News: Granton Locals (08 Jun 1917)


Surnames: Coulthard, Grassman, Page, Berger, Beeckler, Reichert, Johnson, Krause, Sternitzky, Baer, Timerson, Hubing, Larson, Scoles, Ochauer, Grasser, Brooks, Cole, Griffin, Roehl, Agin, Paulson, Mallory, Miller, Langrehr, Mahn, Schune, Anderson, Seltrecht, Martin, Slocomb, Williams, Goetz, Kurth, Snyder, Schoenfeld, Davis, Osgood, Churchill, Kemmeter, Howard, Geisler, Frei, Rothman, Barager, Krause, Schuelke, Poppe, Schuelke, Page, Smith, Breseman, Kihn, Bartsch, Lee, Wage, Canfield, McHone, Beardsley, King, Justrite, Dixon, Roder, Reiff, Wood, Scott, Amidon, Hart, Paulson, Riedel, Lezotte, Bentz, Dubes, Downer, Rowe, Fulwiler, Rose, Stevens, Welsh, Ohde, Strubble, Prange, Lowery, Dahl, Devos, Wright, McCrillis, Dopp, Sherwood, Squires, Dorst, Winn, Ratch, Hahm, Vine, Carter, Huntley,

----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 06/08/1917

Miss Etta Coulthard of Route 4 left for Livingston Monday evening.

Henry Grassman was at Marshfield on Friday.

Warren Page returned to Waupun Tuesday night.

Miss Emma Berger spent Tuesday with friends at Marshfield.

Miss Bessie Beeckler is expected home from Durand tomorrow.

Carl Reichert is visiting relatives at Sheboygan since Wednesday.

Oscar Johnson made a business trip to Chili on Wednesday.

Emil Krause and Ed Sternitzky were county seat visitors on Wednesday.

Mrs. Baer spent Tuesday afternoon on business at Chili.

Dan Timerson went to Marshfield on Saturday.

Arthur Hubing was at Marshfield on Monday.

Miss Annie Larson was a Marshfield visitor on Friday.

James Scoles went to Chicago to consult Dr. Ochauer on Tuesday.

Miss Pearl Beeckler arrived home from Crandon Sunday morning.

Miss Mary Grasser is home from Minnesota since late last week.

Miss Pearl Brooks is home from Rice Lake since Saturday.

Fred and Leonard Cole and B. Griffin were Neillsville visitors on Saturday.

Frank Roehl came home from Dubuque, Iowa Friday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Agin arrived home from their visit at Kendall last Friday.

Mrs. Peter Paulson, Agens and Arthur were over from Neillsville on Friday.

Miss Genevieve Mallory was at Neillsville on a visit the first of the week.

Mrs. J.A. Miller and her brother Ernest Langrehr returned home after their sad errand at Popple Grove, Ill. on Wednesday.

Mrs. Hannah Mahn, after a three week stay with her mother and brother, Adolph Schune’s family, went home to Neillsville on Saturday.

A.J. Anderson and Fred Seltrecht of Route 4, with Otis Slocomb, John Martin and H.E. Williams, were county seat visitors on Friday.

Mrs. Fred Goetz of Milwaukee is here since last Friday visiting relatives in the Richard and Will Kurth families.

A large delegation of Granton folk attended the class play at Neillsville last Friday evening. Many went by train and others by auto.

Mrs. Albion Snyder of Duluth, Minn., came Wednesday to attend the funeral of her uncle, the late Frant Osgood.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schoenfeld of York Center are enjoying a visit from his parents who came up from Plymouth Wednesday.

Mrs. Sid Davis has been quite indisposed and suffering with rheumatism of late so that her daughter, Mrs. Myron Osgood, has spent much of the past 2 weeks at home assisting in her care.

Mrs. Will Churchill and little daughter Sarah Jane are her from Milwaukee on a visit to relatives in the P.J. Kemmeter family since last week Friday.

Mrs. Oscar Johnson and children spent Thursday of last week with relatives at Neillsville and attended the wedding of her sister Miss Elsie Waterpool, there that day.

Harry Davis will go to Neillsville Monday to work in the condensary.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard were called to Bruce last Friday by news of the alarming illness of their daughter Ethel, Mrs. Will Geisler. Mrs. Geisler accompanied her husband and father was taken to the Eau Claire Hospital last Tuesday.

Mrs. Geo. Frei had a birthday two weeks since, which was the occasion of two delightful surprise parties. Her friends and neighbors got dates mixed, had one party Friday and the other Saturday.

Miss Florence Rothman of Stevens Point, who taught at Elcho this year, stopped of her Monday evening and made a several days stay with her friend and former schoolmate, Miss Iva Barager, also of Stevens point.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krause, with their little 5-year-old deaf son, Edward, spent Tuesday with friends at Marshfield and took the opportunity offered to visit the state school for the deaf there, that day. They have plans for sending the little fellow to school there next year.

Miss Amanda Schuelke and little nephew Gordon Poppe of Milwaukee, after a visit with relatives at Cobb, arrived here Tuesday morning on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schuelke. Mrs. Poppe and baby Ralph of Milwaukee joined them there that afternoon.

Warren Page came up from Waupun Saturday evening and assisted his daughter, Mrs. Lulu Jacobson and little daughter Genevieve and Grandpa Dows, to Move to Neillsville and take up residence with his mother there, on Monday. Mrs. Page was considerably under the weather of late.

Gilbert Sternitzky and Miss Frieda Williams were Marshfield visitors on Tuesday.

Wm. Smith of Bethel has been here at the Rice Davis home much of the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Breseman returned home from their visit at Altoona and other points on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kearny Davis and the Misses Pearl and Haidee Beeckler were Neillsville visitors on Tuesday.

Attorney and Mrs. A.L. Devos of Neillsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dixon here Wednesday.

Ernest Dixon bought the Lillis Converse residence property in the village last week.

Mrs. Paul Roder will entertain the Ladies Aid of Rev. Reiff’s parish next Wednesday.

Frank Wood, who taught at Pigeon Falls the past year, has been home from there since Wednesday.

Dudley Scott, who was visiting relatives in the G.E. Amidon family, left for his home at Melrose on Sunday.

J.C. Amundson went home to Blair and spent the weekend with his family.

Irving Hart came over from Humbird Friday and continued on to Stratford on Saturday.

Lee McHone of Augusta, after a couple of days visit with relatives here and at Chili, went home Saturday.

Ross Paulson went to Oconomowoc Saturday and is home since Tuesday morning.

Ed and Walter Riedel enlisted as privates in Co. A of the 3rd Regt. at Neillsville last week.

Wm. Lezotte went to Alma Center last week to attend the high school commencement exercises. His was one of the graduates.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winter returned home Saturday from a week’s visit to rleatives and friends in Plymouth and Milwaukee.

James Scoles, Herman Bartsch, T.F. Lee, Theodore Breseman and Arthur Marg were county seat visitors Monday.

Harold Kihn of Park Falls, after a week’s visit at T.D. Wage’s, went to Mrs. E.A. Canfield’s early this week, where he has employment and will spend the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron McHone and baby Clifford, after a week’s visit at Lester McHone’s in Chili, went home to Fairchild Saturday evening.

Mrs. Otis Beardsley and children Sylvia and George, after a several week’s visit here at the H.A. King home, left for Niagara, Wis., their new home, on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bentz of Route 4 took their daughter Clara to Marshfield Monday that she might undergo an operation for relief from an acute attack of appendicitis suffered since Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dubes are now located at Janesville where he has a good position in a large jewelry store. Mrs. Dubes came up from there Wednesday on a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Frank Downer.

The Misses Pearl, Haidee and Daphne Beeckler spent Wednesday with the Clark Waterman family at Chili helping their little niece Helene Waterman celebrate her birthday.

Milford and Verle Rowe, Viola Fulwiler, Mrs. Geo. Rose and daughter Elva, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stevens, Mrs. Mabel Welsh, Arlene and Rollo Welsh, and Delbert Strubble attended the commencement exercises at Neillsville Wednesday evening.

Messrs. Emil and Ed Prange were advised by telegram last week Thursday of the death of their brother-in-law, Mr. Louis Ohde of Sheboygan Falls. Mr. Ohde will be remembered by many here with his wife, a guest of the Prange homes, last fall. His death resulted from liver trouble and followed an examination.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowery returned from their visit with the Will Dahl family at Stetsonville Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright of R. 1 have a brand new son, now born to them last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.L. McCrillis of Marshfield are visiting at James Johnson’s on Route 4 since Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dopp, son Leland and daughter Lila arrived home from Galesville Tuesday.

Mrs. Sherwood of Marshfield came over from there Sunday with Mrs. Beth Squires on a visit to the latter’s relatives on route.

Miss Mollie Dorst went to Stratford Sunday and expects to spend the summer there with Mrs. Alfred Johnson.

Mrs. Clifford Winn, Mrs. Ralph Ratch and daughter Grace, and Mrs. Gus Hahm were Neillsville visitors Tuesday.

Arthur Vine, his mother, Mrs. Fred Vine, and his nephew, the youngest Carter Boy, came down from Crandon Tuesday evening. Fred Vine autoed in and met them here.

Mrs. Wm. Huntley and sister, Miss Delia Beardsley, were over from Neillsville Tuesday and visited relatives in the H.A. King home.

Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Snyder and sons Raymond and Glen are here from North Carolina visiting relatives in the Geo. Vine family since Wednesday.



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