Bio: Sweet, Rev. Sylvester Elmer Perry
Contact: Stan

----Source: History of Walworth County, pg. 517, Sylvester Elmer Perry Sweet is also featured in the book, "Civil War Soldiers in the heart of Clark Co., Wisconsin.", 1880 Fedral Census--Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin,

Surnames: Burdick, Currie, Dingley, Edmunds, Foster, Perry, Rhodes, Sweet



Rev. Sylvester Elmer Perry Sweet


Sylvester Elmer Perry SWEET 1838 - 1917¶O

VGR#188 dated 27 Feb 1937, Next of kin: Wife of Dr. Currie of Greenwood (daughter)

Right to left: Sylvester Elmer Perry Sweet-father (18 Nov 1838 - 6 Jul 1917); Lewis Elmer Perry Sweet-son; Elmer Wirth Sweet-son (8 Jul 1891 - 22 Feb 1956); John Wirth Sweet-son (29 Dec 1919 - 5 Feb 1921)

Sylvester was a native of Leeds Co., Ontario, Canada, born 18 Nov 1838, the son of Abijah and Mariah (Rhodes) Sweet.  In 1845 his parents moved the family to Southport, WI, going to Portland, Dodge Co., 2 yrs. later, and in 1854, to Bear Creek, Sauk Co. Sylvester and his brother, Albe, enlisted 10 Sep 1861 with the 6th Batry., Wis. L.A. Their brother Nicholas joined the same unit in 1864. Sylvester participated in 9 campaigns, suffering a gunshot wound to the head at Champion Hills, June 1863, and was promoted to Full 2nd Lt.  All 3 brothers were honorably was discharged 3 July 1865.  Sylvester first married Achsa Perry, the daughter of Daniel T. and Salome (Burdick) Perry, at Marble Ridge, WI, 20 Feb 1866.  In 1872, after studying at Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Sylvester graduated as an ordained minister of the Regular Baptist Church and began preaching at DeSoto, WI.  He served as Pastor of the Beaver Dam Church 2 yrs., and supplied the pulpit of the Randolph Church for a considerable time. His charge of the Trempealeau Church lasted 3 yrs. and the Monticello Prairie Church 2 yrs. before moving to Elkhorn in Nov 1879.  The Sweets were the parents of 6 children: Lewis Elmer Perry (3 Feb 1868 -1 May 1945), George E. (b. 1873), Emma E. and Ella E. (twins, b. 1877), Arthur L. (Mar 1885), and Gertrude (24 Sep 1886).  Achsa passed away 7 Feb 1903 and was buried at Walnut Hill Cemetery, Baraboo, Sauk Co., WI.  Sylvester was married to Margaret "Mary" (Foster) Dingley, 19 Jun 1910 in Greenwood by Rev. E. D. Edmunds of Beaver Dam.  Sylvester died 6 July 1917 and Mary passed away 19 Oct 1926.  They are buried in the Greenwood, WI City Cemetery.  Civil War Soldiers in the Heart of Clark Co., Wisconsin




REV SYLVESTER ELMER PERRY SWEET, Pastor of the Regular Baptist Church of Elkhorn since November 1879.  He is a native of Leeds Co., Canada West; is a son of Abijah and Maria (Rhodes) Sweet; was born Nov. 18, 1838.  In 1845 he came to the United States with his parents, and made his home at Southport, Wis.; two years later, they moved to Portland, Dodge Co., and, in 1854, to the town of Bear Creek, Sauk Co.  He enlisted in June 1861, in the 6th Battery, Wis. Light Artillery; was promoted to a Second Lieutenant; was with his command in various engagements in which they participated, nine in all; he received a gunshot wound in the head at the battle of Champion Hills, June 1863, and served until the close of the war.  He was educated in a common school, and at the Wayland University at Beaver Dam, Wis., from which he graduated in the class of 1872.  He was regularly ordained a minister of the Regular Baptist Church at Marble Ridge, Sauk Co., and began preaching at DeSoto, Vernon Co., Wis.; he has been constantly employed since as a minister of the Gospel. He served as Pastor of the Beaver Dam Church two years, and supplied the pulpit of the Randolph Church for a considerable time; he had charge of the Trempealeau Church three years, the Monticello Prairie Church two years, and came from there to Elkhorn in November 1879.  Mr. Sweet was married at Marble Ridge, Sauk Co., Wis., Feb. 20, 1866, to Miss Achsa Perry, daughter of Daniel T. and Salome (Burdick) Perry.  They have four children, Lewis E. P., George E., Emma E. and Ella E.; the two youngest are twins.




1880 Fedral Census--Elkhorn, Walworth, Wisconsin
Name Relation Marital






Father Born Mother Born
Sylvester E. Sweet Head Married Male White 41 Canada Clergyman Canada Canada
Achsa M. Sweet Wife Married Female White 32 Illinois Keeping House New York New York
Lewis E. P. Sweet Son Single Male White 12 Wisconsin At School Canada Illinois
George E. Sweet Son Single Male White 6 Wisconsin   Canada Illinois
Emma E. Sweet Daughter Single Female White 3 Wisconsin   Canada Illinois
Ella E. Sweet Daughter Single Female White 3 Wisconsin   Canada Illinois
Lutitia I. Russell Other Single Female MU 19 Tennesee Servant Tennesee Tennesee


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