Obit: Cook, Jeffery #2 (1959 - 1959)
Contact: Betty Comstock
Surnames: Cook, Vincent
----Source: Loyal Tribune (Loyal, Clark Co., Wis.) 08/13/1959
Cook, Jeffery (04 Aug 1959 - 06 Aug 1959)
Jeffery Cook, who was born August 4, died in St. Joseph’s Hospital shortly after midnight, August 6, at the age of two days.
Funeral services were held at the Myre Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Friday with the David Passett of Spencer officiating. Burial was in the Beaver Town Cemetery.
Jeffery is survived by four brothers, Marvin, Harvey, Roger and Robert; by four sisters, Patricia, Ellen, Shirley and Marjorie; by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook; his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent; and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cook, all of Loyal.
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