News: Marshfield, Wis. (28 Oct 1882)
----Source: The Marshfield Times (Marshfield, Wisconsin), 28 Oct. 1882, pg. 1 & pg. 8.
Republican Ticket.
For Member of Congress -- G.L. PARK
For State Senator -- C.M. WEBB.
For Member of Assembly -- GEO. R. GARDNER
For Sheriff -- J. HINMAN
For Treasurer -- HENRY KUNTZ
For Co. Clerk -- J.C. DAVIS
ForRegister of Deeds -- P.N. CHRISTENSEN
For Clerk Circuit Court -- R.P.BRONSON
For District Attorney --- G.L. WILLIAMS
For Co. Surveyor --- WM. SCOTT
For Coroner --- A.M. ATWOOD
For Sheriff.
I hereby offer myself as an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of Wood County, and if elected, will faithfully, honestly, rigilently [sic], and to the best of my ability, perform the duties of said office. C. J. CARMAN.
The campaign work that is being done here will insure Stephenson at least forty votes. Everybody seems to be working for him. Nothing has been done for Park, and the outlook is that he will only receive 260 votes in the town.
Vote for the candidate who expects to spend his own personal time and attention to the duties of the office. No other should receive a vote.
For County officers vote for the man that in your own judgment will make the most faithful, honest and efficient officer.
The above are taken from the Reporter of Grand Rapids. Now boys please be a little more explicit. Do you mean that that while you have the Republican County Ticket, you do not consider some of its candidates fit subjects for county officers, and that you wish to defeat them in a sly way, or do you wish to convey the idea that the nominees of the Republican party are all good, straight, competent men, and will receive your hearty support? Now boys, come out so that we may understand you.
Is the Greenback Party of Wood County W. T. King,
Or is W. T. King the Greenback Party of Wood County?
The Centralia Enterprise of Oct. 19th, devotes one half of a column in singing the praise of one W. T. King, giving many reasons why Mr. King should be elected to the office of Register of Deeds. After carefully reading the article it reminds us of the old old story, "Money makes the Mare go. No, friend Rossier, when the Greenback party of this county resurrected [sic] King it made a bad mistake, as he was nicely laid away two years ago, by one of the best citizens of Wood county, P. N. Christensen. We have heard that Mr. King is circulating stories to the effect that Mr. Christensen has committed many crimes while in the Register's office. Mr. King and his friends should be careful what they charge as it is a well known fact that Mr. King was charged with doing things while in office, that would be utterly impossible for Mr. Christensen to do. Mr. King received a strong support two years ago, but it came chiefly from sure-heads and young voters, who were caught with his promise of a dance if elected. Mr. Christensen is a quiet unassuming straight haired man, and when we come to compare him with King it is like comparing Gardner with Hiles. The one representing all is manly, the other belonging to that class of beings that disgusts an honest man and he almost regrets that he is a human being. November 7th will be the judgment day, for King having been killed and buried he now walks forth to receive his just deserts. And we truly believe that on that day the people of Wood county will say to him, "Depart from me ye accursed," and P.N. Christensen will be our next Register.
Hiles and Powers.
Hail! Old fossils. You who have been at rest so long are again brought forward to suffer defeat and disgrace (if possible.)
The first name as been used in times gone by, by mothers to terrify their children. The reformed rascal, gambler and hypocrite goes before the people of Wood county, and asks them to elect him to the Legislature. Mr. Hiles has undoubtedly heard some one say that the Legislature was composed of damn fools and rascals, and knowing that he might run short of votes, he has employed from seventy-five to 150 men to work on a railroad switch, near Dexterville, and these men he will vote, and in favor of himself. Mr. Hiles, your record is too plain. The dimes and dollars that you have stolen from the poor man that worked for you ought to satisfy you. If the people of this vicinity pay the order that you issued in 1862, and which now amounts to about $2,500, that ought to be satisfactory to you without any votes.
As to Mr. Powers, it will be useless to tell the people of Wood. Co. that he is an aged, broken down man, a confirmed gambler, and an apt tool for Geo. Hiles. The little record that L.P. Powers made in this country some eight years ago has not been forgotten by the people. It seems to be the general belief that on the 7th day of November next, the voters of this county will go to the polls and cast their votes for two live men, Gardner and Williams, and not for the petrified specimens that are represented by Geo. Hiles and L.P. Powers.
For County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Wood County. If elected, I will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability. T. W. PITTS,
Pittsville, Wood Co., Wis.,
Sept. 29, '82
The Marshfield Times,
Marshfield, Wisconsin
28Oct1882, pg. 8
Weather fine.
Oysters at Ingall's finer.
The new Drug Store finest.
Ingalls has a fine lot of albums.
John Shauer is having a well dug.
Go to Ingall's for stationery.
Are you going to Pelican? is the general cry.
House and lot for sale. Enquire at this office.
Dolls and all kinds of fancy toys at Ingalls.
Some ladies fine Winter Hats, at Mrs. M. Smith's.
Miner & Hinman have moved. They have a nobby store.
Go to Mrs. M. Smith's for your millinery goods.
The murderers of Mead, the Waupaca banker, have not been captured, as was reported.
The popular fall styles of Ladies' and Misses' bonnets, etc., at Mrs. M. Smith's.
The Rev. C.C. Swartz will preach at the Old School House next Sunday, at the usual hour of service.
The payment of the Hiles Order given in 1862, will impose a tax on this town of $1,000.Shall we vote for Hiles?
McCullough's store in Stevens Point, was broken into Monday night, and a lot of clothing, tobacco and groceries taken out.
"The Last Loaf" as given by the members of I.O.G.T., last Saturday evening, was a success. May they continue to do well.
The murder of the Marshal of the city of Horicon was a horrible affair. The perpetrator of the deed has not yet been secured.
The party, known as "The Old Folks' Singing Society," went to Spencer on Tuesday. They report a fine time generally, though the profits were small.
Mrs. G. M. Robinson is prepared to do all work in the Dress Maker's line. Call at the third door south of Erion's Hotel, on Central Avenue.
Everyone is invited to send to James Morgan, Milwaukee, for his Winter Catalogue of Dry Goods, Millinery and Shoes. He buys direct from the manufacturers, and is, therefore, enabled to sell the best qualities at the lowest prices.
Marshfield still continues to boom. A new furniture store will soon be started, likewise a general store, and we understand that the Hub and Spoke factory will be stocked and put in shape to run next season.
A well authenticated report reach us, that an agent, who is not unknown in Marshfield, where he has done considerable business in the line of fire insurance, lessened the supply of ardent spirits on hand at the time of his coming, dealt many a hand at poker, and figured as defendant in a Justice court, extended his business to Dorchester where he insured a house of Mr. H. for $200.After a time the building was consumed by fire, and the agent being notified put in his appearance in due time to settle the lose, when it was found that Mr. H. had lost his policy. As Mr. H. could not remember the amount that his building was insured for, he was induced to believe the agents statement that the amount was $150.He signed a receipt then and there and after some time received $150. Since then Mr. H. has found his policy, and now proposes to collect the $50 his due. If this could be credited to ignorance or forgetfulness on the part of the agent, it would not look so much like a swindling deal.But when it is known that every agent who writes a policy has an exact copy of the wording of it in the "Policy Register" furnished by all companies for that purpose, then the true state of affairs ought to be understood.
On Tuesday we put the saddle and bridle on our $300 horse, and went out for a little ride, also to exercise our steed. When we returned we found that our better half was not at home, and, as it was near supper time, we were somewhat vexed. But when Fred Wharfield invited us over to his house to supper we gracefully accepted and meandered over. On entering the house, we found ourselves in a very respectable crowd of people, who were busily engaged in satisfying the pangs of hunger that each felt.We fell into a chair that was very close to the table, and we must say that the board was well spread. We paid only ten cents for a supper that was well worth half a dollar. These suppers are prepared by the Ladies Aid Society of the M.E. Church, and, boys and girls, old men and women, if you want to help the church turn out and patronize them, they give you the worth of your money.
We would suggest to our druggists, grocerymen, and restaurant keepers, the feasibility [sic] of putting in a stock of dry goods. Competition you know.
The above is taken from the Gazette.
Well, thus it is. We suppose that the next move will be to give us fits for being an editor, painter, politician, Justice of the Peace, chairman of the Town, hostler, and wood splitter, thus monopolizing many occupations. Lets see, the Gazette has interested in it, a doctor, lawyer, Town Clerk, and a man that is engaged in the dry goods business, yet they complain that the firm of C. M. Upham and Bro., are engaged in running a saw mill, selling dry goods, groceries, drugs, fruits, furniture, hardware, wagons, and as we take it are running a restaurant. Well boys, this is only nature. You or we could, would run Marshfield, Wood county, the State, and then we would not be content until we had the whole country under our thumb.
James Bonnet, who is well remembered by the people of this place, met his fate at Thirty-six mile Camp, six miles from Ashland, Thursday, Oct. 19th.Bonnet had not reformed since he left Marshfield, and while engaged in a drunken row, he was shot and almost instantly killed, by one Dan Flatters, a saloon keeper. Bonnet was naturally a quarrelsome fellow and whisky made him almost unbearable.
Mrs. Geo. Ingalls returned home, on Thursday.
W. H. Upham was in Minneapolis this week.
The boss painter, Harry Newman, is in town.
M. W. Bullman, of Romeo, was in town yesterday.
N. L. White, of Waupaca, is visiting A. Goetschious.
We was [sic] glad to see Rev. Mr. Jenkins out on Tuesday.
Mr. Kerr, of Medford, made this office a call, on Tuesday.
Geo. W. Elliott has gone to Loveland, Iowa, to spend the winter.
W. G. Hinman returned, on Wednesday, from a five day's trip south.
C. M. Webb, candidate for State Senator, was in town Monday.
Albert Florence, formerly of the town of Lincoln, has gone to Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crowe, of Stevens Point, are visiting the editor and wife.
Joe Hinman, P. N. Christensen and R. P. Bronson are in town. Politics are booming.
Geo. Williams, of Maple Works, administrator to the Hoover Estate, was in town this week.
C. M. Upham, of Shawano and senior member of the firm of C. M. Upham and Bro., is in Marshfield.
J. McCarty, the Greenback candidate for sheriff, is in town looking after his interests in the coming election.
A. E. Deming went to Stevens Point on Wednesday, and L. C. Herr started for Grand Rapids on the same day.
Jasper Crottean, P. McCamley, and W. T. Jones made a canvass of this section of the county, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr. Whiting, of Grand Rapids, made this office a call on Tuesday. The doctor has practiced medicine in Wood county for twenty-seven years.
Mrs. B. Elvis returned o Marshfield on Wednesday. She has been visiting friends in the southern part of the state during the past five weeks.
C. L. Powers, formerly employed in this office, left for Milwaukee on Monday. He thinks Marshfield is the boss town and we wish him success.
Miss Ella Kelley and Miss E. M. Rowen have gone to Chicago. Miss Kelley goes to visit friends, and Miss Rowen, to purchase a stock of millinery goods.
W. H. Ward of Fremont, who has been in Dakota the past summer, has returned home. He reports business good, and says that he has 240 acres ready to crop in the Spring.
ANGEL--EWELL--MR. WILL ANGEL and MISS EFFIE EWELL were married at the residence of the bride's parents at Nasonville, October 22d, 1882, by G. L. Wood, Esq.
Temperance Saloon.
Jas. Hart has opened a temperance saloon in the building formerly occupied by Miner & Hinman.
We place in our columns in this issue the names of the candidates we shall support at the coming election.
We place the name of J. Hinman as our candidate for Sheriff, because we feel that of all candidates presented he is the most fit for office.
Mr. J.C. Davis, for County Clerk, should receive the support of the Republican party for that office, as he is an honest upright man, and fully competent to perform the duties of the office.
For County Treasurer we place the name of Henry Kuntz on our ticket. We do so conscientiously and consistently. We have long been acquainted with Henry, he is one of our townsmen and has been a good citizen. These reasons together with the fact that Mr. Pitts is out of the county, and also that while claiming to be a Republican he forced his nominations by that party by announcing himself as an independent candidate for the office is sufficient for us to support our townsmen, Henry Kuntz, for County Treasurer. He is a Democrat, but all Democrats are not rascals.
For Register of Deeds, we shall support P.N. Christensen. He has made an efficient officer, and by the prompt attention to his duties he has gained the respect and esteem of all business men of the county, and we do not believe that the people will defeat Mr. Christensen simply to gratify the feeling of revenge that is exhibited by W. T. King.
For Clerk of Court we have the name of R. P. Bronson, an old soldier and good citizen. Mr. Bronson has been in office two years and has proven himself competent to discharge the duties that devolve upon him. We feel confident that he will be elected.
For District Attorney we have a name that is familiar to most of the people of Wood county, Geo. L. Williams. He has been District Attorney for two years and when the people compare his public and private record they will find that it has been weighed and not found wanting. He goes sixteen ounces to the pound, and will be elected by a large majority.
Related Links
Bio: Bonnet, James (1859 - 1882)
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