Clark Co., WI Resources

Chippewa County,
1913 Stanley Saw Mill
Contributed by
Duane Horn.
The sawmill above is the Northwestern
Lumber Co. mill built in 1891. The first log was cut on Dec. 31,1891, the
last one was cut by Sever Sneen on Sept. 14, 1920. The last log drive
was in 1902. The logs were then brought in by rail on the S. M. & P.,
which was built in 1892. The railroad ran across the millpond, the traims
would dump their logs in to soak. The mill was located on the East side of
the pond (Fandry's Park), along with the S. M. & P. roundhouse just north of
the sawmill. The general supply office was on the site of the Isaacs
Implement Co. The horse barns were east of the mill. The office is the site
of the Luggage Factory. The company store was east of the office, on the
north end of Broadway. The planing mill, the loading platforms, and the lath
piles were on the south side of Fourth Ave. Huge piles of sawed lumber were
south of the pond. This info was found in the Stanley centennial book from
1981. Alan Gurtner
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