BioA: Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (63rd - 1964)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Wren, Karnitz, Rush, Polzin, Blackman, Hrasky, Ruddock
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) October 22, 1964
Wren, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (63rd - 1964)
Mrs. Nina Blackman accompanied Mrs. Bill Hrasky and Carol, and Mrs. Frank Ruddock, to the Tom Wren home at Sidney Saturday for the 63rd wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Wren. Immediate members of the family helping their parents observe the event were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Karnitz of Neillsville, Mrs. Sam Rush of Merrillan, Helen Wren, at home, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wren of Neillsville. A daughter, Mrs. Polzin of Racine, and a son, John, were unable to attend.
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