News: Granton (15 Sep 1911)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Kurzrok, Gotter, Jacques, Witte, Pietenpol, Wilding, Neinas, Heath, Dennis, Lichte, Rathke, Handt, Lautenbach, Beaver, Neitzel, Kemmeter, Guth, Larson, Gerzemehle, Nichols, Agin, Drescher, Wischulke, Fradenberg, Hart, Martens, Riedel, Marsh, Kihn, Wage, Bartz, Meabling, Lee, Braatz, Moldenhauer, Speiser, Davis, Garbisch, Nasland, Woodward, Breed, Baer, Good, Pound, West, Bruley, Dietrich, Kuechenmeister, Pierrelee, Creigo, Morris, Galbreath, Kempin, Wolf, Krause, Knute, Rinehart, Barth, Moench, Reiff, Griepentrog, Kurth, Steder, Hillert, Guk, Campman, Converse, Stratton, Vanderhoof, Brooks, Thomson, Handtke, Helm, Cook, Scholtz, Nitschke, McClaflin, Schune, King, Beardsley, Rausch, Cornelius, Barth, Laidlaw, Amidon, Bird, Lammers, Henning
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) September 15, 1911
Granton (15 September 1911)
Miss Flora Kurzrok was very ill last Friday and Saturday.
Miss Leonora Gotter was a Neillsville visitor, Monday.
Attorney Geo. L. Jacques transacted business here on Monday.
Try the Perfection Coffee at Witte’s
Miss Harriet Pietenpol left for Sheboygan Falls Wednesday on a visit to relatives.
Geo. Wilding and Chas Neinas went to Milwaukee Wednesday to spend the balance of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heath spent Wednesday with friends at Neillsville.
Honey is wanted at Witte’s
A farewell party was tendered Elmer Dennis and family Wednesday night.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lichte was christened by Rev. Rathke, last Sunday.
The Misses Selma and Lillie Handt spent Sunday with Margaret Lautenbach.
Mrs. Geo. Beaver came home on Wednesday from a 5 days visit with relatives at Athens.
Miss Laura Neitzel went to Marshfield Wednesday for a short visit with friends.
Remember the big Clearing Sale now on at P. J. Kemmeter’s; see the ad on this page
Lightning struck the C. A. Guth residence early Thursday morning, doing very little damage though.
The Misses Esther and Anna Larson of Columbia came over Tuesday for a several days visit with Miss Laura Gerzemehle.
Mrs. Langdon Nichols was given a birthday surprise Monday evening with a house full of neighbors joining and furnishing a delightful party.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Agin came home Wednesday evening after an absence of 11 days in Sheboygan County.
A surprise party was had on Miss Clara Drescher, Wednesday night.
Fred Frank and Wm. Wischulke transacted business at the County seat on Monday.
Mrs. Bert Fradenberg came over from Humbird Saturday and made an over Sunday stay at Fred Hart’s.
If you want brilliant light try my best red oil. Witte
Mrs. Jane Martens of Black River Falls spent Wednesday with friends here.
Adolph Riedel oldest son of Mrs. Augusta Riedel is seriously ill with typhoid fever in a hospital at Superior. He has been there about three weeks. This is his second attack inside of a year.
Ladies who are looking for good suits and coats should not fail to see what W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co. is offering.
Birdine Kihn came down from Park Falls last week to stay at the T. D. Wage home and attend school here.
Lenore and Irene Hart after a several weeks visit with relatives at Humbird, returned from there last Saturday.
Mrs. Will Bartz went to Marshfield Wednesday to meet her sister Mrs. Meabling of Neenah who is here visiting her.
Mrs. Ernest Lee and son, Wenzel went to Withee on a 10 days visit yesterday. Mr. Lee went as far as Marshfield with them.
After a ten days visit here the Misses Clara and Helen Bratz of Fredonia went to Wausau Tuesday to visit at their uncle Hy Braatz.
Walter Moldenhauer’s portable saw mill was engaged in sawing logs on John Speiser’s farm last week. Mr. Speiser intends to build a new barn next summer.
Mrs. Romanzo Davis of Minneapolis has been here for the past two weeks visiting among relatives and old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Schuelke have been visiting among their children in Milwaukee since last Friday.
Mrs. Gottlieb Garbisch, Mrs. Dan Nasland and daughters, Clara and Rose came back from their visit at Stratford, Tuesday.
Big bargains on certain lines of shoes for two weeks at Witte’s
Mrs. Frances Woodward spent Saturday here with Mrs. Gusta Breed and Mrs. Baer.
Fred W. Davis who has been under the weather for several weeks past with heart trouble, is better again at this writing.
Rev. Good of Barron and Rev. Pound of York Center are attending Free Methodist conference at Platteville since Tuesday.
Ernest Riedel of Radshaw, Minn., who was at Superior with his brother Adolph came down from there Tuesday to visit here and at Marshfield indefinitely.
Mrs. Wm. West is reported to be very ill. Mrs. Mary Bruley of Neillsville has been caring for her for the past two weeks.
Chas Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Kuechenmeister, Reinhold Kuechenmeister, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kemmeter went to Milwaukee, Tuesday.
Miss Victoria Pierrelee left for Chicago Tuesday. She stopped off for a few days only with her sister Margaret, in Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Creigo and children are here from Stevens Point since Monday, visiting at I. W. Morris’.
Robert Galbreath of the Town of Washburn shot a big timber wolf in his farmyard last Friday morning.
August Kempin who was severely injured in a railroad accident two weeks ago, is on the gain and has fair chances for recovery.
Rev. Good of Barron and Rev. E. A. Wolf of Humbird were in attendance at the F. M. quarterly meeting at York Center Sunday.
Henry Krause drove in Monday morning with his cousin Mrs. Knute who with her little daughter returned home to Milwaukee that day.
Mrs. Will Rinehart and baby Delbert and Miss Alma Riedel were over Sunday guests at John Barth’s in Nasonville.
Rev. Leo Moench of Clintonville held services here last Sunday in place of Rev. Reiff who was absent that day on account of the Missionsfest in Pine Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Griepentrog of Milwaukee came down from Spencer last Friday and made an over Sunday visit at Will Kurth’s.
Mr. and Mrs. John Steder, who live on the Dave Hillert farm, went to Marshfield, Monday on a week’s visit.
Will Guk who was severely scalded with boiling water several weeks since, has been home with his family, since Sunday.
Mrs. W. A. Campman drove over from Neillsville Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Converse who was just returning from a several months sojourn at Fay Stratton’s in Melrose.
For Sale - New 1911 four-horse-power motor cycle, never been used, for less than factory cost if taken at once; Call or write M. J. Vanderhoof, Marshfield
Earl Brooks leaves this week Saturday to teach school near Yankton, S. D. His sister Miss Frances is teaching at Rockham, S. D. this year. She began last Monday.
Mrs. Thomson (Rob Thomson and Mrs. Romanzo Davis’ mother) is visiting old friends at Madison and attending the Free Methodist Conference at Platteville this week.
The Richard Kurth, Otto Hantke, Ferd helm, Sam Cook and F. J. Baer families with the Misses Ida and Mary Scholtz of Milwaukee and Miss Martha Nitschke of Lynn were guests at the Clemens Kuechenmeister home, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner McClaflin and son Merrill arrived here Monday from River Falls, Minn., and remained until yesterday when they left for Bethel to join their son Arby at the Rice Davis home. They have come back to stay and again assume the management of their farm near Bethel.
Miss Mary Schune is at Fairchild since Monday.
Mrs. H. A. King and son Tim are visiting at Otis Beardsley’s in Norway, Mich., since Sunday.
Dan Rausch was laid up with rheumatism in his back several days last week.
Miss Appolina Cornelius is visiting Colby friends since Monday. She will visit various southern state points before returning here.
Miss Bertha Barth and Renata Witte went to Marshfield Friday and met the Misses Ottilie and Minnie Barth, sisters of the former who were coming home from North Lake on a month’s vacation and visit.
G. E. Amidon and family left for Tawas City, Mich., Wednesday in response to news of the sudden death there on Tuesday of Mrs., Laidlaw, Mrs. Amidon’s mother. Deceased had a number of warm friends here who met her while she was visiting at the Amidon home several years ago, and who join with us in offering sympathy to the bereaved ones in their sad affliction. Mrs. Laidlaw died very suddenly, being sick only a few minutes.
For sale - A silage cutter and Mower, good as new; for particulars inquire of Joe Bird, Granton R. 1
Auction Sale at Ed Lammers’ farm in town of Fremont, 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Chili, on Thursday, Sept. 21, ’11; J. F. Henning, Auctioneer; Ed Lammers, Proprietor
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