BioA: Stelzl, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (60th - 1974)

Surnames: Stelzl, Ziehlsdorf, Engstrom, Stapel, Toltzman, Mellenthin, Klein, Hansen, Stecker

----Source: Marshfield News Herald (Wood Co., Wis.) Saturday, 7 Sept. 1974

Stelzl, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (60th Anniv. - 1 Sept. 1974)

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph W. Stelzl, route 2, Spencer, were honored Sunday, Sept. 1, in observance of their 60th wedding anniversary. The couple was married Sept. 9, 1914 in the parsonage of St. John’s Lutheran Church by the Rev. A. F. Ziehlsdorf.

A family dinner was held at the Village Plaza, Spencer, at 12:30 p.m. The table was centered with an anniversary cake, decorated with the top from the original wedding cake. Mrs. Paul (Sharon) Engstrom, Eau Claire, a granddaughter of the Stelzl’s, read Scripture and the couple’s only son, Arnold, led the family in prayer.

From 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. an open house for relatives, friends and neighbors was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stapel, 106 S. Chestnut St., Spencer. For the day’s activities, Mrs. Stelzl wore a corsage of red roses and white carnations and her husband had a red rose boutonniere.

Guests were present from various cities in the state. Herman Toltzman, an attendant of the original wedding, was present for the occasion. Mr. Stelzl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Stelzl, was born in the town of Brighton, Marathon County, Oct. 9, 1888. He was educated in Spencer and Marshfield schools and has lived on the same farm all his life, his parents having moved to the farm from Germany in the early 1880’s.

He is a member of Christ the King Catholic Church, Spencer, a former member of the Brighton School Board and also a former director on the Board of the Farmer’s Co-operative in Spencer, and of which his son, Arnold is now president. He is an avid baseball fan and keeps busy with odd jobs on the farm.

Mrs. Stelzl, the former Ida Mellenthin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mellenthin, was born in the town of Unity, Clark County, on Sept. 29, 1894. She was educated in Spencer schools, is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church and its Ladies Aid. She enjoys working in her garden and both she and her husband belong to the Spencer Senior Citizens Club.

The anniversary couple’s five children are Mrs. Gerhard Klein and Mrs. Walter (Gertrude) Stapel, both of Spencer; Mrs. Richard A. (Adeline) Hansen, Marshfield; Arnold Stelzl, Spencer, and Mrs. Sylvester (Arlene) Stecker, Arpin. There are 18 living grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren.





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