrs. Leo Moench and children after a visit among relatives here left for their home at Clintonville Friday night.
R. C. Beecher is taking a two weeks vacation from his duties as carrier on Route 4. His daughter Lulu is delivering mail in his stead.
Best creamery and dairy butter at Witte’s.
Vet Marsh who is agent for the Vesper Open Door Silo is here looking up prospective buyers. The silo is said to be as good as any in the market.
Miss Clara Hubing who has been engaged with millinery work at Brandon for the past 4 months came home on Monday.
Mr. Tillie Cole of Kansas City arrived here early this week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis.
Mrs. Henry Fischer and baby Walter arrived here Friday from Sioux City, Iowa, on an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Richard Bratz and other relatives.
Will Kurth and family accompanied by Mrs. Richard Braatz and Mrs. Henry Fischer and little son autoed to Loyal and spent Sunday at Fred Bredlau’s.
The Granton baseball team defeated the Heathville team at the home grounds here last Sunday by one score, the result being 15 and 16. The next game will be played with Lynn, Sunday, at the home grounds.
Lorenz Kohl and family, who early in May moved from Marshfield to the Pacific coast, arrived here on Sunday since which time they have been staying with Mrs. Augusta Riedel, Mrs. Kohl’s mother. They expect to take up residence again, in Marshfield.
Roy Lyons of Merrillan, who several years ago clerked for A. J. Knorr, has charge of the pickle salting station here. Ferdinand Reichert brought in the first cucumbers, something more than 3 bushel, one day last week.
Mrs. L. G. Morris with two children and Mrs. G. E. Amidon and daughter Elva went to Chili by train last week Thursday where Ell Lee met them and took them to his Heathville summer home for a day’s outing. G. E. Amidon autoed up and brought them home in the evening.
Mrs. Sid R. Davis came home Tuesday, after a two week’ absence visiting relatives between various Michigan points. She repots having had a most pleasant trip and visit. At Fremont, Mich., she visited an aunt, a sister of her mother who though 95 years old is mentally in her prime a woman of rare intelligence and ability.
All those who had plenty of time and patience stationed themselves on the Lynn road to see the Milwaukee automobile tourists go by Wednesday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The first car, a big Overland had bad luck at the foot of the Schune hill a little ways east of here by having the drive shaft put out of commission. A bad culvert was the cause. The autos went to Neillsville via the middle road and if they are looking for bad roads to test the strength of the cars, they certainly found them between Grasser’s corner and the Buddenhagen hill. Local automobilists are keeping shy of this road and will under no condition drive their cars over it. It is the worst road in this part of the county and is no credit to the towns of Grant and Pine Valley. Three cars had to be sent to the repair shop at their arrival in Neillsville.
Arthur Stallman spent Sunday at home.
Leon Drake has been visiting relatives at Viola for the past three weeks.
Notice - Highest market price paid for all kinds of poultry delivered at the car at Granton July 24th. John Stanton
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