Obit: Albrecht, Emma Louise (? - 1967)
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Albrecht, Thiel, Collins, Schulz, Dux,
Durst, Marden, Aspen, Peters, Scott, Oberle, Berghammer, Greening, Drager,
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI)
Albrecht, Emma Louise (? - 1967)
The first portion of
this obit for Emma Louise (Thiel) Albrecht is missing; In the Town of Hewett.
She lived on the farm for two years after her husband’s death in 1940. Since
1942, she had made her home with her children, and entered Memorial Home in
July, 1966.
She is survived by a son, Richard Albrecht of Neillsville;
nine grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Albrecht was a member of the United Church of Christ.
Pallbearers were:
William Schulz, Otto Dux, Arno Durst, Charles and Earl Marden and Ole C. Aspen.
“Beckoning Hands” and “An Evening Prayer” were sung by Mrs. Robert Peters,
accompanied by Mrs. Jess W. Scott.
People from out of town attending
were: Mr. and Mrs. George Albrecht of St. Paul, Minn.; Jack Albrecht of Dayton,
O.; Henry Collins and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins and Jim Collins of Humbird;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins of Chippewa Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Collins, Miss
Donna Collins, Mr. and Mrs. William Collins and Donald, all of Loyal; Miss Kathy
Oberle and Mrs. Roger Berghammer of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Thiel, Mr. and
Mrs. Reinhardt Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Greening, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Drager,
Harold Drager and Mrs. Vanda Tullett of Ripon; Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Drager of
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