Bio: McCormick, Charles Patrick &
Anorilla (Kennison)
Contact: Stan
----Source: State of Michigan Historical Records,
Scholtz, Crystal Wendt and the Clark Co., WI
History Buffs.
Charles Patrick & Anorilla (Kennison) McCormick
Sherwood, Clark Co., Wisconsin
contact us if you can supply a photo
or additional information about this soldier.
The information in blue did not appear on the original document.
Charles Patrick McCormick married Anorilla
Kennison pre1870 in Wisconsin. They can be found on the 1870 census living
in Waushara County, WI, Town of Oasis. Charles often went by his middle
name of Patrick, he was born in Greenwood, Stueben Cty, NY about 1840 to
Daniel and Mary Catherine McCormick of NY. Charles Patrick McCormick and
Anorilla had 3 children: Daniel born about 1871; Charles born about 1873;
and Ernest born about 1876. Anorilla McCormick died of "lung complaint"
August 8, 1881 and has a gravestone with her father, Nelson Kennison, in the
East Oasis Cemetery, Town of Oasis, Waushara Co, WI. She can be found on
the 1880 census with her 3 children. They were living with her
parents, Nelson and Mahitabel (nee Brown) Kennison in the Town of Oasis,
Anorilla being married, unable to work because of illness.
Plainfield Times, Plainfield WI - pg. 1, Aug. 9, 1881 - "Mrs. P. McCormick
of Oasis died on Monday last, after an extended illness."
Charles Patrick McCormick did enlist with Michigan's 1st Cavalry in the
Civil War. At the war's end he was one of Sheridan's Scouts. A researcher
of Sheridan's Scouts, Paul E. Simpson put together a list of all the scouts
and there were just over 100. Charles Patrick McCormick was one of them,
the only McCormick scout, quite an honor. Charles had one brother,
Frank, but I don't know what became of him or if he served in the war.
Charles parents came to Waushara County, WI, Oasis Township before 1860 and
can be found on the census there, his father being listed as D. McCormick,
55, farmer, born in Ireland. I believe this is why Charles came to Oasis
after the war, to be near his parents. On the 1880 census while
Anorilla was living in Oasis with the children and her parents, Charles was
in Wood County, WI, at Scranton. He was working there at a sawmill;
Scranton is now a ghost town. It fizzled out before 1890 or so. Charles
tried to obtain a Civil War pension in 1883 after Anorilla died. He too
suffered from a lung complaint he thought was bronchitis that he came down
with during the war. He also had an injury to a finger during the war. His
pension was denied. He did not attempt to get another one and died the
following year, 1884. There were other Sherwood people working at Scranton
at the time Charles was there, including the Meddaugh brothers. He probably
migrated to Sherwood with them doing lumbering, etc., and died here shortly
after seeking work. He was listed as a pauper in Sherwood town burial
records. Biographical information provided by Kay Scholtz.
Manassas Junction after the evacuation of the Confederates, February 1862.
Source: Harper's Historical History of the Civil War.
Colonel Brodhead was mortally wounded in the battle and died from his wounds September 5th. In early 1863, following the confrontation at Manassas, Charles' regiment was put on guard duty before the defenses of Washington on a line extending to Edward's Ferry and the mouth of the Opequan. It was a difficult duty requiring incessant diligence and the Regiment lost thirty men from repeated attacks by Mosby's Guerrillas. In February, the Confederates probed for weakness in Banks troop at Opequan Creek. 56 men were sent to watch their movements and after concluding the force was small, Stuart was attacked. The detachment drew back after killing 15 of the Confederate soldier with no losses for the Union. In June, the Regiment moved north into Maryland and Pennsylvania to pursue Lee's Army. Near the end of June, the Bank's command was reorganized and Charles' regiment was reassigned to the Michigan Brigade for the remainder of the war. Out of a total enrollment of 1, 364 men, 69 soldiers from Michigan's 1st regiment were killed in action, 44 died of wounds and 150 died of disease. The total casualty rate was nearly twenty percent.
Charles Patrick McCormick died May 17, 1884 and is buried in the Sherwood Township, Clark Co., Wisconsin Cemetery.
Military Records
United States Civil War Soldiers
Name: Charles McCormick
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Michigan
Regiment Name Expanded: 1st Regiment, Michigan Cavalry
Regiment Name: 4 Michigan Infantry (1st Organization)
Company: A, F, D
Rank In: Private
Rank Out: Private
Alternate Name: Charles/McCormic
Source: Government Pension Records
Staff Officers
Colonel Brodhead, Thornton F. - Grosse Isle Age n/a
Lt. Colonel Copland, Joseph T. - Pontiac Age n/a
Major Atwood, William S. - Detroit Age n/a
Major Paldi, Angelo - Brockway Age 45
Major Town, Charles H. - Detroit Age n/a
Surgeon Johnson, George K. - Grand Rapids Age 26
Asst. Surgeon Nash, Alfred K. - Trenton Age 36
Adjutant Brevoort, William M. - Detroit Age 31
Quartermaster David, James I. - Trenton Age n/a
Chaplain Hudson, Jonathan - Trenton Age n/a
Regiment Officers
Captain Stebbins, James G. - Detroit Age 48
1st. Lieutenant Gray, Wellington W. - Romeo Age 34
2nd Lieutenant Snyder, Charles F. - Detroit Age 26
Enlisted Men by Name, Home & Age
Abbott, Howard - Van Buren County Age 20
Adams, Andrew M. - Detroit Age 22
Allen, Orville C. - Detroit Age 25
Andrews, James - Ann Arbor Age 19
Arndt, John - Detroit Age 24
Arnold, Henry C. - Ann Arbor Age 22
Arnold, William P. - n/a Age 18
Baier, Phillip J. - Detroit Age 19
Bates, Kinzie - Detroit Age 22
Beagle, John - Port Huron Age 35
Bellhousen, John C.E. - Washtenaw County Age 40
Bennett, William H. - Ann Arbor Age 18
Bird, Joseph F. - Wayne County Age 30
Blakeslee, Nathan P. - Oakland County Age 19
Bloodgood, Wilkins - Detroit Age 20
Bolio, Franklin T.-or- M. - Detroit Age 18
Boyd, Robert J. - Washtenaw County Age 18
Brown, George - Detroit Age 32
Buckland, Charles H. - Tekonsha Age 22
Bucklin, Frank D. - Jackson Age 16
Cady, Frederick - Macomb County Age 20
Cameron, Charles E. - Detroit Age 18
Carpenter, James W. - St. Joseph County Age 22
Carr, Edward F. - Washtenaw County Age 21
Clark, Ebenezer F. - Detroit Age 21
Connell, James - Ann Arbor Age 40
Cook, Henry V. - Washtenaw County Age 35
Cook, Otis L. - Detroit Age 18
Cook, Van Renseller - Monroe County Age 21
Corris, Thomas - Saginaw County Age 20
Cotter, William - Canada West Age 19
Courtney, Patrick - Dunkirk, NY Age 22
Cowles, George - Washtenaw County Age 19
Crawford, Samuel F. - Macomb County Age n/a
Crosby, Fred J. - Detroit Age 20
Crow, Patrick - St. Johns, NB Age 18
Cummings, George W. - Lapeer County Age 27
Cunningham, William A. - Detroit Age 27
Delno, William - Manchester Age 24
Deo, Cyrus - North Branch Age 22
Desnoyer, Charles A. - Detroit Age 25
Diamond, David B. - Washtenaw County Age 22
Diamond, David L. - Washtenaw County Age 42
Doane, Elisha - Kalamazoo County Age 27
Dobil, Alexander - Jackson Age 25
Donaghue, Hugh - Philadelphia,Pa Age 18
Drake, Jacob C. - Washtenaw County Age 27
Dusen, Peter - Ann Arbor Age 39
Eberts, Frederick H. - Detroit Age 22
Edington, Harmon - Ann Arbor Age 23
Edson, Herbert - Ypsilanti Age 19
Egan, Hubert W. - Detroit Age 20
Eldred, Charles - Macomb County Age 18
Ensig, Clement-or- - Washtenaw County Age 36
Ensinger, Clement - Age
Fairbrother, Frank L. - Detroit Age 21
Fellers, Morgan S. - Detroit Age 23
Fisher, Henry H. - Wayne County Age 23
Fisher, John C. - Alexandria Age 18
Flodman, Frederick - Ann Arbor Age 40
Fornea, William - Wayne County Age 21
Frink, Daniel-or- - Calhoun County Age 26
Frank, Daniel - Age
Galloway, John - Detroit Age 22
Garrison, Irwin L. - Detroit Age 18
Gilbert, Thomas L. - Washtenaw County Age 32
Gordon, Henry - Detroit Age 24
Goring, John S. - Calhoun County Age 29
Graham, Michael - Wayne County Age 29
Gregg, Cyrus C. - St. Clair County Age 18
Grummond, George W. - Detroit Age 27
Hall, Charles E. - Detroit Age 20
Hardy, Thomas - Detroit Age 22
Harrington, John - Wayne County Age 35
Harrington, John H. - Wayne County Age 19
Harrison, James B. - Ingham County Age 34
Hartmeyer, Lewis - Detroit Age 22
Haskins, Ira J. - n/a Age 44
Haviland, George W. - Kent County Age 18
Hess, Joseph A. - Detroit Age 17
Hillman, Henry - Detroit Age 34
Holgate, William H. - Detroit Age 21
Holloway, William - Detroit Age 32
Holmes, Cyrus - Kalamazoo County Age 20
Hopkins, George - Detroit Age 24
Hutchison, Henry - Detroit Age 21
Ingersoll, Joseph - Detroit Age 21
Inglis, Charles-or- - Detroit Age 27
Ingallis, Charles - Age
Isbell, Marshall - Ingham County Age 24
Jameson, William - Wayne County Age 23
Johnson, Norman - Detroit Age 22
Jones, David A. - Detroit Age 21
Kaufmann, Charles - Detroit Age 19
Kirkpatrick, Richard - Sanilac County Age 25
Kittridge, Joseph - Macomb County Age 19
Kniseley, Alexander M. - Ann Arbor Age 30
Kniseley, George M. - Washtenaw County Age n/a
Langely, Edwin D. - Detroit Age 27
Lansing, Melancthon W. - Blandensburg, Md Age 31
Lennon, John J. - Detroit Age 23
Levering, John F. - Detroit Age 29
Little, George S. - Detroit Age 19
McCall, Hugh - Jackson County Age 20
McCarthy, John - Bedford, Mass Age 20
McCourt, Mathew - Washtenaw County Age 20
McCue, James - Wayne County Age 19
McMillen, John F. - Detroit Age 24
Mackin, Michael - Wayne County Age 31
Manly, Charles H. - Washtenaw County Age 19
Mason, Jesse D. - Lapeer County Age 19
Meyers, John - Macomb County Age 40
Meyers, Joseph W. - Detroit Age 22
Miller, George - Wayne County Age 26
Montgomery, Thomas S. - Detroit Age 27
Nichols, Jacob - Stockbridge Age 26
Owen Evan G. -or- - Detroit Age 23
Owen, Even G. - Age
Palmer, Lemuel F. - Detroit Age 32
Payne, John B. - Detroit Age 25
Penney, James A. - Washtenaw County Age 18
Penny, Charles L. - Washtenaw County Age 22
Penny, Daniel J. - Washtenaw County Age 20
Pickle, Stephen G. - Macomb County Age 21
Pitts, Jerad E. or R. - Macomb County Age 28
Pomeroy, William T. - Washtenaw County Age 25
Putney, Samuel - Ann Arbor Age 18
Rankin, David - Detroit Age 21
Rice, Frank L. - Detroit Age 19
Rickey, John - Wayne County Age 28
Robinson, Eugene - Detroit Age 24
Roehm, Ernest G. - Wayne County Age 19
Rogers, Stephen B. - Ingham County Age 27
Roller, John - Washtenaw County Age 32
Runyan, Oscar V. - Washtenaw County Age 20
Rushton, Thomas F. - Webster Age 18
Schonaker, Hubert J. - Detroit Age 19
Shannon, Thomas - Ann Arbor Age 21
Siegel, Joseph - Detroit Age 20
Smith, Gilbert M. - Washtenaw County Age 23
Smith, Havilah - Ann Arbor Age 27
Smith, Hubbard - Detroit Age 34
Smith, James K. - Washtenaw County Age 18
Smith, Judson R. - Macomb County Age 20
Sonewald, Albert - Detroit Age 35
Stanway, David - Ypsilanti Age 23
Starkweather, James H. - Detroit Age 41
Steinman, George - Wayne County Age 40
Stevens, Royal H. - Stockbridge Age 19
Stewart, George C. - n/a Age 26
Swan, William E. - Ingham County Age 33
Sweet, Hobart P. - Jackson County Age 21
Thomas, Mathew C. - Calhoun County Age 19
Thorne, William J. - Detroit Age 21
Tinnotte, Nicholas - Detroit Age 22
Torrens, James - Detroit Age 21
Tripp, Benjamin - Kalamazoo County Age 28
Turko, Ludwig - Wayne County Age 26
Twamley, David - Ingham County Age 23
Underhill, William M. - Detroit Age 23
Vallar, Joseph - Wayne County Age 19
Vandyke, Jacob - Ottawa County Age 23
Vaughn, Daniel - Ann Arbor Age 21
Vernier, John B. - Ann Arbor Age 27
Waddell, William - Detroit Age 22
Watson, William C. - Detroit Age 24
Wertheimer, Simon S. - Detroit Age 21
Wicks, Hiram Z. - Washtenaw County Age 26
Wigmore, William - Detroit Age 23
Williams, George - Detroit Age 22
Williams, Richard - Detroit Age 23
Woodruff, Quincy A. - Washtenaw County Age 18
Young, Peter - Detroit Age 21
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