News: Granton Locals #2 (24 Aug 1917)


Surnames: Curtis, Hiles, Riedel, Pisch, Wonser, Holmes, Hart, Anderson, Prange, Winn, Davidson, Zorn, Wood, Kintzele, Osgood, Mueller, Hasz, Schroeder, Storm, Riedel, Kurth, McInnis, Wake, Beaver, Wilson, Knickle, Stevens, Barager, Lombard, Smith, Hitzke, Downer, Johnson, Strey, Marsh, Tyler, Housley, Welsh, Rinehart, Gardner, Fraser, Haltaufderheide, Mandel, Koeser, Eberhardt, Hoover, Shafter, Ely, Baer, Woodward, Viergutz, Limberg, Lawson, Neinas, Blakely, Creigo, Marg, Tykac, Root, Rose, Schoengarth, Grasser, Smith, Todd, Marth, Anthony, Schmoll, Davis, Finnigan, Mitchell, Valleau, Krause, Munski, Lawson, McClaflin, Devine, Murphy, Kimball, Ross, Free, Johnson, Walters, Rhines, Daughhetee

----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 08/24/1917

Jay Curtis is at Spencer since Tuesday.

Annie and Willie Hiles spent Wednesday at Marshfield.

Arthur Riedel was a county seat visitor on Saturday.

Alvin Pisch came up from Columbus on Tuesday.

E.R. Wonser and family were Marshfield fair visitors on Wednesday.

The east side of the opera house roof has recently been re-shingled.

Miss Gertrude Holmes arrived home last Friday.

Mrs. Fred Hart entertained the Thursday Club last week Thursday.

Austin Adnerson of Plymouth is visiting at Ed Prange’s since Monday.

Byrl Winn arrived home from Chicago last Friday morning.

James Davidson of Chili was here on business on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zorn spent last week with relatives at Brillion.

Frank Wood went to Neillsville with Vernie Kintzele on Monday.

Granton is well represented at the Marshfield fair this week.

Gene Osgood sold two 8 month old pigs Monday for $78.40.

Mrs. Mueller of Bonduel, after a visit at Rev. Hasz’s went home Monday.

Helen and Henry Schroeder of Neillsville were guests at Rev. Hasz’s Tuesday.

Rev. Hasz went to Shawano last Tuesday to attend the Evangelical Lutheran Conference there.

Miss Frieda Storm came home from a several months stay with relatives at Superior on Tuesday.

Miss Hulda Riedel of Milwaukee is visiting at Richard Kurth’s since Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ken McInnis of Chili visited old friends here and at Neillsville Tuesday.

T.D. Wake came home from a trip to Spooner and Duluth Monday night.

Mrs. Geo. Beaver visited relatives at Athens last week.

Geo. Wilson ahs an exhibit of stock from his fine herd of Holsteins at the Marshfield fair.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knickle and baby Winifred of Spencer autoed down and visited at L. Stevens’ Sunday.

Miss Elva Amidon went to Stevens Point Wednesday on a visit to Miss Marjorie Barager.

Mrs. A. Lombard and little daughter are home from Merrillan since Friday.

Arthur Smith of Marion, after a week’s visit at Elmer Hitzke’s, went home on Monday.

Mrs. Frank Downer is a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield since Monday.

Oscar Johnson drove home from Strum last week, arriving here Saturday evening with the team of horses and wagon which he purchased there.

Miss Matilda Strey came up from Milwaukee Saturday evening for a vacation and visit with home folks.

Miss Ora Marsh went to Marshfield Friday and spent a couple days with relatives in the J.C. Marsh family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler and children visited Dr. and Mrs. H.W. Housley and others at Chili last week Thursday.

Price Welsh came down from Spokeville Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stevens and is since visiting his mother, Mrs. Mabel Welsh.

Rollo welsh came down from Spokeville Sunday on his bike and spent the day with his mother.

Oscar Johnson has been moving his household goods to the new home in Lynn since Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rinehart of Athens have a new baby daughter since Wednesday, Aug. 8th, 1917. Mother and baby are well.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner and daughter Ruth went to Camp Douglas Saturday evening on a visit to their son Adelbert in Co. A of the 3rd infantry.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser Jr. and their two children,w ith Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser Sr., came over from Chili Saturday evening and made an over Sunday visit here at the George Fraser home.

Harold and Earl Haltauferheide came home from Two Rivers Saturday evening accompanied by their cousins, Arthur Mandel and Miss Mildred Koeser of that city.

Oscar Eberhardt came home from a week’s stay at Sheboygan on Saturday. While down there he underwent an operation for relief from a throat trouble of long standing.

Joe Hoover of Wausau came down Saturday and visited at John Shafer’s in Lynn and among old friends here until Tuesday.

The benefit dance given for Wilbur Fraser last Saturday night was a very pleasant social affair. The net proceeds amounted to about $75.00.

Mrs. Nettie Ely of Kansas City, Mo., a teacher of Mrs. Baer’s years ago, was with Mrs. Frances Woodward of Neillsville, welcome guests of the Baers last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Viergutz and baby Walter are here from Rochester, Minn. on a visit to his parents and other relatives since Wednesday.

Mrs. Wm. Limberg of Plymouth, with her cousin Mrs. H.T. Lawson of this village, went to Wausau Wednesday on a couple days visit with relatives in that city.

Miss Lydia Neinas came home from a week’s visit with Miss Bessie Davis of Lodi, last week Thursday. She reports Miss Davis as engaged to teach in the primary department of the public school at Genoa jct. this year.

Mrs. A.M. Blakeley, who spent last week with her sister Mrs. Wm. Creigo near Chili, was here between trains on Friday to see her physician and next day, accompanied by her husband and sister, Mrs. Creigo came home to stay. Mrs. Creigo returned to Chili on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marg spent Tuesday with old friends at Neillsville.

B. Tykac went to Chicago last week and made an over Sunday visit among relatives.

Elwin Root went to Colfax last Friday on a several days business trip.

Mrs. W.D. Rose entertained the R.N.A. Wednesday evening of last week.

The Misses Hulda and Anita Schoengarth visited Neillsville friends Friday.

Mrs. Mike Grasser went to Stratford Saturday and visited relatives until Monday noon.

Miss Bonnie Smith, after a week’s visit with Mrs. Beauford Griffin, went home to Viola on Monday.

Les Todd of Co. A., 3rd infantry, is home from Camp Douglas for a few days only.

Miss Emma Marth of Neilslville spent several days early this week here with old friends.

Miss Florence Anthony of Weyauwega spent several days of this week ehre with Miss Alva Amidon.

Mrs. Aug. Schmoll and daughter Norma left on a visit to relatives at Milwaukee this morning.

Sid Davis, James Finnigan and Chas. Munski spent Wednesday at the Marshfield fair.

Mrs. S.E. Mitchel of Trempealeau was the guest of Mrs. Baer and Helen autoed to Marshfield and attended the fair on Wednesday.

Chas. Munski arrived here from Winchester last week Thursday on a couple weeks visit among relatives and old friends.

Leland Limberg of Sheboygan County arrived here Sunday night and remained until Tuesday, a guest in the H.T. Lawson home.

Two Buick cars were stolen at Marshfield Wednesday, and one the week before, with no trace of the thieves.

Harold Haltaufderheide returned to Two Rivers where he has charge of a vulcanizing garage, Monday. His cousin from there, who was here on a visit, went home at that time.

Warren McClaflin went to Humbird Monday on a couple days visit to relatives.

Miss Mayme Devine, after a several weeks visit with relatives in the Dr. Murphy family, went home to Plymouth on Thursday.

Corp. Harry Rose, with his brother Private Harold Rose, arrived home from Camp Douglas yesterday on a couple days furlough.

Miss Gertrude Kimball came over from Marshfield Saturday and made an ever Sunday visit at W.S. Davis’.

Dr. P.M. Ross and family arrived home by auto last Friday from Yakima, Wash. They are now packing up in preparation for moving to Milwaukee for the winter, at least.

Mrs. Jack Free of Shanghai, China, who is visiting her sister Mrs. Justin Johnson, went to Humbird Monday with Mrs. Wm. Free of Neillsville on a visit to the latter’s daughter Mrs. Waters.

Mr. and Mrs. David Rhines and four daughters of Neillsville spent last week with relatives and friends at the Falls, Plymouth and Glenbuelah, making the trip of about two hundred miles in their Ford. Their son Harvey remained at home to look after the farm. (Sheboygan Co. News)

J.B. Daughhetee autoed down from Colby on business last Tuesday. He reports Mrs. Daughhetee to have met with a very painful accident last week Thursday. She fell from the porch and fractured her left shoulder bone and of necessity will be laid up for a considerable length of time. Her many friends hereabouts will be sorry to learn of her misfortune.



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