
Cameron, Alexander A. (History - 1849)


Janet Schwarze





----Source: Biographical History of Clark and Jackson Counties, WI, by The Lewis Publishing Co., 1891, page 248

ALEXANDER A. CAMERON, a millwright of Dorchester, was born in Perthshire, Scotland, February 10, 1849, the son of Duncan and Jennie (McGregor) Cameron, both natives of Scotland. They emigrated to Perth County, Upper Canada, in 1859, and thence to Portage County, Wisconsin, in 1865, settling upon a farm, where they still reside. Alexander A., their only child, was reared to farm life and educated in the common schools. He learned the machinist's trade in East Saginaw, Michigan, at which he worked from 1863 to 1865, and in the latter year removed to Portage County, where he was employed at various points from Ashland to Stevens Point. He built several saw and planing mills on the Wisconsin Central Railroad line, and is now building a planing mill at Fairfield. He came to Dorcehster in July, 1879, where he has since remained.

Mr. Cameron was married September 18, 1878, to Eva Chamberlain, a native of Pennsylvania, and daughter of Dwight Chamberlain, deceased. They have had six children, four now living: Jennie, Lyle, Hazel and Ward.


[Family Photo Album]


News Clips


Stevens Point Journal, May 09 1903

Funeral of Mrs. Cameron

The funeral for Mrs. Cameron was held at the family home at 8:30 Monday morning. Rev. M. McClure of the Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church officiating. The body was taken on the 10:00 o'clock train to Sheridan for interment. Mrs. Cameron was survived by a brother two sisters, Dwight Chamberlain and Mrs. Lydia Brewster of Plainfield and Mrs. Martha Winchell of Dorchester.


Stevens Point Journal, November 25 1876


Friday night Duncan Cameron was shot on his way home from Amherst. As he was passing the graveyard near William Flemings a team of horses attached to a covered carriage drove rapidly along side his wagon, and just at that momentsomeone he thinks in the carriage fired two shots at him. One taking effect in the right arm, midway between the elbow and shoulder. The report startled the team , they gave a sudden jump throwing Cameron to the ground, completely stunning him. Upon gaining his senses he made his way to the home of William Flemings where he was kindly cared for and medical aid was summoned. It was a very dark night. Cameron had ten dollars in his pocket but it was not disturbed.



Waupaca Republican, August 19 1892

Duncan Cameron a highly respected old resident of Sheridan, while hitching his team to a binder Tuesday, the team became unmanageable in some way probably caused by the flies. They became tangled in the harness, and Mr. Cameron attempted to unhitch a tug when one of the horses kicked him in the left side. The man lingered in great agony and died Wednesday about 2:00 PM.

Deceased leaves a wife, Janet (Niven) Cameron and one son Alexander of Dorchester. He was step-father to Professor J.N. McCunn of Green Bay.


Amherst Advocate, May 26 1893

For a long time Lyle Cameron has not been perfectly healthy but was able to be about. Friday morning he left the house without any of the family knowing about it, and wandered down to the railroad tracks which passes a few yards from the house. When the east bound freight came along about 10:00 o'clock Lyle was standing just outside the and part of the engine which projects beyond the tracks struck him on the right side of the head just back of the ear, killing him instantly. The train stopped and the conductor came back and found Lyle lying beside the tracks dead. He was struck in only one place and thus escaped mutilation or a more painful death. The funeral was held Sunday at 2:00 o'clock. Rev. Perry officiating. Interment at Sheridan.


Cameron/Chamberlain Family Research


1851 Scotland Census

Name: Alexander Cameron     Age: 6     Estimated birth year: abt 1845

Relationship: Son   Gender: Male    Where born: Lilltrethen, Angus

Father's name: Duncan Cameron     Where born: Fortingall, Perth

Mother's name: Jannet Mcgregor     Where born: Logie Kate, Perth

Parish Number: 332     Civil Parish: Bendochy     County: Perthshire

Address: Milltown Of Dremmie Farm     Occupation: Farmers Son

ED: 4     Page: 3      Household schedule number: 8    Line: 15     Roll: CSSCT1851_71

Household Members: Name Age

Duncan Cameron        28

Jannet Mcgregor         38

Alexander Cameron      6

Peter Curtony             24  Lodger - Farm Labourer

John Bready                15    "                 "

James Bavage             34    "                 "

John Herity                 27    "                 "

Richard Martin            22    "                 "


1861 Census of Canada

Name: Alexander Cameron     Gender: Male     Age: 16     Birth Year: 1845

Birthplace: Scotland                Religion: C S

Home in 1861: Elma, Perth, Canada West

Household Members: Name Age

   Duncan Cameron        40            Farmer    Log house, being built 1857

   Jenet Cameron            49

   Alexander Cameron    16


Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930

Groom's Name: Alexander Cameron     Groom's Birthplace: Berthshire, Scotland

Bride's Name: Eva Adell Chamberlain   

Marriage Date: 09 Sep 1878         Marriage Place: Colby, Clark, Wisconsin

Groom's Father's Name: Duncan White Cameron     Groom's Mother's Name: Jennett M. Cameron

Bride's Father's Name: Dwight Chamberlain   Bride's Mother's Name: Sally R. Ferguson Chamberlain

Groom's Race: White    Bride's Race: White

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M00338-9       System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy

Source Film Number: 1275834                          Reference Number: item 2 fn 0502


Collection: Wisconsin Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

Name: Eva Dell Chamberlain Cameron

Gender: Female    Burial Date: 1903    Burial Place: Sheridan, Portage, Wi

Death Date: 01 May 1903     Death Place: Stevens Point, Portage, Wi

Age: 38     Birth Date: 16 Dec 1864     Birthplace: Tioga, Pa

Occupation: Housewife     Race: White     Marital Status: Married

Spouse's Name: Alex Cameron

Father's Name: D.H. Chamberlain    Father's Birthplace: Pa

Mother's Name: Rose Kicks              Mother's Birthplace: Pa

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: B59791-6     System Origin: Wisconsin-EASy

Source Film Number: 1311650                           Reference Number: 00607


??????? the child who died ??????????????????????????

Wisconsin Genealogy Index Birth Record (

Last Name: Cameron     First Name: Unnamed Male

Day: 11    Month: March    Year: 1881

County: Clark    Reel: 30    Record: 2516


1880 United States Federal Census

Name: Elick Cameron     Age: 33     Estimated birth year: abt 1847

Birthplace: Canada         Relation to head-of-household: Self (Head)

Father's birthplace: Scotland     Mother's birthplace: Scotland     Race: White     Gender: Male

Occupation: Works In Saw Mill     Marital Status: Married     Spouse's name: Evva Cameron

Home in 1880:  Mayville, Clark, Wisconsin

   Household Members: Name Age

       Elick Cameron  33

       Evva Cameron  19


Collection: Wisconsin State Census, 1885

Name: Alex Cameron (Eva and Jeanette)

Residence: Holton Town, Marathon, Wisconsin

Number of White Males: 1    Number of White Females: 2    Country of Birth: United States: 3;

Form Type: Inhabitants    Line Number: 49

Film Number: 1032699    Digital Folder Number: 4245050    Image Number: 00209


1 October 1892 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

Real Estate Transfers.

(… for the week ending Sept. 17, 1892.)


Aug. 27, 1892, Jenet Cameron to Alex Cameron, 179 acres in secs 1 and 2…….


??? probable match ???

1895 Wisconsin State Census

Name: Alex Cameron     Line: 3     Roll: v226_17

Locality: Lanark     Residence County: Portage     Residence State: Wisconsin

Household Members: 4 males, 4 females; 6 born USA, 1 born Germany, 1 born Great Britain


12 October 1895 - The Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wisconsin

First Publication Oct. 5-’95-w4.

Probate Notice.


In the matter of the estate of Sally R. Ferguson Deceased.

Notice is hereby given that at the regular term of the county court, to be held in and for said county, at the court house, in the city of Stevens Point, in said county, on the 1st Tuesday, (being the 5th day) of Nov., A. D., 1895, at 10 o’clock A. M., the following matter will be heard and considered: The application of Eva Cameron for the appointment of Alexander Cameron of the town of Lanark as administrator of the estate of Sally R. Ferguson, late of the town of Pine Grove in said county, deceased.

Dated October 1, 1895.

By order of the court,

John A. Murat, County Judge.


19 March 1898 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

(left-hand column)


Case of Cameron vs. Cameron Delayed at Waupaca


29 April 1899 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

Alex Cameron left for Prentice Wednesday.  He is putting in a large planning mill for the Van Duzen Lumber Co.


24 March 1900 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

Starts a New Mill.

    Alex Cameron returned to his home in this city Thursday evening after spending several weeks at the little place up in the northeastern part of the county known as Klondike, where he was employed as a millright in equipping a new sawmill for Spafford & Sons of Grand Rapids.  An entire new equipment of machinery was installed in the old Johnson & Torgerson mill.  The mill was started up Thursday and will be run steadily through the season.  The proprietors expect to saw 2,000,000 feet of pine, hemlock and hardwood.  They use circular saws.

    Mr. Cameron leaves tomorrow for Park Falls where he will assist in erecting a new sawmill for the Park Falls Paper company.


5 May 1900 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

Alexander Cameron, who is erecting a shingle mill for the Park Falls Lumber Co., at Park Falls, spent Sunday at his home on East Main street.


8 September 1900 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.

The family of Alexander Cameron is now located in the Rothman house on Briggs street, formerly occupied by Dr. L. Zborowski.


Collection: United States Census, 1900

Name: Alex Cameron    Birth Date: Feb 1848    Birthplace: Scotland

Relationship to Head-of-Household: Self   Occupation: Mill Wright

Spouse Name: Eva Cameron    Spouse Birth Place: Pennsylvania

Father Birthplace: Scotland      Mother Birthplace: Scotland

Race or Color (expanded): White    Immigration Year: 1860 - Naturalized

Name: Eva Cameron    Birth Date: Dec 1861    Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Relationship to Head-of-Household: Wife

Father Birthplace: Pennsylvania    Mother Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Race or Color (expanded): White

Years Married: 21    Estimated Marriage Year: 1879

Mother How Many Children: 6    Number Living Children: 5

Enumeration District: 0113     Sheet Number and Letter: 7A   

Household ID: 112                 Reference Number: 29

Residence: Stevens Point city, Portage, Wisconsin

     ALEXANDER CAMERON   Feb 1848  Scotland

     EVA CAMERON                   Dec 1861  Pennsylvania

     JENNETTE CAMERON        Feb 1883  Wisc

     HAZEL R CAMERON          Nov 1887  Wisc

     WARD D CAMERON           Nov 1890  Wisc

     CHARLES M CAMERON     Feb 1894  Wisc

     GLADYS CAMERON           Nov 1898  Wisc

GSU Film Number: 1241812   Image Number: 00467


Collection: Wisconsin State Census, 1905

Name: Alexander Cameron     Age: 54y     Estimated Birth Year: Abt 1851

Birthplace: Scotland     Relationship to Head of Household: Head   

Race: White    Gender: Male    Marital Status: Widowed

Place of Birth: Parent 1: Scotland     Place of Birth: Parent 2: Scotland

Family Number: 58    Page Number: 226    Line Number: 57

Locality: Prentice       Residence County: Price     Residence State: Wisconsin

     ALEXANDER CAMERON  54    Millwright

     JENETTE CAMERON         22    Teacher

     HAZEL CAMERON             17     Housekeeper

     WARD CAMERON              15     Student

     CHARLES CAMERON        11

     GLADYS CAMERON            7

Film Number: 1020981     Digital Folder Number: 4236865     Image Number: 00489


29 May 1907 - Gazette, Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Married at Phillips.

Napolean Markstrom and Miss Hazel Cameron, both of Prentice, were recently married at Phillips, Rev. Benson officiating.  They were attended by Fred Struble and Miss Alice Bousha.  The bride, who is a former Stevens Point Girl, and a daughter of Alex Cameron, who resided on Briggs street for some time, has lived at Prentice for the past few years and is an excellent young woman.  The groom is employed as a clerk in a store at Prentice and is said to be a worthy young man.


23 December 1916 - Stevens Point Journal, Stevens Point, Wis.


Word has been received announcing the death of Harriet Muriel, the seven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Markstrom of Prentice.  Mrs. Markstrom was formerly Miss Hazel Cameron of this city.


Obit: Winchell, Martha (1848 - 1926)

----Source: WEEKLY CLARION (Dorchester, Clark Co., WI) 10/05/1926


Winchell, Martha (4 MAY 1848 - 20 SEP 1926)


Mrs. Albert Winchell died Monday, Sept. 20th, 1926 at the Wilbur Kayhart home southeast of town (Dorchester, Clark County, Wis.). The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at the Little White Church, Rev. F. P. Walter officiating, and burial was made in the cemetery south of town. George Meyers, Wm. Schroeder, Edward Wolfe, Wm. Wolfe, Wm. Tauchen and Frank Hurth acting as pallbearers, and the flower girls were the deceased eight granddaughters, Irene and Margaret Winchell, Della and Dorothy Kayhart, Eunice and Nora Winchell, Anita and Mina Hunt.


Mrs. Albert A. Winchell, nee Martha Chamberlain, a daughter of Dwight and Sallie Chamberlain, was born in Bradford, Penn., on the 4th day of May, 1848, and passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ada Kayhart, at the age of 78 years, 6 months and 16 days.


At the age of 14 she, with her parents, came to Wisconsin and first settled at Plainfield, Waushara Co. On the 15th day of Nov, 1868 she was married to Albert Winchell, from which time on she lived in Clark County. To this union 10 children were born, Joel and Delbert Winchell of Dorchester, Dwight Winchell of Valparaiso, Ind., Mrs. Ada Kayhart and Mrs. Ida Hunt of Dorchester, and Mrs. Edna Will of Calumet, Minn. Besides these, there are one sister, Mrs. Lida Brewster, and one brother, Mr. Dwight Chamberlain, both of Plainfield, surviving. A father, four children and one stepson have preceded her in death.


For the past fifteen years, she has been ailing, but only a little over a year ago was she confined to her bed. She was a very patient sufferer until death relieved her.


She was a pioneer of Dorchester and as such should hold an honored place in our hearts and memories. She helped to blaze the trail that brought forth in its' wake the garden spot of Wisconsin we prize so much. Long may those sturdy pioneers live in our memories and help us to better fulfill the tasks set before us.


Besides her children, her sister and brother, she leaves 29 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.


Those who were here for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Winchell and Dwight Jr. of Valparaiso, Ind., Mrs. Brewster and Dwight Chamberlain of Plainfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beyreis and two daughters of Unity, Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Hinke and daughter Beulah of Abbotsford. Her daughter, Mrs. Will, who had been here recently, was the only one of her children not present for the funeral, but she was unable to come.


The entire community join with us in offering sympathy to the bereaved.


1850 United States Federal Census

Name: Sally Chamberlain     Age: 21     Estimated birth year: abt 1829

Birth Place: Connecticut       Gender: Female

Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Jackson, Tioga, Pennsylvania          Family Number: 77

Household Members: Name Age (all born "Conn")

Dwight Chamberlain                 26    Farmer

Sally Chamberlain                     21

Martha A Chamberlain             1/12


1860 United States Federal Census

Name: Sally Chamberlin     Age in 1860: 30     Birth Year: abt 1830

Birthplace: Pennsylvania     Gender: Female     Post Office: Wellsboro

Home in 1860: Middlebury, Tioga, Pennsylvania

     Household Members: Name Age

Dwight Chamberlin       32  CT    1828     Lumberman     Real Estate: 150    Personal Estate: 100

Sally Chamberlin           30  PA    1830

Martha Chamberlin       10  PA    1850                  <<- married Albert Winchell ??

Tabitha Chamberlin         7  PA    1853                  <<- "Lida" married Lafayette Brewster ??

Dwight Chamberlin         4  PA    1856                  <<- married Jenny May Hakes ??

Welcom Shellman         14  PA    1846      attended school    (male)


1870 United States Federal Census

Name: Sally Chamberlin     Birth Year: abt 1830     Age in 1870: 40

Gender: Female     Birthplace: Pennsylvania

Home in 1870: Plainfield, Waushara, Wisconsin

     Household Members: Name Age

Sally Chamberlin           40  PA    1830

Eugene Chamberlin       10  WI    1860

Sarah Chamberlin           7  WI    1863                 <<- Eva Adell ??

George Chamberlin         4  WI    1866


Wisconsin Genealogy Index -- Marriage Record Details                                    County

Chamberlin, Sally B      Marriage                      Jan       29        1871                Waushara

Fergerson, William        Marriage                      Jan       29        1871                Waushara


Chamberlain, Martha A   Marriage                    Nov     15        1868                Waushara

Winchell, Albert            Marriage                      Nov     15        1868                Waushara


Cameron, Alexander     Marriage                      Sep      09        1878                Clark

Chamberlain, Eva A      Marriage                      Sep      09        1878                Clark


Chamberlain, D H         Marriage                      Mar      21        1891                Portage

Hakes, Jenny May        Marriage                      Mar      21        1891                Portage


1880 United States Federal Census

Name: Sally Ferguson     Age: 55     Estimated birth year: abt 1825

Birthplace: Pennsylvania     Relation to head-of-household: MotherL

Father's birthplace: Pennsylvania     Mother's birthplace: Pennsylvania

Marital Status: Widowed     Race: White     Gender: Female

Home in 1880: Pine Grove, Portage, Wisconsin

     Household Members: Name Age

Lafayette Brewster       33  NY-VT-NH     Farm Laborer

Lida Brewster               26  PA-CT-PA     (Tabitha??)

Arthur Brewster              4  WI

Mandie Brewster          11m  WI  (11/12 b. June)                << Maude E. (1879-1891)

Sally Ferguson 55  PA-PA-PA   Mother-in-law    Widowed


Collection: Wisconsin Marriages, 1836-1930

Groom's Name: Dwight H. Chamberline      Bride's Name: Jenny May Hakes

Marriage Date: 21 Mar 1891      Marriage Place: Portage, Wisconsin, United States

Groom's Father's Name: Dwiaght Chamberline     Groom's Mother's Name: Sally Furgison

Bride's Father's Name: L. F. Hakes     Bride's Mother's Name: Hakes

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I00323-9     System Origin: Wisconsin-ODM

Source Film Number: 1275497


Duncan White Cameron

Born: about 1821-1823, Fortingall, Perth, Scotland

Died: about 1892, Lanark, Portage Co., WI


     married - about 1844 ? in _________ Scotland


Jannet/Jennett McGregor

Born: about 1812-1813, Logie Kate, Perth, Scotland

Died: before 1874 - maybe in Canada, maybe in Wisconsin


1851 Residence: Bendochy, Perthsire, Scotland

1861 Residence: Elma, Perth, Canada West (Ontario)


 (2nd marriage of Duncan Cameron (no children):

       Jeanette McCunn Blair (nee ?), 1874, Lanark, Portage Co., WI)


Child of Duncan & Jennett Cameron


Alexander Cameron

Born: about Feb 1845-1848, Lilltrethen, Angus, Scotland

Died: about 1925 ? in Wisconsin ?


     married 9 Sep 1878, Colby, Clark, Wisconsin


Eva Adell (Sarah?) Chamberlain

Born: 16 Dec 1864 (1861), Tioga, Pennsylvania

Died: 1 May 1903, Stevens Point, Portage, Wisconsin


Children of Alexander and Eva (1900 Census says 5 of 6 children living)   

1. Male child (possible), born 11 March 1881, Clark County, WI; died before 1885 WI Census

2. Jennette, born Feb 1883, WI; Teacher

3. Hazel R., born Nov 1887, WI; married Napolean Markstrom, May 1907, Phillips, Price Co., WI

4. Ward D., born Nov 1890, WI

5. Charles M., born Feb 1894, WI

6. Gladys, born Nov 1898, WI


Dwight Henry Chamberlain

Born: 5 Nov 1825, Willington, Tolland Co., Connecticut

Died: 15 Jan 1870; buried Plainfield Cemetery, Waushara Co., WI

     married (about 1848) in (Pennsylvania?)


Born: 29 Sep 1829 / 1827, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

(2nd marriage (no children?): William Ferguson, 29 Jan 1871, Waushara County, WI)

Died: 2 Sep 1895, Plainfield WI; buried Plainfield Cemetery, Waushara Co., WI


Dwight & Sally moved from PA to Plainfield, Waushara Co., WI around 1861 / 1862-1864


Children of Dwight & Sally Chamberlain

·         Martha A., born 4 May 1848-1850, Bradford / Tioga County, PA;

            married Albert Winchell, 15 Nov 1868, Waushara Co., WI;

            died 20 Sep 1926, Dorchester, Clark Co., WI

·         Tabitha /M. Zenethia / Lida, born about 1853, Tioga County, PA

            married Lafayette Brewster, 22 May 1875, Marathon Co., WI WI

            died after 1926, probably in Plainfield, Waushara Co., WI

            Lafayette buried Plainfield Cemetery

·         Dwight H., born about 1856, Tioga County, PA

            married Jenny May Hakes (1871-1949), 21 Mar 1891, Portage Co., WI

            died 18 Jan 1940, buried in Plainfield, Waushara Co., WI

Children buried in Plainfield Cemetery: Harry M. (1889-1981); Clara Adel (1911-1941); Virginia Mae(6 Nov 1928):

·         Eugene, born about 1860, PA or WI

·         Sarah / Eva Adell / Eva Dell, born about 1863, PA or WI

·         George, born about 1866, WI


The Stevens Point Journal - 19 March 1898


Case of Cameron vs. Cameron Delayed at Waupaca.

   The case of Alexander Cameron vs. Jeanette Cameron of Lanark, which was noticed for trial in the circuit court at Waupaca, was postponed Thursday, owing to the fact that the United States consul at Glasgow failed to affix the necessary certificates to a batch of depositions taken from witnesses in Glasgow.  The fact was not discovered until the case was about to go to trial.  Upon applications of the plaintiff’s attorneys, the judge continued the case until the next term of Court.

   Alexander Cameron is the  only son and sole heir to Duncan Cameron, who died in Lanark in 1892, leaving a second wife.  Alexander, believing Jeanette Cameron to be his father’s lawful widow, paid over to her the sun of $4,000, her share in the estate.

   Within six months after paying the money over to his stepmother, Alexander claims to have learned that at the time Mrs. McCunn married his father, she was the lawful wife of James Blair, to whom she was married in 1864, and with whom she had lived but eight days, and who is still alive and well and following his trade as a blacksmith in London, England.  Believing this to be true Alexander brought suit to recover the $4,000 to which it is alleged she was not entitled.  Through some necessary delays in the securing of evidence and otherwise, the case has dragged along until the present term of court.  The proof of the marriage of Blair’s continued existence after her subsequent marriage with Cameron, was established by affidavits secured from residents of England and Scotland.  But it was not discovered until just as the case was about to be called that two important depositions could not be used because the consul at Glasgow failed to attach certain certificates required by the laws of Wisconsin.

   The plaintiff is represented by Cate, Sanborn, Lamoreux & Park and the defence by Chas. W. Felker of Oshkosh and Calkins & McGruer of Green Bay.

   The defendant was thrice married.  By her first husband she is the mother of John McCunn of Lanark and J. N. McCunn, United States consul at Dombarionshire, Scotland.  She will not deny that she was Blair’s lawful wife nor that she married Cameron, without having secured a divorce but she will base her defense on the ground that after living with her for eight days in Glasgow Blair left her and she never heard anything of him again for many years, and will take advantage of the law that acknowledges a man dead when he has been absent seven years.  She came to America in 1870 and married Cameron in Lanark in 1874.  The plaintiff will attempt to prove that if she had enquired for Blair of any of his relatives in Glasgow she could have learned of his whereabouts at any time.


Sally Ferguson Chamberlain - 1895 - Newspaper Unknown

The many friends of Mrs. S. Cameron were shocked to hear of the death of her mother, Mrs. Sally R. Ferguson, who left here about three weeks ago in usual health to attend a daughter who was very ill in Plainfield, where she was taken sick and died Sept. 2.  Mrs. Ferguson was born in Dodge county, Penn., in 1827, moved in 1861.  The remains were interred at Plainfield beside her husband.  She was an earnest Christian woman, a member for years of the Methodist church.  Her kindly way had won for her many friends since her residing here.  She leaves four children to mourn her loss, Mr. D. Chamberlin and Mrs. Brewster of Plainfield, Mrs. Winchell of Dorchester and Mrs. S. Cameron of this place, with whom she made her home.

Plainfield Cemetery - Section 11, Plainfield Township, Waushara County, Wisconsin

Note: X means copy of obituary is held by the Waushara Co.  Historical & Genealogy Society



     Frank E. - died Sep. 18, 1898 - aged 34 y’s, 3 m’s, 8 d’s (= b. 1864)


CHAMBERLAIN - Sally R. (Fergueson)

     - born at Bradford Co., Penn. - Sep. 29, 1829 - died Sep. 2, 1895

       Dwight Henry - First husband of S.R. Ferguson - born at Willington, Tolland Co., Conn.

            - Nov. 5, 1825 - died Jan. 15, 1870


CHAMBERLAIN - Wife - Alma - 1893 - May 21, 1966

     Husband - Delbert Bell "Del" - 1892 - Apr. 19, 1972


CHAMBERLAIN - Father - John W. - Dec. 17, 1839 - Dec. 9, 1897

     Mother - Sylvia A. - Sep. 6, 1839 - Mar. 31, 1925

     Johnnie - died Nov. 9, 1887 - aged 11 yrs, 4 mo, 11 days, Broke- youngest son of J.W. & S.A   X


CHAMBERLAIN- Milton B. - 1907 - Jul. 15, 1965

     Wilma L. - Dec. 28, 1924 - Oct. 8, 1992     X

     Melvin "Mell" - 1896 - Jul. 16, 1975

     Naomi - 1902 - Jan. 10, 1964


CHAMERLAIN - Ella - wife of A.A. - died Jul. 6, 1878 - aged 43 y’s, 1 mo., 5 d’s - Head stone

     George H. - son of A.A. & E. - died Nov. 3, 1893- aged 25 y’s, 4 m’s, 11 d’s - Head stone

     Ladorna L. - wife of A.A. - died Jul. 11, 1889- aged 33 y’s, 7 m’s, 24 d’s - Head Stone

     Alric A. - 1834 - Apr. 15, 1896 - Vet.  (son’s obit says father died 2 Apr 1896)

     Earl - no dates

(  Obit: EARL CHAMBERLIN - Alric Earl, son of Alric A. and Ladorula Strong Chamberlain, b. 15 Sep 1886 in Plainfield WI, d. 8 Apr 1906.  Grandmother Sarah A. Jones; Uncle E. H. Strong, Aunt Mrs. G. B. Gruper

     Mrs. Spawn - Sep. 27, 1893 - no stone


CHAMERLAIN - Father - Dewight - 1856 - Jan. 18, 1940

     Harry M. - Dec. 25, 1889 - May 23, 1981     X

     Jennie - 1871 - Nov. 1, 1949

     Clara Adel - Sep. 10, 1911 - Mar. 2, 1941

     Virginia Mae - Nov. 6, 1928


BREWSTER - Family Marker

     Dudley D. - 1882 - Jan. 8, 1914

     Father - Lafayette M. - 1846 - Jan. 13, 1925

     Maude E. - 1879 - 1891

     Harley Ray - died Apr. 29, 1938 - Wis. Pvt. 346 Tank Corps

     Ward H. - 1892 - 1929 - Vet.


????????? Dwight would have been 5 ?????????

1830 United States Federal Census

Name: Ephraim Chamberlin

Home in 1830: Willington, Tolland, Connecticut

Free White Persons - Males - Under 5:           1

Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:            1

Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:        1

Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39:        1

Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14:    3

Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39:    1

Free White Persons - Under 20: 6

Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2

Total Free White Persons: 8     Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 8


1840 United States Federal Census

Name: Ephraim B Chamberlain

Township: Willington             County: Tolland          State: Connecticut

Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9:            1

Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19:        1

Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49:        1

Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49:    1

Total - All Persons (Free White, Free Colored, Slaves): 4

Persons Employed in Agriculture:      2

Free White Persons - Under 20:          2

Free White Persons - 20 thru 49:        2

Total Free White Persons: 4     Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 4


1850 United States Federal Census

Name: Ephraim Chamberlain     Age: 58     Estimated birth year: abt 1792

Birth Place: Connecticut             Gender: Male

Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Jackson, Tioga, Pennsylvania     Family Number: 217

     Household Members: Name Age

Ephraim Chamberlain 58

Betsy Chamberlain      56

Rufus Chamberlain     23

John Chamberlain       17

Mary A Chamberlain 18


1850 United States Federal Census

Name: Sally Chamberlain     Age: 21     Estimated birth year: abt 1829

Birth Place: Connecticut       Gender: Female

Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Jackson, Tioga, Pennsylvania    Family Number: 77

Household Members: Name Age (all born "Conn")

Dwight Chamberlain               26    Farmer

Sally Chamberlain                   21

Martha A Chamberlain           1/12


????? Fortingall is Duncan’s place of birth ?????

1841 Scotland Census

Name: Janet Mcgregor     Age: 30     Estimated birth year: abt 1811

Gender: Female                Where born: Perthshire, Scotland

Civil Parish: Fortingall     County: Perthshire     Address: Balnald     Parish Number: 355A

Household Members: Name Age

Donald Mcgregor        59

Donald Mcgregor        35

Janet Mcgregor           30


1841 Scotland Census

Name: Janet Cameron     Age: 28     Estimated birth year: abt 1813

Gender: Female     Where born: Perthshire, Scotland

Civil Parish: Fortingall    County: Perthshire    Address: Kinloch Kinlochrannoch

Parish Number: 355A

Household Members: Name Age

Alexr Cameron            26

Janet Cameron            28


1841 Scotland Census

Name: Duncan Cameron    Age: 20    Estimated birth year: abt 1821

Gender: Male    Where born: Perthshire, Scotland

Civil Parish: Fortingall    County: Perthshire    Address: West Camghanan

Occupation: Ag Lab        Parish Number: 355A

Household Members: Name Age

Archibald Cameron     60

Duncan Cameron        20

Charly Cameron          9

Euphemia Cameron     7

Margret Cameron        7

Anny Cameron            4

Euphemia Cameron     80

Margret Cameron        40


1851 Scotland Census

Name: Alexander Cameron     Age: 6     Estimated birth year: abt 1845

Relationship: Son   Gender: Male    Where born: Lilltrethen, Angus

Father's name: Duncan Cameron     Where born: Fortingall, Perth

Mother's name: Jannet Mcgregor     Where born: Logie Kate, Perth

Parish Number: 332     Civil Parish: Bendochy     County: Perthshire

Address: Milltown Of Dremmie Farm     Occupation: Farmers Son

ED: 4     Page: 3      Household schedule number: 8    Line: 15     Roll: CSSCT1851_71

     Household Members: Name Age

Duncan Cameron        28

Jannet Mcgregor         38

Alexander Cameron      6



I am Ken Markstrom and I am looking for information on my Mother Hazel Cameron, sister Jeannette Cameron and their parents Alexander A. Cameron and Eva Del Cameron. My grandfather Alexander A. Cameron was a millwright and he built saw mills and planing mills along the Wisconsin Central Railroad line from Stevens Point to Ashland. He came to Dorchester in 1879, built a saw mill for Henry Breed. The planing mill an lumber shed and office was located on the southside of 2nd Avenue south. My Mother was born November 8 1888 in Dorchester and her sister Jeannette was born in Dorchester in 1883. My grandfather and grandmother, Alexander Cameron and Eva Del (Chamberlain) were married in Colby, Wisconsin September 9, 1878 at the Methodist Church this was a couple of months before my grandmother turned 14. Albert Winchell of Dorchester was a brother-in-law of Alexander and Eva Del Cameron. It is my understanding that there were two other children born between 1883 and 1888 but I have been unable to verify this information.  Ken Markstrom


Related Links


BioM: Cameron, Ethel (1913)

Cameron Family Photo Album




Marsha Hosfeld & Janet Schwarze



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