John William Rhodus
Neillsville, Clark Co., Wisconsin
John W. Rhodus was born March 30, 1833 in Bybee,
Madison, Kentucky. 13 May 1857, He married Nancy E (Elizabeth)
Burgess and he supported their family by doing common laborer. November 7, 1861,
John joined the Union Army in Neillsville, Wisconsin, at the age of twenty-seven.
His wife and three children, James, John & Mary were left to pray for his safe
return. He served as Infantry Veterinarian, Corporal and
Sergeant in
Co. "I", 14th Wisconsin Infantry. Quiner's Scrapbook of the Civil War made this comment about the reliability of
Corporal Rhodus of the 14th Wis. Infantry; "Corporals Ives, Rhodus and
Rider are always on hand, and are models in their way." John was mustered out October 9, 1865.
The 22 Jul 1870 Federal Census recorded J. W. Rhodus as a "Merchant" with a
personal estate of $3,000. "The population of the county in 1860, was 88;
in 1870, 10,206; in 1874,11,324; in 1875, 11,076; in 1878, 11,055; in 1880,
15,124; in 1882, 15,155. The decrease after 1874 was caused by the visits of the
grasshoppers. They were a terrible scourge during 1874 and 1875, but in the
latter year they disappeared and have not since returned. The population of the
county in the spring of 1882 is reasonably believed to have been fully 16,000.
When the returns of the census were first brought in by the assessors, the total
population appeared to be less than 15,000. But in various districts the returns
were soon discovered to be incomplete, and the assessors were compelled to add
names omitted until the population was shown to be over 15,000, when the matter
was dropped. Some of the assessors were determined to keep the population below
15,000, if possible, as by so doing a saving of several thousand dollars in the
salaries of the county officers would be effected; but the officers were fully
as anxious to have the population returned as 15,000 or over, in order that the
addition to their salaries, which then according to law could be mad, should be
made. Hence they brought influences to bear upon the assessors until this result
was accomplished, but stopped short of securing a full and complete return."
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
In her book, "Rough and Gone Town of
Ladore, Kansas", Christy Mog wrote:
An account from L.
A. Bowes who was a track foreman for the Katy described Ladore as “the toughest
place I ever struck. Whiskey was sold in nearly every house in the town.”
Also on May 10th, 1870, a group of
around three hundred people were involved in the lynching of five men. According
to the accounts of the event,
seven desperadoes came to town and were robbing and taking over. The men were
armed and
firing their guns and most likely drinking since whiskey and booze could be
found all
over Ladore which added to its rough character and reputation. At around seven
p.m. that
night, the seven men ended up at a boarding house kept by J. N. Roach or the
founder of
Ladore. Roach was repeatedly beat over the head with revolvers until the
thought he was dead. They then kidnapped his two daughters and hired hand. That
the leader of the gang shot one of his comrades dead while presumably hiding
out. The
next morning a search party was sent out to recover the girls and catch the men.
Two of
the men were found passed out drunk at a saloon, another was found with one of
girls in the woods, three others including the leader were found going up the
road to the
Osage Mission. They were locked up at the barber shop then led down to the Roach
house to have the girls properly identify their assailants. Five of the men were
hung from
a limb on a hackberry tree. One of the men was not hung because he was not
by the girls as being an attacker. The five men that hung from the hackberry
tree were
taken down and laid in a single grave under the tree. One of the desperadoes to
be buried
had his pants and boots stolen. The two men who were caught at the saloon that
had also attempted an attack on Jim Abell’s wife the night before. The Abells’
owned the
Inn in town and when the two desperadoes came looking for more alcohol, they
Abell’s wife in the attic with her two daughters. She fended them off with an
axe until
they got tired of trying and got liquored up instead. “The ‘Wild Bills,’ ‘Texas
8 Accounts of this event are found in multiple sources: V. V. Masterson, The
Katy Railroad and the Last
Frontier, W. W. Graves, Vol. 2 of History of Neosho County, A. T. Andreas and
William Cutler, History of
the State of Kansas and L. A. Bowes, “One Limb and Hemp for Five,” The St. Paul
Journal, September 11,
‘Buckskin Joes,’ and ‘Alkali Ikes,’ left for more congenial climes, and the town
down to a quiet peaceful village.”9
Figure #2
The five men hung from the hackberry tree were William Ryan, Patrick Starr,
Patsey Riley, Richard Pitkin and Alexander Mathews. The man shot was Robert
Wright and the one not hung was Peter Kelly.
February 22, 1871, on the petition of Simon Saddler and others, the probate
judge made an order incorporating the town of Parsons, and appointed Abraham
Cary, E. K. Currant, J. G. Parkhurst, John I. Sipple and John W. Rhodus as
trustees. The town was organized as a city of the third class, and on April 17,
1871, the first city election was held at which the following officers were
elected: Mayor, Willard Davis; police judge, H. L. Partridge; councilmen,
Abraham Cary, William Dana, Charles Watson, S. B. Plato, and John W. Rhodus. The
first meeting of the mayor and council was held April 28, 1871. The city having
attained a population of over 2,00 inhabitants, the evidence of which was
furnished by a census taken by order of the city council , the Governor issued
his proclamation, dated February 25, 1873, declaring Parson a city of second
Parsons, Labette Co.,
Kansas, 1870
(The States Hotel stands to the far right
in the photo on the left)
During the history of Parsons, KS there have been several quite extensive fires,
but none that were at all destructive; in fact, most of them, in the business
part of the city, while they may have damaged individuals, were a public benefit
so far as the city was concerned, for it secured the place of the buildings
destroyed, others of a very much better quality. One of the first, if not the
first fire in town to do any large amount of damage, was the burning of John
Rhodus' boarding house.
The 1880 Census listed John's occupation
as surveyor.
The 1885 State Census shows his father
was born in South Carolina and his mother entered this world in Germany, but
this varies on other records.
Civil War
Because of poor veterinarian care, close
to 1.5 million or 20 percent of the nation's horses died during the war.
Both the Union and Confederacy built "magnificent remount depots" that could
hold up to 30,000 horses with appropriate infirmaries, haying facilities and
wide open corrals. "There were no veterinarians to work there," Mr. Heiss
said. "It was like building the National Institutes of Health and not having any
doctors to staff it." He says there were people who had practical
knowledge of horses, just not doctors trained in their care. Calvary units had
veterinary sergeants at the beginning of the war, the position was eliminated
without explanation in July 1862. In part, the lack of veterinary surgeons
was an economic one. Sergeant majors received $75 a month in pay. Farriers got
$15 a month. "So if a commanding officer could get one veterinarian or
five farriers, he was well ahead to take the farriers," Mr. Heiss said. "He
could get more people who could provide some medical care and do other things as
Boarding Houses and Hotels
in Parsons, KS
At the time of the location of the town, Henry
F. Baker was living in a log house where the
round-house now stands; and the town was
scarcely located until John Austin moved his
dwelling house down from Ladore and placed it on the northeast corner of Central
and Crawford avenues. Both of them at once commenced keeping boarders. Mrs. Catherine Hurton soon after
erected a respectable-looking building, which she
opened up as a boarding house. W. P. Squires
was on the ground about the same time; Finus
Smith had a two-story 24 by 40 feet building at
Ladore, which he tore down and brought to Parsons, and erected it on the northwest corner of
Central and Johnson avenues. The proprietors of
all of these houses, as well as several parties who
only had tents, were furnishing board in November, 1870. It was not long until
the Parsons House was opened up by Knapp, Noyes and Chamber- lain. On March 8,
1871, E. B. Stevens and U. L. C. Beard commenced the erection of the Belmont
House; the same month the Lockwood was commenced, and finished so as to be
opened on the 8th of May. It was not until June 1, 1872, that J. C. Karr
commenced the construction of the St. James, on the northwest corner of Central
and Forest avenues. This was a three-story brick — one of the finest buildings
in the city. Of the numerous other houses which followed these I will
not attempt to speak, only to mention that about
1880 the Abbott House became the principal hotel
in the city, and thus remained until the Matthewson House was erected, in 1886.
1870 History Line of Parsons, KS
May 23- Union Pacific Southern Branch Changed its Name to the Missouri, Kansas &
Texas Railroad
October 24- Robert Stevens Received State Charter for Parsons Town Company
November 20- The Parsons Town Company was Formed in the MKT Land Office at
Neosho Falls, Kansas
December 9- Name of the Mendota Post Office is Changed to Parsons
1871 History Line of Parsons, KS
February 3- The 160 Mile MKT Line From Sedalia to Parsons was Completed Without
February 5- First MKT Train From Sedalia Arrives in Parsons Carrying Robert
Stevens and Some Assistants, No Celebration
March 8- Parsons Birthday
March 17- First Child Born in Parsons, Levi Parsons Dana is Born to William and
Nancy Dana
June 17- Volume 1, No. 1 of the Parsons Sun is Published, Milton Reynolds and
L. J. Perry, Editors
October 28- The MK & T Begins Construction of a 25 Stall Roundhouse and Machine
Some family records show John William Rhodus died 5 August 1898
in Bybee, Madison, Kentucky, just before the turn of the century, but our
researchers found he died Sept. 4, 1901 in the Wichita,
Kansas Hospital and was then buried in City Cemetery, Sulphur
Springs, Hopkins, Texas.
News Clips--
We do not know if this is the same John
Rhodus since some family historians have recorded his death in 1898, , but without providing any evidence of that.
![](images/92919_News1.jpg) |
Fairplay Flume, August 16,
The predictions of J. W.
Rhodus, a prospector engaged in opening some placer ground on Beaver
creek, have come true during the last four campaigns, and hence the
people about Fairplay have come to look upon his political reckoning
with considerable respect and interest. As to the present campaign
Mr. Rhodus predicts that Harrison and Morton will be elected and
that the republicans will carry New York , Connecticut and
California. In politics Mr . Rhodus is an independent . He did not
vote at the last presidential election , but predicted that
Cleveland would carry New York and be elected , which then looked
highly improbable. By what agency he casts the political horoscope
is not known . |
![](images/92919_News2.jpg) |
Park County Bulletin, August 9, 1901
The Reservoir, on the Rhodus placer, which
supplies water to both the Rhodus and Safe Deposit, yesterday
afternoon, had a depth of nearly six feet of water. This means a
good head for more than twenty four hours. The recent steady
down pour has brought up the shortage in Beaver creek, so that
now, there is a better water head than there was early in July.
Present forecasts indicate that the placer season will last
several weeks longer than seemed possible the first of the
month. The Alma placers have all the water they can handle . |
Silver Cliff Rustler, August 11, 1887
Mr . Rhodus writes to Geo . Burke that he has formed a
strong company in St . Louis and will be here shortly for the
purpose of making the preliminary arrangements for the operating
of some valuable properties those gentlemen already own In this
county . It is really encouraging to see the great interest St .
Louis capitalIs taking in our camps.
Fairplay Flume, April 12,
J . W . Rhodus returned from Salida last Friday .
Fairplay Flume, August 16,
It is said that Nelson & Mcllvain are making good headway on
their Beaver gulch placer. They think they are taking out five
dollars a day each since striking bedrock, which was very
shallow and easily reached. The Rhodus placer in the same
neighborhood is developing steadily and by this time next year
the owner anticipates being in shape to make a clean-up. A
reservoir booming, the rather scant water supply is nearly
constructed and a large dwelling house is in an advanced stage
of completion. Mr. Rhodus is now doing assessment work for Mr .
Cohen and others upon placer claims lower down in the same
Fairplay Flume, May 18,
J . W . Rhodus has completed the annual work on his Comet lode ,
in Fairniount mining district, and is gratified with the
appearance of the claim. He is now preparing for a season of
work on the Gold Bottom placer, in Beaver Creek district.
Fairplay Flume, Nov. 8, 1894
J. W. Rhodus came down from his Beaver Creek placer property lo
help elect a good government ticket.
Fairplay Flume, December 6,
J . W . Rhodus came down Monday from his Gold Bottom placer , in
Beaver Creek district , having put everything in good shape for
nest year s work. He thinks of making a prospecting trip to
Cripple Greek , and will perhaps visit Denver also before
returning here.
Fairplay Flume, November
19, 1897
J . W . Rhodus was in from Twelve Mile recently where he is
doing development work on his mining claims.
Fairplay Flume, March 31,
J . W . Rhodus is making preparations to take advantage of the
vast quantity of snow and get in a good seasons work on his
Beaver Creek placer.
Park County Bulletin, Sept.
22, 1899
J . W . Rhodus has completed 18 U 9 assessment work upon the
Gold Bottom placer in Beaver Creek mining district at the
expense of the owners Messrs . J . W . Rhodus . James , Trent
and Thomas A. Chaney.
Park County Bulletin, October 19, 1900
Mr. J . W . Rhodus was up from Fairplay
Wednesday. Mr . Rhodus can see the Republican landslide
starting from all the mountain slopes .
Park County Bulletin, January 19, 1900
Wilber Chancy sold to J . W . Rhodus a one-half interest in the
Gold Nugget placer, Beaver Creek mining district .
Thos . A . Chancy sold to J . W Rhodus a one-third interest in
the Gold Bottom Placer , Beaver Creek mining district.
M. Morgan sold to R. M. Hanlin for $100, a one-half interest in
the Gold Leaf placer, in Beaver Creek mining district. R. M.
Hanlin in turn transferred this property to J. W. Rhodus for
Park County Bulletin, June
22, 1900
J . W . Rhodus, Jr., has received his United States Agricultural
patent on lots two and three, section 19, township 11, range 75,
west of sixth principal meridian , and containing 151 acres.
Fairplay Flume, September
13, 1900
Supt. A . S . Hunt, of the Rhodus placer on Beaver Creek owned
by him and Leadville parties has shut the placer down for the
season. Mr . Hunt in well pleased with this year's ciean-up.
Park County Bulletin, Sept.
27, 1901
The Rhodus pit No . 2 will be finished for the season, this
week. In view of the fact that the reservoir which supplies the
water to the pipes here was not finished until well into August,
this is quite a satisfactory showing. The tail flume, now in
commission is twelve feet lower than the one formerly in use on
this ground. Like steps also being taken at the Rhodus for
beginning work next season as early as possible are in progress
at the Safe Deposit.
Fairplay Flume, June 13,
H . L . J . Warren , general manager of the Rhodus Placers on
Beaver Creek arrived in Alma Tuesday for inspection of the
Salida Record,
Volume XX, Number 2, May 23, 1902
Mining Revival at Alma.
A cannonade of blasts is heard on all sides of Alma, says the
correspondent of the Denver Republican. Miners who have been
away lo oilier parts come straggling back and remark that "Alma
has not looked so lively for years."
The Alma, Safe Deposit, Rhodus and Cincinnati placers are
working full force and the Snowstorm Hydraulic Company is
employing sixty to seventy-five men on new ditch and Hume work,
in an effort to get water on the Snowstorm and Beaver Park
Much depends upon the success of the new work for the increase
of placer mining in the Alma and Fairplay districts for next
year and the future. If the season’s'work is as successful as it
promises, the many streams of the upper Platte will be lined
with giants another year. Companies with ample capital are
engaging in the Held, and the great number of claims that have
been located and patented the past year bespeaks confidence.
Among the development and improvements may be mentioned miles of
new ditch, thousands of feet of Humes and substantial company
buildings at several of the works.
Lode mining in Alma district promises equal activity, A new mill
is to be erected to treat Kentucky Belle ore, up near the head
of Buckskin gulch. At Robinson, where the new pyritic smelter is
being completed, It is announced that men will in here soon to
begin work on Alma’s plant. The London keeps up steady shipments
to smelters and lias plenty of high-grade in reserve. The Eddy
mill, at the head of the Platte, resumed operations this week,
running on ore from the Kansas mine, a producer in its near
vicinity. The Golden Era, a promising property on Loveland
mountain, has been started up by its Leadville and Salt Lake
City owners. Work is to be resumed on the old Russia mine, on
Mount Lincoln, an old-time producer that has been idle for
years, and a new cable tram built to bring down the ore. New
York parties have begun work on the old Rollins-Phillips, the
Adrian force is being increased in the Hock Hocking tunnel is in
3,000 feet and near the new bodies for which it has been,
driven. The Oliver Twist is doing extensive development and the
great Sullivan Diamond Drill Corporation, whose prospecting has
brought golden riches to many parts of the world, is busily
boring to great depth in search of new contacts and mineral
Park County Bulletin, September 25, 1902
Samples of ore worth $ 140 ,000 a ton—smelter returns of ( MX )
ounces gold per ton, have been had for Alma mines . It stands to
reason that Leadville men should tunnel through the dividing
range for high grade. The Alma, Snowstorm, Beaver Park,
Cicncinnati, Kansas & Colorado, Nelson, Rhodus, Safe Doposit,
Eclipse and Bulger Basin placers are in line for gold washing
next year and that is a pretty good showing in itself. Fairplay Flume, Sept. 12, 1902
Mrs. A. D. Hunt, little daughter and sister, who have been at
the Rhodus placer on Beaver Creek for over a month, returned to
their Leadville House this week. |
Pension Card from Park
Co., Colorado
Parents of John William
Father: Burill Henry /Rhodus/ 1815
(Bybee, Madison, Kentucky) - 8 Dec 1880 (Bybee, Madison, Kentucky)
son of William Jesse Rhodus 1774 (Winijah,
Craven, South Carolina) - 1833 (Bybee, Madison, Kentucky) & Mary Powell 1776
(Camden, Lancaster, South Carolina) - 1850 (Grubville, Franklin, Missouri,
United )
Phoebe /White/ 1816 (Clark, Kentucky) - 8 January 1896 (Bybee, Madison,
daughter of Mary Powell 1776 (Camden,
Lancaster, South Carolina) - 1850 (Grubville, Franklin, Missouri, United ) &
John White 1777 (Orange, Orange, Virginia) - 1833 (Bybee, Madison,
Kentucky-Burial in Frederick, Frederick County, Maryland) & Agness Martin 1779
(Virginia) - ? (Madison, Kentucky)
Groom: Burrell Rhodus, 1815 - 1880
Marriage 03 Sep 1833,
Madison, Kentucky, United States
Pheobe White, (1812 - 1896)
Children of Pheobe White and Burrell Rhodus
John Rhodus, 30 Mar 1833? - 1898?
James K Rhodes, 1838 - 1898
Sally Ann Rhodus, 1839 - 3 Mar 1901; m. Moores
Mary Ann "Mollie" Rhodus, 1842 - 27 Nov. 1926; m. Francis Marion King
Thomas Rhodus, 1846 - Deceased
Josiah Rhodus, 1848 - Deceased
Elizabeth Rhodus, 1849 - Deceased
Robert H. Rhodus, 1853 - 1932
George W. Rhodus, 1855 - Deceased
Henry M Rhodus, 1857 - Deceased
Children of Nancy Elizabeth Burgess and John William Rhodus
James Lewis Rhodus, 1858 - 1932 (son)
John W Rhodus / Rhodis, 1860 - 1936; m. Mandy
Mary Newton Rhodus, 1863 - 1913
Cynthia Ann Rhodus, 1866 - 1888
Lizzie Mae Rhodus, 1871 - 1876
Ida Belle Rhodus, 1875 - 1926
Maggie Rhodus, 1877 - 1967
1850 United States Census, Kentucky
Clay Clay county
1860 United States Census,
Elliston, Madison, Kentucky, USA 1
John Rhodis Male 26 White 1834 Ky 49,
laborer--personal estate of $140
Nancy Rhodis Female 19 White 1841 49
James Rhodis Male 2 White 1858 49
John W Rhodis Male White 49
1870 United States Census,
Ladore, Neosho, Kansas, USA 1
Real Estate: $100, Personal Estate:
1880 Federal Census, Kingman, Kingman, Kansas ED 305 , Residence #5
Rhodus, J. W., Male 47 Single White
Surveyor Self
Born: 1833 Kentucky, Father: Tennessee, Mother: North Carolina
Park, Colorado, USA 1
Rhodus, J. W., Servant, works on
ranch, born in Kentucky, father b. So. Carolina, mother b. Germany
United States Civil War Soldiers Index
Name John W. Rhodus
Event Type Military Service
Military Beginning Rank Private
Military Final Rank Fifth Sergeant
Military Side Union
State or Military Term Wisconsin
Military Unit 14th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry
Military Company I
Kentucky Marriage Records
BioM: Burgess, Nancy E. (1857)
Groom: John Rhodus (1834 - 1898)
Marriage Date: 13 May 1857
Event Place Madison, Kentucky, United States
Gender Male
Bride: Nancy E (Elizabeth) Burgess (1836 - 1918)
Spouse's Titles and Terms Miss
Spouse's Gender Female
Kentucky Deaths and Burials
Elizabeth Rhodus
Death Date 19 May 1918
Event Place Garrard, Kentucky, United States
Age 78 (1840)
Elizabeth Rhodus
Death Date 1918
Event Place Paint Lick, Garrard, Kentucky, United States
Gender Female
Father's Name John Rhodus
Mother's Name Cynthia Watts
Obit: Rhodus, John W. (1936)
John W. Rhodus, Male
Death Date 1936 in Madison, Kentucky
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Mandy Rlodus
Father's Name John Sr. Rhodus
Mother's Name Elizabeth Burgess
Texas Cemetery
Obit: Rhodus, John William (1833 - 1901)
John W Rhodus, Burial Date 1901
Cemetery: Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, Texas
Birth Date: 30 Mar 1833
Kansas Death
John W Rhodus, Burial Date 1901
Death Date 04 Sep 1901-suffered Enteritis
/ Exhaustion
Occupation: Miner
Wichita Hospital with death after about 10 hrs.
Last Address: Fairplay, Colorado, 15 yrs. of residence
*Information from 1901
Sedgwick County, KS Death Records, Certificate 319
Witchita, Kansas Hospital--Post
Card Compliments of Bea Porter
Obit: Chaney, Mary Rhodus (1842 - 1920)
*Sister of John W. Rhodus?
Mary Chaney
Death Date: 22 Jan 1920
Cemetery: Sulphur Springs, Hopkins, Texas
Gender Female
Marital Status Widowed
Birthplace , Kentucky
Father's Name J W Rhodus |
*Their Childern were: Benjamin Steven
King ,1860; Guy King, 1863; Phoebe King, 1866; Ben King, 1868–1944; William
Joseph King, 1873–1926; Albert King 12 Jan 1874; Simon Peter King, 1876–1952;
Sallie King, 1878
BioM: Rhodus, Mary Walker (1860)
Francis King
Event Type Marriage at the home of the bride's father in Madison Co., KY in the
presence of H. Moore and John Ward.
Event Date 16 Aug 1860
Event Place , Madison, Kentucky, United States
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Mary Ann Rhodus
Spouse's Gender Female
BioM: Rhodus, Mary Walker (1861)
Mary W. Rhodus
mentioned in the record of Thomas A. Chaney and Mary W. Rhodus
Name Thomas Asa Chaney (Son of George Payne & Sarah Jane (Penick) Chaney, b.
1841 - d 24 Jul 1906 and is buried in Sulphur Springs City Cemetery, Sulphur
Springs, Hopkins, Texas)
Spouse's Name Mary W. Rhodus
Event Date Mar 1861
Event Place Breckinridge County, Kentucky
1900 Federal Census, Justice Precinct
3 Ennis city Ward 1-2, Ellis, Texas, United States
Mary J Cheney, Female
Age 51, Married
Race White
Relationship to Head of Household Wife
Number of Living Children 1
Years Married 30
Birth Date Aug 1849
Birthplace Kentucky
Marriage Year (Estimated) 1870
Father's Birthplace Tennessee
Mother's Birthplace Kentucky
Mother of how many children 4
Thomas A Chaney Head M 59 Kentucky
Mary W Chaney Wife F 59 Kentucky